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Hi all,

I wanted to thank you for all your replies. I also wanted to let you all know that my brother will be coming to live with me here in New Hampshire from Maine in May, we hope. I am thrilled that he will be here and I feel I can handle it and help him a lot. He lives 3 hours away right now and that has been hard on me. Can anyone tell me will he lose any of his benifits because he is living with me? I have no health insurance and he has Maine care right now that has covered everything. He was just approved to get SS and has gotten his first check. I know that wont change but I am concerned that New Hampshire wont pick up his medical as he is living with family. Any information would be greatly appreciated. I thank the Lord that Alan is coming to live with my family and that we will be there to see him through it all. Whatever all is. My husband was thinking I may be able to go off my antidepressants now. I know I feel so much stronger on them and can deal with things so much better. I am not sure whether I should try to or not.

What a wonderful group of caring and brave people here and my love and prayers go out to all of you. I believe in miracles!!

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Sorry I didnt welcome you sooner. Sorry we had to meet this way. I am about your brother's age. He is lucky to have such a caring sister. As far as your antedepressents (sp) --maybe it's best to stay on them for the time being--jsut to be on the safe side. I don't know the answers to your financial questions, but I think Norme may be able to help you. I am sure she will post when she sees your post.

Sending lots of good thoughts your way.


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Glad to hear you and your brother will be able to fight together.

As for the antidepressants, ANY change in life, even good ones, are stressful. I'd let things settle a bit before going off the meds. And be sure to ask you dr. for advice - most antidepressants must be cut back gradually.

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Hi Fall,

Welcome! That's good news your brother coming to live with you. It will be good for him and it will help having the support of family. From your picture, you and your brother look strong, loving and close. You can be your brother's advocate. If you come to this site often, you will find alot of answers and support that you will need as you travel this path. If the information can't be found here on this site there are people here that can tell you where to go and look for information. Look at dadstimeon avatar and screenname. He has a wealth of information there. We also have a topic for insurance on the main screen. I am sure you will get help with answers your questions here. I wish I could help you with it, but I can't..

As far as your medicine I agree with the othr post, maybe you can wean off of them. Don't do it all at once and speak to your doctor first...

Wishing you and your family well and always in my prayers. I believe in miracles too. God is good and hears and answers all of our prayers. Keep the faith and hang in there...

Blessings, prayers and gentle hugs,

Karen in So. California

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You have both courage and loyalty to take on the responsibility of your brother's care during this stressful time. The active, caring members of this board can help get you through some of the tough days ahead. Welcome ....and please stop by often. And yes.....I think antidepressants smooth out even the hardest of times. You'll need mental strength in order to help your brother.....and to maintain your own health in the process. Good luck to you....

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Welcome to the family. I would suggest you speak with one of your county social workers or maybe someone at your local hospital to see if your brother will qualify. In some states you, as his caregiver, can receive payment from the state even being related. It is worth checking in to.

Best wishes and God Bless,


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