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Tom Galli

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Tom Galli last won the day on May 24

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About Tom Galli

  • Birthday 09/23/1950

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  • Status
    Lung cancer patient/survivor
  • Interests
    Author of Scanziety, an ebook published on Amazon. Scanziety: A Retrospection of a Lung Cancer Survivor https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01JMTX0LU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_g3pbDbH0T8E64

    Treatment History--5 lines of treatment: presurgical chemoradiation (Taxol & Carboplatin with 30 sessions of fractional radiation); right pneumonectomy; 6 cycles Taxol & Carboplatin; 6 more cycles Taxol & Carboplatin in combination with Tarceva; and Cyberknife precision radiation.

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  1. Hi!  So, we went to see the radiation oncologist and he wants to 6 weeks of therapy and an MRI of the brain...just to check.  He says we are hoping to cure this.  So far all of the doctors, when asked, say "it looks like NSCLC" and "it looks like squamous"  Why do they not answer in the definitive?  Is this normal?  The next appoints are Jan 3--medianscopy, Jan 4--medical oncologist, Jan 5--simulation, and somewhere in there the MRI--to be scheduled.

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    2. ngc4au


      Thank you so much for your answer.  I guess that is what is so confusing.  There have been multiple biopsies...needle biopsy, then an EBUS with a biopsy that definitively showed cancer and Biodesix---the liquid biopsy.  I am going to ask after the medianscopy about the exact stage and type.  I think we just wanted to put it out of our minds during Christmas.  One more thing--does bronchoscopy cause shortness of breath?  The radiation oncologist said that it could/did and he has had two within a relatively short period of time.  It is just that prior to diagnosis--no noticeable shortness of breath and now after the bronchoscopy and EBUS...he seems to be very short of breath after walking any distance.


      Thank you so much!!!

    3. Tom Galli

      Tom Galli

      I've had perhaps a dozen bronchoscopies.  I never experIenced shortness of breath after, just a sore throat. But, everyone reacts a little differently so perhaps they didn't cause me shortness of breath  

      If you've had multiple biopsies, it is unusual for uncertainty about cancer, yes or no, and if yes, the type. Normally the pathology exam is proforma. Perhaps the needle biopsy didn't get a good sample but they normally get two or three tumor samples. Something strange is going on. I'd ask for copies of the pathology reports. They are pretty easy to understand. 

      Are you being treated in the US?

      Stay the course.


    4. ngc4au


      Yes, he is.  We are in Alabama. My father does not fly and would never consider international medical care.  Tomorrow is the mediastinoscopy.  Thank you for all your help!!

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