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Crossing the Creek


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Dear Pam,

Thanks to Dean Carl, we were 'turned on' to Crossing the Creek a few months ago. I was so mesmerized by it that I read the entire 'book' one night on the computer screen. When I told TeeTaa about it she bought the download and made copies for all TBone's siblings and a few friends.

You might also be interested in two books we read that were very valuable to us, especially in Terry's last days - Final Gifts byMaggie Callanan and Patricia Kelley (hospice nurses) and Dying Well by Ira Byock (hospice doctor). Although there is nothing that can prepare you for losing a loved one, these three books helped us realize what was going on in Terry's mind and body and therefore made us more aware of his needs. I wish I could say that reading them made losing him easier but of course that is not true. What I can say, however, is that reading them made understanding the dying process a little easier.

Praying for us all,


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You might also be interested in two books we read that were very valuable to us, especially in Terry's last days - Final Gifts byMaggie Callanan and Patricia Kelley (hospice nurses) and Dying Well by Ira Byock (hospice doctor).Praying for us all,


I just picked up both of those books today......I've started Final Gifts and cried through just about everything I've read so far....amazing perspective.

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I have also read "Final Gifts" and It helped me so much to know what to expect and what was happening as it happened. I have heard of many people that have experienced almost all of what is described as the dying process. My brother however did not. A week or so before he died he did tell his wife he had talked to his Uncle Ed and she thought nothing of it. She just thought it was a relative she didnt know. My Uncle Ed has been gone quite a few years and when my brothers wife asked about him we told her. That was our only indication that he was starting the dying process. Alan went down hill very quickly and peacefully. He was also not in any pain. I thank the good Lord for that.

I would recomend 'Final Gifts" to any caregiver or relative / friend that may spend time with your loved one in his/her final days or weeks. I have also read some of Crossing the creek online but have not read the book. Another book that was highly recomended was "On death and dying". I have the book but never got a chance to read it before my brother passed away. I am just not up to reading it now but I know I will someday.

We as layman just dont have the knowledge of the process unless we read something like these books.

God Bless Us all,


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