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Another newbie to your board..HI to All

Guest luluspitefire

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Guest luluspitefire

Hello All, I was DX with nsclc lll B april 15. I look good feel fine and it blew away the oncologists when my MRI came back with 2 small tumours (less than a centimetre in size)...I have no symptoms except for an annoying small cough once in a while.......They already had a plan for radiation and Chemo Combo....now I guess its get rid(by radiation) of the 2 tumours first...then what ??? can they go back to original of radiation & chemo on the lung ??? I', trying to stay on the upbeat and positive and certainly want to beat this beast !!!!! I hate the waiting...


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I am so sorry we had to meet this way. I know how hard the wait is, and I wish you peace and sleep while you wait. How old are you or how young, I guess I mean--loll.

I dont know what the treatment will be, but you might want to ask about RFA for the brain mets, especially since they are small.

Pls keep us posted and know that you have become a member of our family.


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Hello Diane and welcome to the sight. Everyone is real nice here and very supportive. Sometimes it just gives you encouragement reading all the posts. Hope radiation helps you. I had a small tumor 1.8 cm and had to have a lobectomy in January. I seem to be doing all right. Still have some pain frgm surgery but I'm getting used to it. Hope the radiation shrinks the tumors. I didn't feel sick either. I didn't know I had lung cancer. Well sorry you are here under the circumstances but you are very welcome. I'll say a prayer for you.


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Hi Diane and Welcome to the Board NO ONE wants to be a part of.

Just wanted to share with you that I too am/was a Stage IIIB. I'm looking at 9 years of being a survivor come July 25. So, don't give up this fight, it's worth the battle I looked good and felt good to when I was diagnosed. Hummmm!! I never had any warning signs either.

Hang with us, because your going to meet a lot of wonderful new friends here.

Best Wishes,

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Welcome to the board.I was diagnosed on Christmas Eve of last year with NSCLC with mets to several places including the brain.As a matter of fact all my symptoms were related to the brain mets so they were a priority.I had 3 of which one was pretty big.I had whole brain radiation to start with along with decadron and it was a rough experience but kept me alive.The tumors shrunk and I hope they are at bay now.I haven't had any more of those type symptoms anyway.After that they did radiation on my chest because I was quickly loosing my voice due to pressure from a tumor.That worked well too.I have just started chemo.I think your treatment will hinge on the size of the brain mets.Just make sure to get second opinions.The first doctor I saw was a neurosurgeon and he told me there was absolutely nothing that could be done.Luckily I went to a good radiation oncologist.There are several options.Just ask questions and seek other opinions.I am sure others on here will be responding to you as well.Praying for us all.TBone

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