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More bad news-- the unthinkable...

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I am sorry your dad has reached this point in his treatment. Did you say how old he is? I know it is hard right now...was with my mother, but since he was reacting so violently to the chemo it is probably for the best. I have you in my prayers.


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I can only say that my heart goes out to you. Only 3 weeks ago I sat beside my father's bed trying to come to terms with what was happening to him. It was scary, confusing, frustrating, painful, overwhelming.

Just keep doing what you're doing. Love is powerful. It will get you through this.


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Just keep letting him know you love him and keep him comfortable as can be. Just sitting there and holding their hand means so much. God Bless your family and keep your faith that God will take him to paradise when its time to go...........

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