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Watch tonight 9/8 UP IN SMOKE

Donna G

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Just saw on ABC morning news talk of show on tonight- Peter Jennings Reporting- callled UP IN SMOKE . Sounds like if will really be interesting. They said 36% of Americans still smoke. "PREPARE TO BE DISTURBED" It is on 10 PM eastern, 9 PM central. They are going to zero in on especially what Florida has done with the tobacco settlement , Money used for other things than health care, prevention, etc. He said some senator, I think McCain, wanted to set up federal control of tobacco industry, if all agreed the advantage to tobacco would be that litigation against the industry would be limited to $6.5 BILLION A YEAR. Can you imagine that they spend more than that now! Where is all the money going? $6.5 Billion it seems could certainly fund some very good research into lung cancer. Donna G

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O I forgot, another day to Party! This is our 36th Wedding Anniversary, the 7th one since I was diagnosed with lung cancer. Remember , I was only a child when we got married. Hee Hee. So another good day for a Happy Dance. Donna G

PS My husband just called from work , my present is at the Toyota dealer- A fence for inside the car to keep my 2 mix border collies from jumping over the seats when we go to the dog park. How romantic.

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I audited state government in Florida for a couple of years, and was way too close to the politics there to be surprised by anything those clowns do with anything. They set up a lottery to enhance education and then use the lottery money as an excuse to reduce the other sources of funding so that actual school spending actually went down. I am sure they have done something like that here, too.

But, after all, it is not like health or good schools are important to the people.

Oops, my liberal side is showing more than I usually like ...

Back to work. This does sound like an interesting program.


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Business as usual....how disgusting. It would be nice if there could be just a LITTLE uproar over all this, but, no, I suppose people will watch the programme, say "What a shame", and go on as before....

Anyway, have a really happy anniversary dance, Donna and a great party! 7 years -- that's truly impressive and encouraging and, and, and...well, you know.


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