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Hi everyone…. My name is tammy and I have been diagnosed with stage 4 non small cell cancer. I have gone thru chemo and had surgery to remove a portion of my lung. It was at that point they found it to be in some of my lymph nodes. I am have radiation on a bone lesion on Wednesday and will be finding out what steps are next. Was pretty optimistic before finding out about lymph nodes. I need to get m survival attitude back. Any advise?



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Hi tammy sorry to hear your news it's a nightmare I do feel for you, I was diagnosed with lung cancer last August with lymph nodes I had chemotherapy and radiotherapy but recently got diagnosed with 2 brain mets which was treated with gamma knife radiosurgery last Thursday I also need to get into survival mode but am struggling to get there so I really feel for you good luck with everything 

Take care Justin x 

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Hi Tammy,

Hang in there. Similar diagnosis, and been on immunotherapy and radiotherapy since October. I have two lymph node lesions and both have shrunk to about a third of what they were, and I am increasingly optimistic that this stuff might actually go away. There are so my new treatments coming out for NSCLC - every few months there is a breakthrough. So hang in there - the road may be long, but nothing with this disease is certain.


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Welcome to our forums and sorry you need to be here.  As Rilke said there are new treatments coming online all the time so please remember to stay optimistic about that.  You'll also be hearing from others with similar diagnosis who are still here among us years later.  The road was not easy, but they made it.  Last bit of advice; "stay away from Dr. Google" regarding prognosis data...there are a number of reasons that many of the prognosis data predictions are not accurate as they are done based on 5-year averages and don't into account weighted calculation for the many advances made in just the past few years.  So please relax and list to others' stories.  You can even look up a few on the "Share Your Lung Cancer Stories".  It can be found here.

I look forward to more chats in the morning.


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  • 3 months later...
On 3/27/2022 at 11:27 PM, LouT said:


Welcome to our forums and sorry you need to be here.  As Rilke said there are new treatments coming online all the time so please remember to stay optimistic about that.  You'll also be hearing from others with similar diagnosis who are still here among us years later.  The road was not easy, but they made it.  Last bit of advice; "stay away from Dr. Google" regarding prognosis data...there are a number of reasons that many of the prognosis data predictions are not accurate as they are done based on 5-year averages and don't into account weighted calculation for the many advances made in just the past few years.  So please relax and list to others' stories.  You can even look up a few on the "Share Your Lung Cancer Stories".  It can be found here.

I look forward to more chats in the morning.


Thanks Lou, haven’t been on here for awhile. My last ct scan showed a nodule in left lung that has increased in size, from 4-8, waiting until September for a recheck.  But three days later I also tested positive for Covid, so hoping that could be the reason. I’m staying positive, meditating a lot. Trying to keep stress down. I’ve done manual lymphatic drainage, acupuncture, and now high dose vitamin c. I’m already a vegan, so not too much to change in my diet. Also doing wheat grass shots daily. Let’s just say I’m not leaving any stone unturned. 

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Good to hear from you again.  This certainly can be a scary and difficult ride.  Having Covid really does suck.  I'm just over it myself and despite hearing how much milder it has become it was still like having a strong flu.  Please do all necessary (it sounds like you're doing good things now) to keep your body fit to fight the Covid and meanwhile you're in my prayers for more positive news from your upcoming September scan.  Stay in touch.


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