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3rd and 38


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Today is the 3rd anniversary of my small cell lung cancer diagnosis. It is also the 38th wedding anniversary to my college sweetheart and helpmate. Both events have had a profound effect on my life.

I have been inspired by others at this website to write my story about my cancer journey. I posted it in the My Story section. My journey has followed a textbook roadmap with nothing more unusual regarding side

effects than what others have posted. There are many subplots but I felt it would make my story too lengthy to keep the reader interested. But one that I have a lot of fun telling is when I was loosing my hair after the

third chemo treatment. I walked over to the desk of a student who I had known since childhood. I looked him straight in the eye with all seriousness and said “if you don’t get your floor plan design finished by

Friday I’m going to just pull my hair out.” I then reached up, grabbed a handful of hair and pulled. I opened my hand. He was shocked and the other students sat in stunned silence. I laughed, told them about chemo

with this teachable moment and said I would be bald tomorrow. That night I got in the shower and rubbed off the rest of my hair. The next day everyone was saying I looked so cool and looked like Telly Savalas.

Walking through the quad became a real trip for the students.

I am sending thank you cards to all my doctors as each date of significance approaches. I am so thankful for their care. Yesterday I attended the memorial service at our church for a friend who died of lung cancer. He was a highly educated man but didn’t listen to his own body as symptoms began to mount. By the time he had an exam he was Stage IV. We need to be proactive with this disease.

Thank you for your inspiration and information.


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