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It's that time again (1 year CT Scan)

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Hard to believe last April was my 1st year anniversary of my RLL lobectomy. Of course that means it's CT scan time again (last one was October of last year).


Here's hoping for likewise good results!

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I'm sure it's going to say No evidence for local Recurrence or distant metastasis.  Good luck I know waiting is an anxiety filled part of all our lives.  It gets better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For some reason, I was more anxious (and nervous?) about the results of this scan (I think because it's been a year and not "only" 6 months). Just got off the phone with my pulmonologist and he says the scan shows no concerns, either with the lungs themselves (well, what's left of 'em) nor with the return of my chylothorax (or any other pleural effusion).

Now I can relax for a while!



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