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  1. Ann


  2. Ann


    During a recent password audit, it was found that a blonde was using the following password: MickeyMinniePlutoHueyLouieDeweyDonaldGoofy When asked why such a big password, she said that it had to be at least 8 characters long. PS if you're blonde and don't get it, just move on and don't give it another thought...
  3. Good morning, all. Michelle.....so sorry that you were awake at 2:00 am but glad "The Air" got an early start. You know, you're probably going to really soar ahead of me in Cafe World, as I'm getting really tired of cooking...lol!!! I keep trying to tell my self that I'm not addicted to that little game but I've not been very convincing. High here today is supposed to be 80 with rain moving into the area tonight. I was really glad yesterday was nice so that the shuttle got to fly. I stepped outside my office to see the launch. Funny how we've become so accustomed to watching that big bird take launch. I'm really going to miss seeing the launches when the program ends. I'm also very concerned about all of the workers that will be laid off. Has anyone ever gone to a Dove chocolate party? I went to one last night and I have to tell you that it was sinful! I haven't had chocolate for over three months and last night I caved in and had fruit dipped in their melting chocolate. OMG !!! They also have a product called chocolatini that you add vodka to for a chocolate martini. You have to try one. It's a great sipping drink. I hope everyone has a great day in your corner of this big old world! Ann
  4. A True Louisiana Ghost Story: This happened about 6 months ago on Louisiana highway 57 just outside of Ducal, a little town In the bayou country of Louisiana, and while it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale, it's real. An Ohio businessman, Saul Rubin, abandoned his disabled vehicle on the side of the road, and attempted to hitchhike. The night was pitch black dark in the middle of a thunder-storm. Time passed slowly and no cars went by. It was raining so hard he could hardly see his hand in front of his face. Suddenly, through the sheets of rain, he saw a car moving slowly, approaching and appearing Ghost like in the rain. It slowly and silently crept toward him and stopped. Desperately needing a ride, Saul jumped in the car and closed the door, only then did he realize that there was no one behind the wheel, and no sound of an engine to be heard over the rain. Again the car crept silently forward and Saul was terrified, too scared to think of jumping out and running. He saw that the car was approaching a sharp curve and, still too scared to jump out, he started to pray and beg for his life, he was sure the ghost car would go off the road and into the bayou and he would then drown! But just before the curve, a shadowy hand appeared at the driver's window, reached in and turned the steering wheel, guiding the car safely around the bend. Then, just as silently, the hand disappeared through the window and Saul was alone again. Paralyzed with fear, Saul Watched the hand reappear every time they reached a curve. Finally, scared nearly to death, Saul had all he could take, jumped out of the car, and ran to town. Wet and in shock, he went into Schmoopy's. With his voice quavering, he ordered two cups of coffee, black, and then told everybody about his supernatural experience. The room became silent and everybody got goose bumps when they realized Saul was telling the truth (and that he was not just some drunk). About 30 minutes later two Cajuns, dripping wet, walked into Schmoopy's and one says to the other, "Look, Boudreaux, der's dat idiot what rode in our car when we wuz pushin' it in the rain!"
  5. Michelle....I'm glad I offered you some motivation to bust your butt at your Cafe!!! See...hard work really does pay off. Anyway....I'm really glad we're neighbors. I know what you mean about all of the politics involved with these organizations. I'm about to the point of being completely burned out. Judy...Good luck with the dieting. I've lost 24 pounds in 2 months and have had a fairly easy time of it. I have just been trying to keep my daily caloric intake at 1200 calories and I have been losing easily. Of course, the doc had to get my thyroid in sync and I think that has helped a lot, too. I haven't been doing any exercising....other than walking Tanner. I plan on starting the gym next week to take this up a notch. The whole wheat pasta is good. I can give you a wonderful tip that helps to overcome cravings for sweets. Frozen grapes. Just rinse them off, take them off the stems and pop them in the freezer. They make a wonderful, healthy snack and you can't eat them too fast when they're frozen. They have helped me overcome the chocolate and ice cream cravings. Let me know if you need a weight loss buddy!!!
  6. Michelle, I can't believe you're thinking about cooking dinner after all the cooking you're doing on cafe World...lol!!! You wanted me to take a couple of days off from the cooking and now you're ahead of me. It's my kind of day here on Florida's space coast. It's overcast and it looks as if it could start snowing if the temperature would drop about 40 degrees. The high for today is supposed to only be 70, which is really cool for us. It's so funny how everyone is wearing their winter clothes today, which means they either have on long sleeves or are wearing a sweater. I love this time of year and this cooler weather. I'm also happy because today is Thursday and that means my favorite day of the week is fast approaching. I live for the weekends but this is one weekend that I am not so excited about. Saturday, my grandaughter will be three years old and Nana, having taken a cake decorating class recently, volunteered to make her birthday cake. since she wants Blue's Clues for her theme, I bought a Blue's cake pan online and thought I was all set. Well, she wants magenta and getting the exact color and making this cake look like a dog had been quite a challenge. The pan has all of these nice little lines that outline the dog's features, but, when you turn the cake out of the pan it's hard to see the lines. So, I'm no artist and this has been a real PITA for me. I have baked two cakes already as trial runs and the second one did look like a dog....lol. AFter the party, I have to rush to my American Legion Post and start cooking for a chicken & dumplings dinner that night. In addition to the chicken & dumplings, we're having southern style green beans, coleslaw and corn muffins. After dinner, we're having a pie and cake auction and then we're going to dance the night away to a great band. All of the proceeds are going to a home for abandoned, neglected and abused kids, so all the work will be worthwhile. Then, on Sunday I will be attending a celebration of life for a dear friend that passed away last week. So...my weekend in a nutshell. Anyone want to come to Florida and help cook??? Ann
  7. Way to go guys!!! Keep those posts coming our way!!!
  8. Ann

    Larry Heron

    So very sorry for the loss of your friend, Bruce.
  9. Good morning everyone. Judy...I love the new picture !!! I can relate to your vow about staying away from the farm for a day. I have had to do the same with my diner at cafe World. I'm convinced that there has to be something very wrong with me, since no one in their right mind would like to cook, clean stoves and move tables around all day. But, I must admit that I'm hooked. The weather is really nice this morning on Florida's east coast. The temps are in the 70's today but the high for tomorrow is only supposed to be 70. We have rain rolling in later today and a cold front is right behind the rain. I hope the rain holds off long enough so the many people participating in Veterans Day parades and events stay dry. Normally, I would be marching in the local parade but I have to work today. I hope everyone has a great day and my hat's off to all the VETERANS that have sacrificed so much to serve the USA and keep us free!!!
  10. Ann

    Friday's Air

    I think our Judy must have had too much wine yesterday, while sitting on the turnpike waiting for a flat tire to be changed. So, I thought I'd open up the windows and let Friday's Air blow in!!! Yes...FRIDAY...my very favorite day of the week!!! I hope everyone is having a great day and I really think Kasey and Fred should open up the bar and let's have a FINALLY FRIDAY party. So, if you're reading this, Kasey or Fred, set me up with a Captain Morgan and Diet Coke and I'll be a happy camper. The weather is beautiful here today and our day began with temps in the mid 60's. Last night I had my windows open and the A/C off. I know the electric company hates seeing this time of year arrive....too cool for the A/C and not cold enough for the heat. But, I can't sympathize with them for even a second, as their rates are outrageous and I hate paying that bill every month!!! So...let's all knock at Fred and Kasey's door and see if the bar is OPEN. Ann
  11. So beautiful, Lil. I truly know where you're coming from and I think I feel enough pain for the both of us right now!!!!
  12. Judy....Thanks for sharing this great news with us. I've been watching the clock and sitting here on pins and needles waiting to here!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!
  13. I'm right there with you Paulette and would love to drive a car in NASCAR !!! Right now, I'm so excited to have heard on the news this morning that Danica Patrick is close to closing a deal to drive for Junior!!! Danica Patrick and Dale Earnhardt, Jr. close to inking deal By Mark J. Miller “DanicaIndyCar Racing League driver Danica Patrick is finally going to get a dose of NASCAR. She's apparently very close to signing a two-year deal with the team run by Dale Earnhardt, Jr.: JR Motorsports, according to ESPN. The negotiations are supposedly "in the final phase" and it will mean that Patrick takes a NASCAR wheel for the first time when next February's Daytona 500 rolls around. So she'll race full-time for Andretti Green Racing in IndyCar and part-time for JR in NASCAR. Both Earnhardt and Patrick have some sponsorship dollars from GoDaddy.com. Sports Illustrated was reporting that Patrick was looking to snag $300,000 per race in NASCAR, no mater if it's Nationwide or Camping World Truck Series races. But it's not likely that she's getting that kind of dough. Source: ESPNNew WindowSports IllustratedNew Window Oh....I think I would try and get an endorsement for Diet Pepsi and I would also get sponsors for lung cancer research, with money going to LUNGevity!!!
  14. Ann


    For those of you that have lost loved ones, I imagine you can relate to this post. One of the things that has really bothered since losing Dennis in 2002, is the fact that people, other than my children, don't talk about him with me. It makes me feel as if they don't remember that he ever existed. Maybe they don't talk to me for fear that their thoughts and words will hurt me and bring on a lot of pain. What people don't understand is that the pain is always there and the talking and remembering seems to ease the pain. I remember that Dennis once said, not long before he died, "every time you think of me, I will be alive." I'm not sure if that is something he heard or read somewhere, but I will never forget his words. I try to think of him every single day and in doing so, I am keeping him alive in my heart. On Sunday, I was registering entries for a chili cook-off and when I asked for the first names of a couple, I raised my head at their answer. These two were very good friends of my husband's, as both of the men were in the plumbing business. When Dennis became ill, they had just adopted a baby. This baby is now a beautiful young lady and looking at her made me realize just how much time has passed since I lost Dennis. Anyway, it was so nice to hear these people talk about Dennis!!! They told me how often they think of him and how much they miss him. This little conversation did my heart so much good, for I realized that he had not been forgotten!!! So, if you see someone that has lost the love of their life, please talk to them and keep the love alive.....if only in their hearts!!!
  15. Lillian...thanks so much for this post!!!
  16. Sue, I am so sorry that I am just now reading this post now, since Mike and I shared the same birthdate....both October 30th babies!!! I hope you had some very special memories of past birthdays that you shared with Mike. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Sue))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  17. Dean Carl was a truly remarkable man and I believe he changed the way that many board members thought about death and the dying process. Like others, I talked to Dean Carl and Gay many times on the phone and I was always amazed at his ability to have such a positive outlook, considering all that he was dealing with. I am so glad that this month is OUR SPECIAL MONTH and is truly a time to remember our lost friends and loved ones!!!
  18. I think this is terrible propaganda and because it's coming from a doctor's mouth makes it even worse!!! Try convincing all of us that the cancer that has touched out lives, was brought on by ourselves!!! I think we should all write this so-called expert a letter!!!!
  19. If you could play one professional sport, what would it be? What product would you receive an endorsement contract for?
  20. Judy, I'm saying lots of prayers this morning and doing a lot of clock watching with you! Michelle....so sorry your ISP was down. I get so ticked off when that happens to me. It seems like there is always something that you really need to be doing online when it's down. Sorry that your sleep wasn't better. Things will get better. I know it doesn't seem that way now, but they will. Lillian....only an hour on the puter this morning????? How can you manage that with all the great friends you have online???? Wow...that North Texas weather sounds great. We've cooled down a bit but are still going to be in the 80's today. I want sweatshirt weather!!! Can someone send some cool temps my way??? I had a real treat last night and had the grandbabies at my house for dinner and playtime. They are so precious and they always bring a huge smile to my face, regardless of the kind of day I've had. Hope everyone has a great day!!!!
  21. Ann

    Can't sleep :(

    Michelle..... To merely say "hang in there" sounds no words of any real substance but, from my experience, that's about all you can do right now. I would just hang in and hold on with each passing day and after a while, seems seemed to get a little easier and although the pain has never really stopped, it's not quite as strong as it was 7 years ago. At this point, there are no words that are really going to make you feel completely better. You yearn for life as it was before losing the love of your life. I found that, rather than listening to words from others, I felt better after talking to a friend and just letting my raw feelings all roll out. Luckily, I have a friend that is a very good listener and I have talked about a million hours since 2002. There are times now, that I call her up and go over all the details, 7 years later. Please know that we are here for you and are all ready to listen. So...just shout out when you need us!!! Ann
  22. Yesterday, we talked about our favorite breakfast food, so today, I thought we might as well carry on with lunch. Today, we're coming to your house for lunch and you're going to serve us up your favorite lunch time fare!!! What's it going to be? I'm starving!!!
  23. I was so hungry when I posted this yesterday and I'm very glad I didn't read all your posts until today. Otherwise, I think I would have blown my diet really big time. All of your breakfasts sounded so yummy!!! Judy....I'm ready to head to the Keys right now, so have your hubby on standby!!! I love breakfast....both cooking and eating. Biscuits and gravy are a definite must!!! I love bacon, crispy, and I love scrambled cheese eggs. I have to confess that I'm a really big fan of Waffle House cheese eggs. I have a friend here that also loves their eggs and when she and I want to have a night time breakfast, our husbands hate taking us there. A friend told me the secret to getting the WH eggs is to use Cheese-Whiz to the scrambled eggs!!! I tried it and it's perfect!!!
  24. Wow....a new doctor in the house....how exciting for you, Janet!!! I know how very proud you must be!!! Add my name to the ever growing list of people that didn't sleep well last night. I had a rough meeting last night and made the mistake of taking all the uproar home with me. I woke up this morning feeling like I had been running a marathon all night , so today is going to be a tough one to get through. Judy, I'm sorry you're chilly but I have to say I love the temperatures in the 70's. If you need more sweaters, I think I have several I can pack up and send you, as I seem to never even need a sweater anymore. I'm sure you have plenty more days in the 80's once you get home. I'm saying lots of prayers for great results tomorrow!!! Lillian...sorry to hear you had some tummy issues. With all you've been dealing with, this might be more than a food issue. Stay calm and count to ten a lot!!! Michelle....you're doing great on Cafe World. I have no idea why I like that little game so much but I'm totally addicted. Maybe it's because I always thought I'd like to have my own little diner. You guys are all doing a great job with keeping LC in the news at Facebook. Let's keep it up!!! People need to know!!! Ann
  25. Ann

    Hot and Cold

    After his examination, the doctor said to the elderly man: 'You appear to be in good health. Do you have any medical concerns you would like to ask me about?' 'In fact, I do.' said the old man. "After I have sex, I am usually cold and chilly; and then, after I have sex with her the second time, I am usually hot and sweaty." After examining his elderly wife, the doctor said: 'Everything appears to be fine.. Do you have any medical concerns that you would like to discuss with me?' The lady replied that she had no questions or concerns. The doctor then said to her: 'Your husband had an unusual concern.. He claims that he is usually cold and chilly after having sex with you the first time; and then hot and sweaty after the second time. Do you know why?' "Oh, that crazy old devil'' she replied. 'That's because the first time is usually in January, and the second time is in July.
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