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Post Pneumonectomy Syndrome?

Fay A.

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Not trying to practice medicine without a license, but I am beginning to suspect that this is what ails me, along with a recurrence of the cancer. If you have any information on treatment (I suspect it would have to be surgical) I would appreciate hearing from you via private message. Thanks,

Fay A.

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Fay- I also had a pneumonectomy and I've been trying to reasearch this syndrome. I can't find much information on it. could you share it with us/me? I have lingering pain/problems and I'd like to understand what is happening. My docs just pat me on the shoulder and tell me that it is normal following surgery to have some pain.... well I want to know more. What are your symptoms/problems? Fell free to e-mail me or post. I'll keep checking.

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Yes, Fay, PLEASE share the "symptoms"! I have been plagued by what can only be described as "stiffness" since surgery, like arthritis, but no pain so to speak. It's not that it hurts to move, it's just darn near impossible - and worst in the mornings or after a full day at my desk. I may have other symptoms that I'm just not paying attention to or not putting together...


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Did any of you all have physical therapy for the shoulder area following your surgeries? I think that stiffness which is likely muscle healing after the surgical insult/tissue removal is what is referred to, and I had a boatload of PT afterwards to help with this ( I also lost a collarbone, so I had double trouble, hence the PT). Similar PT to what is done with women after mastectomies. It should help the stiffness//restricted movement. Won't cure it, but may help a little.

My two cents.



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