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Dad's coughing and pain

Angie Daughter of Bill

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Hello all! Today is the first day that my Dad has complained of pain in his lung since his diagnosis. He says his chest is a constant dull ache.....not sharp, shooting or severe pain......just constant dull pain. The cough used to be a dry, hacking cough, but today sounds congested...........like a cold or bronchitis. I know that pneumonia is common for lung cancer patients. Is there fever with this? My Dad did have some obstructive pneumonia showing on his CT at diagnosis. My poor Dad is trying to sleep, but he is coughing so. With every cough he is moaning. :cry::cry::cry: Please let me know if this is par for the course or if I should take him to the E.R. Wouldn't you know this would start on a Friday night!!! Thanks!!


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I monitor my lung function (breathing and coughing) very carefully. Pnuemonia is a real hazzard with this disease. I, to, had obstructive pnuemonia when I first was diagnosed. I had a fever with it also.

I'd say keep a close eye on it and if you even THINK you might want to go to the ER ... then go! Better, in this case, to be safe than sorry.


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I say take Dean's advice. I also think that there can be pnemonia (sp) without fever. Not sure though. Seems the same happened to me. I felt pretty good :D until I found out I had lung cancer. It seems the symptoms really aroused then. Not sure why.

Keeping you and yours in my thoughts and prayers.


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And... just to add. There are many things to give him for that cough if it turns out it's not pneumonia. Make them give him something to sleep like a codeine cough syrup and there is a medication he can take in the day for the cough.


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