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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Estrea there are several drug companys that make the chemo, zophran for nausea etc that support a lot of things. Has any one approached them for help? Who knows they may also contribute info for the site ( which may be called advertising) that could be useful for our members to know, as the availability, side effects, common schedule of administration. Also if they are involved they visit the Onocologist selling there wears and perhaps would want to spread the word to them re this site .
  2. I got my latest issue of CURE and they changed the date for the conference It says limited registration Go to http://www.curetoday.com/patientmeeting or call 214-818-7462 Is any one still able to go? Lectures on latest treatment What is new in the pipeline Learn to live with LC ` Talk with patients, survivors and professionals Enjoy speakers and I add MEET EACH OTHER!!!!!!! IN PERSON Also , How about us fellow Minnesotans? Can we bunk together ? Or discount plane tickets? It is a Saturday and Sunday.
  3. Good work! I believe about 50 % of people diagnosed do not smoke. of those many quit years ago, perhaps 10% or over 20,000 people never ever smoked. We are all treated the same- " How much did you smoke?" and then the look of well you thats what you get!
  4. great picture! Are you a princess ? It looks like a crown over your head! I suppose you are at least Daddy's princess.
  5. Donna G

    Our Own Fay A

    I did not get the issue of Cure at least not yet. Look in it and post if you can the information on the get together in Texas on May 1 and 2. Please. Lots of us want to attend. Thanks Donna G
  6. Donna G

    Merry Christmas

    I just got back from Branson and saw the Ganlin Brothers Christmas show there. They sang a song called "No Star over Bethleham" He said he wrote it because of the wars in the middle east. He hopes that it all ends soon and he never has to sing it again. Your post reminded me of that song. Donna G
  7. I had pain in my shoulder, and chest. I thought where we had just moved that unpacking I had sprained or pinched a nerve. A simple xray showed a solid tumor in the apex of my right upper lobe of lung.
  8. Hello , I just got back on line. I am going through the 295 postings in the past 3 weeks and found yours. Yes I know a doctor here in Minneapolis that does VAT surgery and he can take out a whole lung that way. I was at a Thoracic Onocology Consortium here in the Twin Cities and he showed us a video of one of his surgerys. It cannot be done if the tumor wraps around a major vessel, or touches the heart , these would have to be seen first hand to be safe. Let me know if you would want to have it done in Minnesota , he works at University Hospital. Donna
  9. No , Cancer is not the only cause of spinal cord compression. Also Trauma, Inflamation and osteoartritis. It is very serious from what ever because damage to the spinal cord from compresion leaves you paralyzed and the higher up it is more is affected with even more dire consequences ( as lumbar vs neck)
  10. Last evening is my last day at work for 2 weeks. We are leaving for the Gulf Coast. Minnesota>Wisconsin>Illinois>Missouri>Arkansas>Tennesee>Biloxi, Mississippi. We have lived in Gautier, Ms twice so we have friends down there to visit. Jay also want to get some golf in. The way home is Mississippi> Arkansas> Tennesee> Branson , Missouri for a few days and see some shows> Iowa> Minnesota. Anyone along the way please watch for my waving as we go by! Rocky our Border Collie and Australian Shepard dog mix is going to be boarded but they tell me he will have 2 walks a day, three treats, and one play session. He loves to play. We intend to bring some of his toys and his braided rope so he can continue his flossing ritual, and of course his bed. I won't have access to a computer but please know I will be thinking of you and pray you are well while I am gone. Hope there will be lots of GOOD NEWS ! Donna G PS High today in the 50's here, snow predicted Sat, Sun, Mon, and we will be gone!
  11. I took VP 16 and Cisplatin, with radiation, then again after I had surgery. VP 16 causes hair to fall out. You can go to ' http://www.chemocare.com/ and read more. Also John posted that Heparin that can be given by injection every day has stabilized lung cancer by working on the fibrin the tumor needs to build up blood supply to grow. That could be another option. Good Luck Keep us posted. Donna G
  12. I learned this year that a CT can be messed up by the techinian who really does not thoroughly understand the machine. they have to be able to set it to take "slices" every so many millimeters so that it is all done on the same " picture" and the closer the pictures slices the more info . I had a tech last winter that kept telling me to take a deep breath and hold it , over and over. For the radiologist to piece all those " slices' to gether , for you never take exactly the same breath, it is a mess. I was told to get it repeated in 3 months. It was at that check up the tech told me they had fired the prior one for she did not know what she was doing.
  13. Well , lung cancer gets more money than STD's !!!!!!
  14. Heard on the news this am re 10 inches of rain in 24 hrs, tornados, etc in the Houston area, many trapped by flood water, damaged homes etc. I know how hard this can be. I pray that none of ours as Don Wood Junlusd, DJR, Kay are harmed, that the flood waters go down, and they get plenty of help. Donna G
  15. Hello, I am so sorry you have lung cancer but this is a good place to be for support. There are a few others here near your age. Jay is not quite 20. We also have a teen from Ireland. Three years ago Jodi when she was 26 was told to get her affairs in order that she had 3 months but thank goodness she had lots of surgery and treatment and is doing fairly well right now. We also have David who had a lung removed 25+ years ago at that time he was nearly as young as his teenage daughters are now. This is such a devastating disease we all need to stick together. Welcome. Donna G
  16. As far as I know there is only 2 PET Scans in Minnesota, so I would not be suprised. Donna G
  17. O that makes me sad. We will miss her. Her last post she said she was looking into RFA. Thanks Sam for finding out for us. Her family will be in my prayers. It is so sad to loose our friends also. Donna G
  18. Thanks for posting Sam, I wonder how you are doing, you are in my prayers. Donna G
  19. Breathing Easy! Wonderful News. Donna G
  20. Donna G


    Wow, now that is interesting! Donna G
  21. Even if you get a reaccurance , if you get checked often and get it treated right away you still are doing great!. Donna G
  22. Donna G

    Thank you

    Seems lately you have been a blessing for us to have on the board. I pray that you continue to heal from your tragic loss of Randy. Donna G
  23. My muscles in general are OK. It is the ankle and feet where I have the most affect from the neuropathy that are so unreliable. I have a weird way of getting up if I squat down, usually have to assist with a pull from my arms. I work as a nurse in a hospital and am able to lift and pull people and gear , the chalenge is squatting to empty a foley bag but I get it done. Maybe not as easily as before but it gets done. Donna G
  24. I am sorry to say that has been a topic of discussion here lately. When you have lung cancer the tumor makes you at high risk for blood clots. Many find out that they have lung cancer because they get blood clots. There is a ribbon recently about Coumadin vs Levenox for treatment. Some doctors even put there lung cancer patients on a preventative regime. Sorry for your sister. I hope her speech comes back for her . Keep us posted. Donna G
  25. Donna G

    STAGE II!!

    Hello Pat. I had a NSCLC tumor was in the apex ( way at the top) of my right lung. I was told the first week of December 1997 that I had lung cancer. The plan because it touched the lining of the lung was chemo and radiation , then surgery to remove the R upper lobe, then more chemo. I finished in April of 98" . OVER 5 YEARS AGO. It was a long hall but is all history now. Just in case you have not done the math, that will be 6 yrs ago in just a couple of weeks. Hope you get accesss to a computer soon. Perhaps at the library? Best Wishes Donna G
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