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2 cancers


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Hi, my mom was dx with chronic myelogenous leukemia in Oct 2002 and with NSCLC in Sept 2003. She is taking Gleevec 200mg for the CML and went through 4 rounds of chemo between Oct 2003-Jan-2004, and is now on Iressa. She is experiencing frequent bouts of diarrhea with the Iressa. A nurse at her hospital suggested taking Iressa every other day. My questions:

1. Does anyone else have both these types of cancer?

2. Is anyone taking Iressa every other day to ease the symptoms of diarrhea?

3. Anyone have any other suggestions to ease the diarrhea?

Thank you,


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Hello, TChin,

I used Iressa as part of a clinical trial a few years ago. We were told to use the over the counter medication Imodium AD to keep the diarreah under control. I don't know if this is contraindicated now, but back then the docs felt it was the best way of dealing with the problem.

I have never heard of anyone being told to take Iressa every other day as a means of controlling adverse symptoms.

Hope your Mom is feeling better very soon. And welcome, though I am sorry you have need to find us.

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Hi TChin,

I'm sorry to hear you mom is having to deal with two cancers. God knows, one is enough. As for Iressa, that should be to fight the lung cancer, and not the effects of diarrhea, at least that's not what I understand Iressa to be used for. It's to fight cancer and I too have not known anyone to be told to take this pill every other day. Did you get this information from you mother? (meaning, second hand)? She may have misunderstood what she was being told. Not uncommon.

Please notify your mom's doctor's of this problem asap. She could dehydrate and you don't want that to happen!

Good luck and good luck to you mom.

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Iressa does cause diarhea. Immodium will help keep the diarhea under control. Like the others , I never heard of taking it every other day as a good solution. Donna G

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Earl had 'very interesting' diarhea when he was on Iressa. I gave him 2 Imodium's each morning and then 2 more every time he had diarhea. The doctor said this was just fine.

Can't imagine going to every other day on the Iressa without the doctor's okay.

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I would not listen to a NURSE about changing the dosing of Iressa, but I would instead talk to the doctor. I have some of the Iressa side affects at times but Immodium helps. There are prescriptions which will help if Immodium doesn't.

In these difficult cirucmstances, please consider second opinions.

Good luck.

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