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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Hello, I am sorry to say that if the only thing you have had since surgery is a couple of xrays, You need to get a CT. You still would want to get any tumor early and I am sorry to tell you that most tumors do not show on xray very early or perhaps at all . You did not say you had any chemo. Of those staged 1A 40 percent have disease show up within a year if they have not had chemo. Believe me we all know how hard it is to wait for test results but you will live better if you know for sure this disease has not reared its ugly face again. Good Luck and BEST wishes Donna G
  2. I just went out to get the mail. I got a package from Alcase! I never even asked for one! Got 2 posters a couple of fold up stands to hold brochures, and a pack of Alcase brochures. No ribbons. Better bring them to the hospital where I work tonight and see if they are willing to post them. Thanks Alcase. Donna G
  3. Donna G

    Good luck Jay !

    Jay is in my prayers. After all the big 20 is coming. We all want to celebrate that. May it be easy and go well. Donna G
  4. In Steve's case, he has currently finished #3 of CPT-11 and Cisplatin. His tumor is showing small growth and his tumor marker is increasing while on it. He had 6 cycles of Carboplatin/VP-16 and had remarkable response, but not complete. His onc and also the onc at Sloan-Kettering discourage radiation for a small tumor unless symptomatic. His nagging, constant cough is his only symptom. Anyone else experience tumor growth while undergoing chemo?
  5. All about Connie B Please pray for the successful removal of the myxoma from Connie B 's left atrium tomorrow 11/4. The surgery is booked to start at 7:30 am central time. I pray that this time it is successful and goes smoothly with a quick recovery. I will try to keep you updated on how she is doing. Sadly I am scheduled to work at my hospital eves tomorrow and weds. but Maurie, her husband is going to try to get messages to me. Donna G Update 11/4 I am told Connies surgery was a success!. She will be moved to her room this afternoon. I will keep you posted. Donna G Update 11/4 PMspoke with Maurie this evening. Connie's tumor was the size of a golf ball, they believe they got it all. She has another chest tube, and is still on the vent and intubated, hopefully they'll get that off by tomorrow.
  6. Donna G


    Could we have a spot here at the site that we could click on that says "Print format" I have a colored printer I could just run off a flyers and bring them around to the offices and to our support group and they could take them to there offices etc. Donna G
  7. Thanks you, thank you , thank you for sharing that wonderful news! It just shows you, mucous can be our friend. Donna G
  8. Is your mother a particularly fragile person? Is she very old like 96 or something? Does she have a lot or a serious medical problem other than the lung cancer? Does she have a primary doctor? It seems to me that there must be some reason why at this time he could not tell her what is wrong. Didn't she ask? I can see you are really in a pickle now. It would be awful for you to "break the news" You did not say what the "ordeal" was with the VAT biopsie. Did her lung collapse ?, for sometimes that happens. I think it would be very unusual for someone to be discharged to "rehab" or a transitional care unit even after having a lobectomy. Maybe you can tell us more so we can understand the circumstances better. I am sorry you are having to deal with all this. Donna G
  9. Donna G

    Back Home

    That doctor may have been talking about inflamation of the parotid gland. That is the same one that you can get the mumps in. I had the mumps as a child. Years later when I was in my early twenties I remember on the way home from work I quick stopped at McDonalds for a Big Mac . After a few bites I noticed my face swell up on one side. Gradually it went away and I thought it was really weird. I was telling my husband about it and eating again and it started to swell again. I went to the Navy Hospital in Key West ( my husband was in the navy) and they told me I might have a stone partially obstructing the duct of my parotid gland. They told me not to eat anything but crackers and bland cereal for a couple of weeks so I would not stimulate the saliva to run . They said that was what the swelling was) I did and I have never had a problem like that again. What a trip you had It sounds like it would make a good TV show. Welcome back Donna G
  10. Donna G

    Janet K. is gone

    So sorry to hear this sad news. It was just Sept. 25th she thought she had pneumonia and one month later 10/24 she is gone. It is so sad, and she was too young, 44 and also for her 13 yr old son and husband. They will be in my prayers that they find peace. Donna G
  11. Mary Ann I bought one!!! The Nubra! Now I can go out and buy and strapless, backless dress!!. How do you think a 56 yr old would look in one of them? Seriously Mary Ann if you get one , no problem with the strap falling off your shoulder because there are no straps,and no back either. Good luck Donna G
  12. Great news! Yeh gemzar !! Peg thanks for sharing with us. Donna G
  13. Well Dave you did not say you were in the article. Why did they say you could not have surgery if you had a lot of radiation? I had radiation every day for 6 weeks , it was the plan, then I had surgery. I also want to know what kind of lung cancer that doctor had. It was a long article. I suppose I wanted it longer. Thanks Dave. Donna G
  14. Thanks Bud, we needed that!! It is so wonderful to hear great news like that. Wishing you many more happy anniversaries. Donna G
  15. Carleen, I wish I could reach over the state line and give you a hug. In the spring you said your husband had been diagnosed with SCLC, then you went to Mayo and it was changed to atypical carcinoma have you been back to Mayo? Do you think that they may have another idea? Or to the Uof M or to the U of W? In our group we have a young women who 3 yrs ago was told she had 3 months to get her affairs in order, she is no sign of disease today. Her second opinion and treatment was at Mayo. I hope you find the answer you need. Donna G
  16. Waiting to hear what the plan is. Donna G
  17. Thanks for the great news! Hope all goes well at the dermatologist. Donna G
  18. I was watching the "View" on TV today and saw a segment on underware. Ladies, I saw a support that sticks on and can be worn 100 times and it costs $60. I missed the brand name and what it is called. At the end they said for more info go to ABC.com/view. I went to the site but they only have shows from last week listed. So I sent a "question" by email, now awaiting for reply. I will let you know. ..Donna G Well the site is updated at 4pm eastern so I found it. Called "Nubra", and is sold at Bloomingdales, we have one of those at the Mall of Americal here. It is also available on line I found , it is strapless, and backless, silicone.
  19. It is weird you can not use your old signiture. You are still there!!!!!!!!! Sorting the member list by date registered now you are # 28 on Jan 10 , and # 636 on Oct 7, 03. Sorting by alphabetical you are # 220 and # 221.
  20. Donna G

    My Dad is Gone

    This is very sad. I am very sorry for your loss. Donna G
  21. How lovely , Charleston is so lovely this time of year. When Jay was in the Navy he was aboard the Jesse L Brown, it was stationed there so so were we. Loved the Octoberfest, The lancing Tournament. While there I worked downtown at Roper Hospital. So glad you were able to meet all your responsiblities for the blushing bride. Thanks for keeping us posted on how you are doing. Donna G
  22. Welcome. My husband and I were in San Diego for about 14 months while he was in the Navy. Occasionallly he doctors here at the VA Hopital in Minneapolis. Keep us posted on your tests and plan. Donna G
  23. Donna G

    A Poem

    Thanks Bruce .............. .......Donna G
  24. Welcome Kathie. Glad you joined us. You say you are single mom. Your kids have to be fairly young. Do you have family that live near by? Sounds like a huge load by yourself. Donna G
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