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Everything posted by nikkala

  1. Haylee, Oh my God, they are soooo cute. I am a major cat lover and you really made my day. Thanks so much for sharing and feel free to post anymore cute pics of those babes. I've been there for births and what an amazing experience. Congrats!!!
  2. Sage Advice (from children, ages 7-16): Never trust a dog to watch your food. Patrick, Age 10 When you want something expensive, ask your grandparents. Matthew, Age 12 Never smart off to a teacher whose eyes and ears are twitching. Andrew, Age 9 Wear a hat when feeding seagulls. Rocky, Age 9 Sleep in your clothes so you'll be dressed in the morning. Stephanie, Age 8 Never try to hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk. Rosemary, Age 7 Don't flush the toilet when you dad's in the shower. Lamar, Age 10 Never ask for anything that costs more than five dollars when your parents are doing taxes. Carrol, Age 9 Never bug a pregnant mom. Nicholas, Age 11 Don't ever be too full for dessert. Kelly, Age 10 When your dad is mad and asks you, "Do I look stupid?" don't answer him. Heather, Age 16 Never tell your mom her diet's not working. Michael, Age 14 Don't pick on your sister when she's holding a baseball bat. Joel, Age 12 When you get a bad grade in school, show it to your mom when she's on the phone. Alyesha, Age 13 Never try to baptize a cat. Laura, Age 13 Never spit when on a roller coaster. Scott, Age 11 Never do pranks at a police station. Sam, Age 10 Beware of cafeteria food when it looks like it's moving. Rob, Age 10 Never tell your little brother that you're not going to do what your mom told you to do. Hank, Age 12 Remember you're never too old to hold your father's hand. Molly, Age 11 Listen to your brain. It has lots of information. Chelsey, Age 7 Stay away from prunes. Randy, Age 9 Never dare your little brother to paint the family car. Phillip, Age 13 Forget the cake, go for the icing on the cake. Cynthia, Age 8
  3. Margaret, I am so sorry things are getting so rough so fast. I am going thru the same thing with my Gram but I know that is not the same as a husband. My prayers are going out to you. I am glad to hear that hospice has been such a help and at least he is being kept comfortable. Make sure to take time for you Margaret. I will go right now to www.gratefulness.org and light a candle for you and hubby. ((((GREAT BIG HUGS))))
  4. This is GREAT news Cathy. You keep fighting girl and don't let them give up on you.
  5. THE LORD'S PRAYER A mother was teaching her 3-year-old the Lord's prayer. For several evenings at bedtime she repeated it after her mother. One night she said she was ready to solo. The mother listened with pride as she carefully enunciated each word, right up to the end of the prayer. "Lead us not into temptation," she prayed, "but deliver us some e-mail, Amen."
  6. MY FOOTSTEPS? An acquaintance of mine who is a physician told this story about her then-four-year-old daughter. On the way to preschool, the doctor had left her stethoscope on the car seat, and her little girl picked it up and began playing with it. Be still, my heart, thought my friend, my daughter wants to follow in my footsteps! Then the child spoke into the instrument: "Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?"
  7. Well we finally got my Gram on Fenegren for her nausea. The doc gave it to her in a liquid. We also got the duragesic patch for pain. She is at least as comfortable as she can be today after a very rough weekend. We are meeting with hospice at her house tonite. I will be grateful for any help we can get from them. Thank you all for your support.
  8. nikkala

    Prayers Please

    Thank you all for your replies and your prayers. I called the Oncs office this morning and they said since they didn't give her anything that would make her sick she would have to call her general doc. I was really upset about this but anyway I got her in to see her Gen doc and he gave her an antinausea liquid med and also the pain patch. He is calling hospice today so they should be in in the next couple of days. He said he can handle everything thru his office since she is not getting any treatments so I canceled her next onc appt and will just call the Gen doc if we need anything else but I imagine once hospice comes in they will help with things. Thank you all again.
  9. nikkala

    Prayers Please

    Thank you all. I will call the Onc mon morn to ask if he can give her something for the nausea and also if maybe the pain patch would be better for controlling her pain. We have not yet signed up with hospice as she doesn't want a stranger coming into her home. I think I will be relieved when they get involved as I will have someone to ask questions and stuff. Thank you all for your prayers.
  10. Thanks Donna, I only have you all for support right now and that is enough. I have little family and 2 kids. My hubby works 12 hr days so just gotta get by. For some reason my Gram doesn't want hospice right now. She really doesn't want a stranger coming into her house. I know she probably needs it but I can't force anything on her. I will call the doc first thing Mon morn and ask about something for her nausea as she spent all day yesterday vomiting. I will also ask about the pain med patch. Thanks for all your help.
  11. nikkala

    Prayers Please

    I am asking for prayers for my Gram. She has Adenocarcinoma IV with mets to liver, adrenal, vocal cord and I think maybe brain. She has chosen no treatment other than pain control and things are getting real tough. She is not eating anymore other than a little ensure. She was vomiting all day yesterday and is starting to get confused. She is also having alot of pain which the meds don't completely help. Please pray that the Good Lord will come and wrap his loving arms around my Gram and take her home. She is really starting to suffer and it is unbearable to watch. She is at peace with dying and just doesn't want to continue on like this. Please pray for her.
  12. Anais, I lost my mom to Lc almost 10 yrs ago and although I don't dwell on it some days I find myself soo sad and feeling like my right arm is missing. May I suggest a book called Motherless daughters. It has helped me alot over the years to understand the "normal" feelings. You're not alone girl.
  13. I have been doing the same thing and I think it's normal. And good in a way because it may make us say the things that should be said and appreciate things a little more. Imagine what life would be like if we all lived each day like it was our last...
  14. I would like a shot called buttery nipple. It has butterscotch schnopps and baileys irish creme. Thanks!
  15. Thanks Dean . I will ask them about a support group for me but I just don't know if I have time for it to be honest. I have 2 kids who are busy and another Gram who is a stroke victim that I take care of so I am spread pretty thin. I am very grateful hospice will be involved and appreciate all your help. It is good to hear some things from a patients point of view and I appreciate yuo being so honest and open. Will keep you posted. Thank you again.
  16. Well my Gram finally got her official diagnosis. She has extensive adenocarcinoma stage 4 with mets to adrenal gland, liver and bones and vocal cords. She met with an onco on Fri and he was very nice and straightforward with her. He respected her wishes for no treatment and will be hooking us up with hospice so she can at least have some pain management. She is in alot of pain now so I hope we get this going quick. She is not able to eat anything and just drinks a little ensure. She has handled her diagnosis very well and just wants it to all be over with. We talked about her wishes and what she wants and doesn't want. Now I just pray that the Good Lord will not let her suffer for long. I thank you all for your support and answers to my unanswerable questions. I hope I can handle all of this as well as she is.
  17. Well my Gram finally got her official diagnosis. She has extensive adenocarcinoma stage 4 with mets to adrenal gland, liver and bones and vocal cords. She met with an onco on Fri and he was very nice and straightforward with her. He respected her wishes for no treatment and will be hooking us up with hospice so she can at least have some pain management. She is in alot of pain now so I hope we get this going quick. She is not able to eat anything and just drinks a little ensure. She has handled her diagnosis very well and just wants it to all be over with. We talked about her wishes and what she wants and doesn't want. Now I just pray that the Good Lord will not let her suffer for long. I thank you all for your support and answers to my unanswerable questions. I hope I can handle all of this as well as she is.
  18. For me the most helpful things were someone just handing me a card and not saying anything or bringing something to eat. And when someone would just say "I'm here if you need me" I loved it when someone would tell me something about my mom.
  19. Thanks Snowflake. That is very interesting. I hope that is something that may help Lauras mom. My Gram unfortunately has a bad bile taste and can't eat anything without the taste so I don't know if it would do her any good but I will look into it. Thanks
  20. I am going thru a similar thing with my gram so I know how very hard this is to watch. I don't want to sound like a jerk but is there a "medical marijuana" I have heard marijuana really boosts the appetite. Sorry to not be more help but wanted you to know you're not alone. Hang in there.
  21. nikkala

    lighting candles

    I hope it is ok or legal to share this here. Just wanted to share this site with you all. Sometimes it feels good to take a minute and light a candle for someone we are thinking of or praying for. Please see the site below. http://gratefulness.org/candles/enter.cfm
  22. Thank you Dean, I am so glad to hear hospice has been so good to you and Gay. We are waiting to "finally" get an official diagnosis from the bronchoscopy on Fri. We should hear on Tues and then we should be able to get hospice care. I am a trained Nurses Aide so I do know a little of what to watch for and stuff I guess it's just different when it's someone you love. I'll let you know what I find out on Tues. Thank you again.
  23. How about "At least she's not suffering anymore" Grrrr
  24. This is Great!! They should hand this out at all funerals. I can remember when my mom died I wanted to smack a few people. Thanks for sharing.
  25. Thank you both for your answers. I do want to say my Gram is at peace with dying. She lost her hubby(my grampa) to Lung Cancer 8 yrs ago after a 50 yr marriage that most people only dream of. Since then she has longed to be with him again and is almost relieved at the thought of dying. I am not nagging her about treatment as I TOTALLY understand and respect her wishes and she talks about it all very openly with me. I think it is more me being scared of how she will die. Like should I be watching her problems with her mind and should I call an ambulance if she starts gasping for air and will that happen all of a sudden or is it gradual. She has a living will and wants no life saving measures at all. Will her heart give out from the oxygen deprivation? Will she just start gasping? I am starting to sound a little crazy so I better stop here. Thank you again. By the way Dean, I have read so many of your inspiring posts and just want to say Thanks.
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