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Tender Veins


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Anyone have any info on veins hurting after chemo. Thursday when I was being infused the entry site in the back of my hand stated stinging, then it moved up my arm and at one point became quit severe. Finally they moved the port to the other arm. Today my hand and arm, as I follow the vein up, are hurting and beginning to swell. The entry point on the other arm is also tender. This has never happened before and it was the same, Gemzar, treatment I’ve been getting. I appreciate any information anyone has.



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You should call your Onc's office. These drugs can be damaging to tissue and there is always the chance of infection. I'm not a doctor, but what you have described is exactly what my chemo nurse warned me to watch for and report immediately. Not trying to be an alarmist, but there are just some things that shouldn't be put off. Anything to do with your veins is one of them.

This is why I elected to have a port-a-cath implanted.

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Thanks for the response. I did call the Oncs. office and my doc happened to be on duty and called me. He wasn’t concerned and said it was too early for an infection. He said if it gets any worse to call back or see my primary, bla bla bla. Its amazing how they scare the hell out you but when you call as instructed, its like, oh no problem.

I have heard also that chemo is bad stuff to have leak out. I would have liked to hear that they would put a saline or something in to dilute, but. I think once it is in and if it has leaked you are pretty much stuck with it, that’s just my thought though.

I also think, based a little on what a nurse told me, that because I have used the same vein for 4 months that the vein has become compromised, weakened, and maybe is leaking. That would answer why the pain is following the vein up through my arm.

I have been fortunate during my chemo to have more positive stuff and had little side effects so I guess this just goes with the territory.



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Bo, some chemotherapy is dangerous if it leaks out of veins (they are called "vesicants") and some are annoying if they leak out of veins ("irritants"). Gemzar falls into the latter category. You are developing what sounds like phlebitis which is inflammation of the vein. You should hot pack the tender area at least three times a day, that will help it recover more rapidly. It will likely become red if it hasn't already but it will get better. The vein may stay discolored for weeks after the symptoms go away.

Have they talked to you about a port? It would probably make your life a lot easier.

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If I read this correctly Gemzar is an irritant which is better than vesicants. Interesting in that the entry was in the back of my hand and the pain has followed my vein around to the underside of my arm, there is a red flow about an inch long at the area where the fold in the arm is, where blood is often taken.

If in fact it is phlebitis will that affect veins further from the entry point or will it likely stay close to where the drug has been infused.

I like the part where you said it will get better. Does oncodoc imply that you are and oncodoc

Thanks all for the info.


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Thanks everyone for the Info.

I think it may have been the slow drip that created the problem, as both arms are tender. At one point, according to the nurse, it was slowed to a three hour infusion, . Drip Drip.

The hurt peaked last night so it did get better.

This kind of info is so valuable.



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