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Size of tumor?

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Does the size of the tumor mean too much? Dad's tumor was rather large according to the doctor - 5.7x6.3 cm. All I can find on the net refers to tumors of 3 cm or less. It looks to my layman's eye that this tumor has been growing for some time to be that large. Any ideas? And also, thanks so much for the warm welcome. You have been so kind to me. I only hope I can return this kindness and support when I am ready.

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Hi Amy,

Four years ago I had a 6 cm tumor removed along with my upper left lobe. It was nsclc adenocarcinoma. I was staged 1B due to the size of the tumor but did not have chemo or radiation because it hadn't spread (not even any lymph nodes).

My latest bout is sclc and the nodule was only 1cm - having chemo now and will have radiation after that. Don't know if this answers your question but hope so.

Sorry you have to be here but welcome to the family - a bunch of really caring people here. You and your Dad will be in my prayers.


Nancy B

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Cancer cells do not die off like other cells in the body - they grow exponentially, doubling in size with every cell division. I'm fuzzy on how long it takes for complete cell division in certain body cells (it's been a while since I took a biology class), but I remember that different cells divide differently - small-cell divides differently than the non-small cells which also all grow differently. To explain, the 'tumor' begins with one cell. When that one cell divides, there are then two. Two cells then divide to make four, and on and on...

My tumor was almost an inch in size and the oncologist guessed it as 3-5 years of growth. Who knows when that first cell went hay wire, but I sure wish I had had a cut that the darn thing bled out of! :roll:

It would seem to me that any tumor that is found early enough to be in the "colonizing" stage would be a lucky catch (and there are some of those on the board). There has to be some kind of mass to show up on a common x-ray. As I said, my tumor was guessed at 3-5 years old. I had an x-ray of my heart eight months prior to the discovery of my tumor - it did not show up on the x-ray. X-rays are not for soft tissue, the tumor was seen because it was "fogging" my lung. Showed right up on a CT scan, though...

Until the tumor actually interferes with some aspect of the lung, there is no pain, no feeling that there is something wrong, etc.

Right now, I wouldn't focus so much on the water over the bridge aspects, just on what can be done at this moment in time to keep the monster at bay (or get rid of it). Keep the faith, it's now a known enemy and battle plans will be drawn.

Take care,


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That tumor is still of a size to be approached , mine was much larger, I was staged 3 a almost b. It was dead after the chemo/radiation treatment, and very dead when it was removed surgically. I am still here after four years, so you can survive tumors larger than 3 cm.

Good luck with your dad, let us know how things work out for you.



Prayers, MaryAnn

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