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Hello everyone, I did get my hubby in to doctor yesterday and he upped his vicodan to 2 pills every 4 hrs. and he is scheduling him for a MRI, Rich seems some what better today with the new dosage thank god as for my brother they did a test on his right lung yesterday to see how strong it is and he passed the test, if the pet scan on the eighteenth shows no lyph node involvment the they will go in and remove part or all of his left lung they released him from the hospital this morning my niece just called me to let me know so we just wait and see what the pet scan shows. Thanks everyone for your kind responses and I feel a little better my self today I took a long bubble bath last nite and went to bed early slept a bit better last nite and today I i have my 2 grand daughters age 8 and 3 here to cheer me up and help with their papa. Thanks again everyone will keep you posted on both. God bless you all Charolette

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