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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Welcome Darla, and thanks for coming and bringing such great news- 2+ yrs survivor. We love good news. Donna G
  2. Great work! Get the word out. There are plenty of people out there who need support. Donna G
  3. Donna G

    I made it

    Estrea , love all that good news! I am so happy for you. Donna G
  4. Welcome, when I was just 50 I went to the doctor because I had chest pain and shoulder pain and was expecting an ortho consult but the doctor ordered a xray and low and behold it did show a tumor in the apex of my right lung. I had chemo, and radiation then was able to have surgery then more chemo , it has been over 5 yrs now since I finished treatment. When you talked about the pain I just knew you had a tumor in the apex, it is typical to have pain and everyone I thought it was ortho type thing, one guy I know went to a chiropractor for 6 months before getting more follow up. Now that you are here keep us posted on how you are doing. By the way when they did surgery they told me all that was left was scar tissue. Again welcome Donna G
  5. Now don't forget your sharing of Doctors without borders! You did show up that day when needed. Hope you finish the furnace. Sounds like you don't live up north. If you did you would have it ready before. Thanks goodness the jet stream moved over, last week we were getting pretty nippy from that Canadian air. Good news re no signs of cancer, hope he gets his energy back. Donna G
  6. You have my deepest symathy. Your husband was much too young. I pray some day someone comes up with the cure so no other child looses their parent or spouse looses their partner. May you find peace. Donna G
  7. Going to the VA hospital , I imagine you are X military. Retired? My husband was a Navy man. We lived in San Diego for a year plus while he took a class at the naval base. Welcome. Being told you have a tumor and all the unknown are very unnerving. I imagine you will have lots of tests before you know exactly what is going on and what the plans for treatment will be. I hope you find us a helpful group, we try. Keep us posted Donna G
  8. Donna G

    in need of help

    You can get a St. Peregrine medal. When I was first diagnosed a friend sent me a phamphlet on him to pray for his help he is the patron saint for those with cancer. Donna G http://stperegrine.us/
  9. Welcome, I hope you find the support you need here with us. You know I hope there is medicine that will help you with those panic attacks. You should ask your doctor. At this web site there is a list of important facts you need to know as a lung cancer support person. http://www.blochcancer.org/ Also at http://www.chemocare.com Keep us posted how you people are doing. Donna G
  10. Thanks , that's the best news I've heard all day. I needed that!! Love that good news Donna G
  11. Great job David!!!!. By the way I saw a program on brains on our local PBS station ( educational TV) It said exersise releases a protein that your brain needs to be smart. They showed a guy 94 quick as a whip who had started daily exercise at 42. You must be heading to be absolutely brilliant! Again great job. Donna G
  12. Donna G


    Sounds like lots of fun! That cat fish is good fixin Donna G
  13. OK I could add ( in 2002) ....Prostrate cancer...... kills...30,000 men and 0 women.... Colon cancer..... kills.......23,100 men and 25,000 women In 1995 HIV killed 27,000 men and 5,000 women. By the way did you notice I have a lung cancer awareness tee shirt on in my picture?
  14. No we never did find a site for the event. Connie has not given up on us though. We had decided to raise money for the Uof M by participating in an event at a store called Heirbegers (?sp) . Connie just emailed me today asking if we would be willing to set up a table at local hospital or clinic. I did that for the month of November where I work , just outside the cafeteria. I had to restock the tables every day. Needless to say I just emailed Connie that I still have my three poster boards, my info book has grown to 3 books ( 4inch 3 ring binders) and I still have some more stock of info I got from Alcase and others. I am ready. Now I wish I had a new shirt to wear. I have 4 now I think. The new one will say .......]Lung Cancer kills 65,000 women a year ..............................; and 89,200 men............[/ ........... Breast cancer kills 39,000 women and 400 men.................
  15. Sorry but the "Circle of Life" looks like a religion, like Christian Scientist, not like any new break through for lung cancer. If that is your faith, fine . I pray to my Lord also and many times he answers with people right here who have been given gifts for study, and knowledge. I pray that he inspires the gifted people to step up to the plate and raise awareness for lung cancer , those with gift for raising money to do so.
  16. Around here not only can you buy stamps that donate to the breast cancer cure cause, but Yogurt, hamburgers, makeup, jewelry, etc etc etc. Unless there is a BIG CHANGE I would not donate money to the American Cancer Society for lung cancer or to the American Lung [b]Association[/b] . Sad to say they are not concerned about getting a cure for lung cancer. They would spend the money on some other cancer . The only thing they will do for lung cancer is preach that you should quit smoking. Hellooooooo 111111111111111 We already know that. If that is all thay want to do, I wish they would go after the TV and Movie producers and ban them from having the characters smoke. I could not believe the the new Whoopi show started out with her making fun of the law re no smoking in buildings!! She has a butt in her mouth pays a fine and decides since she paid the fine already , she might as well go back inside and smoke. Boy people , don't you think that is really funny!!!!!!!!!!!! It is so stupid. I bet the tobacco companys paid a good amount of money to get that in the show. Well back to the subject. Where is good research going on????? Here we know that there are doctors at the University of Minnesota , who need funding that really want to find a cure, treatment, less invasive surgery, screening tools. Who else knows who is doing the lastest and the greatest research? By the way the ribbon picked by ALCASE is clear with a gold stipe.
  17. The doctor came to your house? Wow! You requested prayers, you got em. Keep us posted. Donna G
  18. Forgive me but I am so jealous!!!!!!! Our group here in Minnesota looked into having an event in November for lung cancer awareness and at the Mall of America . We were told we needed a major backer to do so , as Channel 5 news or something. Other malls all told us in November they had to " cater to their Christmas shoppers" . Recently as it is October, another month for breast cancer all I hear about is how the Mall of America is gearing up for breast cancer, they even kicked off the event by lighting up the outside with pink lights. It has been mentioned on all the news segments for a week. Yesterday they said "breast cancer is the leading cancer killer of women between the ages of 35 and 45" They could not say it was the leading cancer killer of women because we all know it is not but they never mentioned what is. They are selling raffle tickets to win a house they put at Mall. How did they get so organized? Why can't we get that organized? Look at http://www.bcrfcure.org/eve_03_oct_moa.html When , how, where, will we get this going for lung cancer? It is needed so badly. Donna G
  19. Face to face group, well it must be dependable. That is why you need a partner to lead it, just in case you are sick or something, some one will be there on a regular basis., what ever times you pick. In our group we always have a "check in time" go around the table or group letting everyone share what is going on, how they are doing, if a new member they can share their story. If you have 4-5 people no limit , but some one needs to moderate if you have a large group, say 15-18 or not all will get a chance. Connie usually plans every few months a speaker, we had a great speaker recently on grief, must greive loosing health, maybe your job, etc it was very good. We also had someone speak to us on using herbs, food supplements, a pharmacist. Connie gives new members a folder with resource info in it. Have you heard of HIPPA? New federal law re privacy. It makes a difference for mailings etc, Can't have the envelope 'LABELED " lung cancer because that takes privacy away. We get members permission to be on our buddy calling list, permission to give out their phone to other members. Our group is very up beat, considering we all have been afflicted with lung cancer. I have heard of some groups that get in the habit of "crying ' of each others shoulders through the whole meeting and complaining etc. We are more in to sharing what works, encouraging good times, enjoying life the best we can. We also have coffee, hot tea, water and general cookies or cake to snack on. Believe me Connie put this all together she is your best source of info. Donna G
  20. No cancer ! That is music to the ears ( or eyes in this case) Thanks for the great update. Now that you are not on chemo and "suppressed" you will lick this fungus! Keep us posted. Donna G
  21. Great news! by the way on TV I saw a blip on " spike heels don't cause arthritis in the knees as once thought, it is the cigarette in her hand that causes arthritis' If this is true , for those of us who did smoke that would be an added benny of taking Celebrex, no more lung cancer and our knees would feel better. Perhaps would would become famous ice skaters too!! Donna G
  22. Connie B has started 2 support groups. They continue to be successful.
  23. I know what you mean about the air in the city. I remember as a kid when we left Boston and we went down to Cape Cod to the beach house ( cottage) the fresh air made us so relaxed and sleepy. With cars and trucks etc the air in the city is pretty poluted. Sounds like the beach visit was great. What is the temperature there now? Here in Minnesota the summer just ended and now we have instant winter. Few weeks ago it was 90 degrees Farenheit ( about 37 C) , now it is 36 degrees. I suppose you talk about 22 degrees celsious. Wishing you and your Dad many happy days together and that the radiation goes well. Sure wish they used CTs there. Best Wishes Donna G
  24. Did you know that 180 of the 628 of us have never posted? They would definitely be the listeners. 61 posted X1. 60 posted X2 26 posted X 3. ( total of 327 who are quiet) Only 65 of us have posted > than 100 times. We must be the talkers. Foolish stats , I know. So don't pay attention. Have a great day Donna G I wonder if Rick knows how many guests we have had and how many times or what percent post under "guest" .-- Now this is really going far out.
  25. Donna G

    The new me.

    Where were you guys when I was bald. Now I see all the fun I missed. Painting the head etc. Wearing jewelry up there. I love it . Of course I wear bubbles around my neck at work so I have something to celebrate with if any one blows wind ( as post op patients) It always gets a laugh, and even if their tommy is sore they don't seem to mind. Do you think you would be too shocked if your nurse came in with multi colored hair? November is lung cancer awareness month!!
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