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YOUR prayers helping my Father


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Thank you for your recent prayers for my Father. His oncologist appointment went great for him. He is very comfortable with the Dr. and she encouraged him to fight on and fueled his spirit. She was honest but hopeful. He feels like he has a "medical partner" he can trust in his "battle". I praise God for this wonderful Doctor and her outlook. I praise God for all of you. In this short time you have given my family more comfort than you will ever know..my prayers for all of you and your loved ones. Dad has a CAT scan Friday so keep him in your prayers, please....

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My Dad (stage IV) had little or no strength just 4 days ago. He saw the new oncologist yesterday. His attitude is strong and now more positive. Unbelievably, he had the strength to go to my daughters softball game tonight. It was THE BEST thing for him and my daughter. She gets up to bat the first time and Dad forces out a "Go Ange" She nails it and hits it over the fence for the first time ever. She said God carried it over so her Grandpa could see it. I know that your prayers got him to her game. It is a precious memory we will have forever. He stayed the whole game even though it did tire him out. We must all pray for each other and cherish every good minute we have...Sophia88

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Hey Sophia!! wonderful post !

AIN''T LIFE GRAND!!! :lol::lol::lol: Thats great news, your dad must be getting some powerful prayers.; I for one am gonna keep praying for em. He's got atitude!! :):):) and spunk!!

God bless and be well

Bobmc - NSCLC- stageIIB - left pneumonectomy 5/2/01

"absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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