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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. May Sam find all the peace and joy in heaven he deserves. We will miss you Sam, your caring and knowledgable comments, your sense of humor. May your family find peace. Donna G
  2. November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, so I thought I would provide some information on Lung Cancer. by Mary Schroeder, Onocology Nurse Educator. The lung is a very complex organ. Most of us associate the lung with breathing. We must also realize that the lung has other very important functions in our body. The lung also: ..............Localizes and repels various infectious organisms ..............Helps maintain water balance, and ..............Produces a number of hormones. The cells that make up the lining of the lung look very much like the inside lining of your cheek. The cellullar structure of the lung tissue is far more complex, however. The lung consists of three different zones. ..............1. The cells that line the trachea and the first portion of the large airways are squamous cells. These cells serve as a protective layer against various inhaled substances. ...............2. The more central zones of the lung, often referred to as the secretory zones of the lung, are lined with a series of cells that produce very thin watery mucus. Tiny hairs on these ciliated cells constantly move this thin mucus, ( which traps various inhaled particles) from the outer portions of the lung, up through the trachea and ultimately the mouth. ...............3The farthest portions of the lung consists of literally millions of tiny air sacs, called alveoli. In the alveoli, the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place. Here too, the process of controlling the body's water balance via evaporation takes place. The toxic products in cigarette smoke affect each of these 3 areas of the lung differently. Some lung cancers can spontaneously arise without a history of smoking, however the majority of lung cancer results from heavy sustained smoking. There are four types of lung cancer, which in the past were thought to behave differently. In reality most lung cancer behave quite similarly with only minor adjustments in how they are treated and respond to therapy. These types are: Small-cell lung cancer that arises from the hormonal cells in the lung. Non-small cell lung cancer which includes: 1. squamous cell cancers which arise in the large airways. 2. Adenocarcicomas ( including large cell cancers) which occur in the secretory portion of the lung 3. Bronchoalveolar carcinomas, which arise in the cells that make up the small air sacs. Each of these cancers retain some of the characteristics of the area of the lung in which they arose, thereby behaving somewhat differently that the other forms of lung cancer. For most treatment regimens, the types of cancer are divided into 2 groups. Small cell lung cancers that arise from the hormonal cells in the lungs, and other forms, which are grouped together and called non-small cell lung cancers. Approximately 80% of all lung cancers are of the non-small cell type. The type of cell and understanding of the typical sites to which that cell type spreads is key to determine the patient's therapy. As each of us increases our knowledge of cancer we realize that the treatment regimens are very specific and quided by the cell type, location, size, and area of metastasis. Another important fact is the ealier the diagnosis the increased probability of a successful treatment outcome. And last but not least , we can make major strides in beating lung cancer by talking and teaching primary prevention. Please work with your friends and especially your children to encourage them to never start smoking. Today's cigarette can result in tomorrow's cancer. Mary writes an article for us every month about cancer, I had missed this one til yesterday because I was having fun on vacation. Donna G
  3. Hello, I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this dreadful disease. Most of us are American , but lung cancer is not! It is wonderful that we have people here from England, Australia, China, Guam, and many more places. Dean is very good at expressing himself and has very good thoughts , he is right, your Mom is the one to decide what is right for her. In order to make a good decision , it is good to have all the information pro and con. You can help her with this but she is the one to decide. Keep us posted. Donna G ( PS I and many of us have been to London.
  4. Belated Happy Birthday Becky. Donna G
  5. Report card for Minnesota Smokefree..................F Youth access...............C Prevention..................C Taxes.........................D Donna G
  6. Keep that good news coming! Sounds great. Donna G
  7. Angels with one wing, you should fit in well with Dean who wrote a great post on the spirit pool. We are so lucky to have people like you sharing your thoughts with us. It has been 6 yrs since I started this journey but I remember well those first months, they really wear you down, you need those other wings real bad. Great you have found us. Donna G
  8. Great News! Tension causes headaches. What would be relaxing for her, a walk in the woods, listening to a water fall, petting her dog, soft music? Is she is the middle of chemo? Ask the doctor if she could have a day at the Spa, a massage, a facial, body wrap. Perhaps a tylenol. Donna G
  9. We all have learned that blood clots can be strongly associated with cancer. Pain in the legs with spinal cord involvement is a sign that should not just be accepted, it needs to be checked out thoroughly, perhaps he needs radiation to that spot, this could releave those symptoms very soon. What ever , call the doctor and get it checked out now. Donna G
  10. I am happy for you that your doctor is keeping a close eye on everything. I know any hint of the return of the "beast" is very scary. You are in my prayers today that all is well . Donna G
  11. Kennedy is gorgeious. Rick you did a great job delivering your baby!! not a mark! So happy for you. Donna G
  12. I had a neighbor growing up that was a 25 yr survivor before heart attack. My mentor ( who helped me cope) was a 10 yr survivor, now is a 16 yr survivor, he had his right upper lobe out, and 2 ribs, chemo, radiation and loves to golf. Right here on this site , David is a 25 yr survivor. Some do make it for sure. Donna G (6 yr survivor
  13. Wow, you took pictures in the hospital as a keepsake! I sure hope she is doing well now. Welcome to your coming out party( out from just lurking) and glad you found support with us. Donna G
  14. Candee, I am glad you know you can count on us to be here. So sorry about the adrenal gland, we all know how scary those word are. Donna G
  15. "Seven Wonders of the World" A group of students were asked to list what they thought were the present "Seven Wonders of the World." Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes: 1. Egypt's Great Pyramids 2. Taj Mahal 3. Grand Canyon 4. Panama Canal 5. Empire State Building 6. St. Peter's Basilica 7. China's Great Wall While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student had not finished her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my mind because there were so many." The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help." The girl hesitated, then read, "I think the ‘Seven Wonders of the World' are: 1. To see 2. To hear 3. To touch 4. To taste 5. To feel 6. To laugh 7. To love. The room was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. The things we overlook as simple and ordinary and that we take for granted are truly wondrous! A gentle reminder this holiday season -- that the most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or bought by man.
  16. Donna G


    Allison, I am so sorry also. May you feel peace. Donna G
  17. Donna G

    brain scan

    Love that Good News
  18. I agree . Some thoughts lead only to destruction. Some to healing. At church the pastor yesterday said- you can't have "peace" without forgiveness. Christians all over the world are celebrating the birth of a baby that came to give us forgiveness, so many of our holiday carols talk about "peace on earth" I think peace is healing. May we have thoughts of forgiveness, love, and find peace and healing.
  19. Beth glad you are here. There is a wealth of information at this site. Real people dealing with this disease. I pray that you find the support you need with us. Donna G
  20. Donna G

    News On Dave G

    Prayers going up. Dave get well quick. Donna G
  21. I was watching the Rose Bowl Parade today, they had a float from the John Wayne Cancer Institute. For the fun of it I guess and Google Searched the place thinking there was a possibility that they specialized in lung cancer. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT they said he died of stomach cancer! So I did a google search -John Wayne- Lung cancer and found many articles saying he had been diagnosed with lung cancer! Do you think I am nuts or do you think they did not want a "prestigess" cancer institute associated with lung cancer? Donna G PS Do any of you know of any info that I am way off?
  22. Can we all agree that perhaps if they are going to allow the sale of cigarettes that at least they should not be allowed to add carcinogenic chemicals just because they enhance the addictiveness and such things? Donna G
  23. Donna G

    My Son

    Glad you found us. Sorry you needed to. Lung Cancer is a very scary diagnosis to be given. I never had metastasis to the liver but many here have . I pray we can help you and you find the info and support you need. Donna G
  24. Great letter! You have given the problem a new twist , provoking more thought. Thanks Donna G Ps I have sent it to my email list
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