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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Prayers going up that Gemzar did the job! Donna G
  2. Hi Carll. Welcome. Now that you have introduced yourself please keep us posted on how that treatment is helping , so they can get your lung back up again. Donna G
  3. I like dogs. I have had dogs as small as 18 pounds and as large as 94 pounds and many in between . The 2 that I have now are 49 and 37 pounds.
  4. Boy have we discussed bras around here! YUCK many of us avoid using them as much as possible. I suggest getting some stick on bras. One brand is Nu Bra by Fashion Forms . I bought one at the Mall of America but you can order on the internet also. I also have ribs that still look fractured on xray. Donna G Ps type in "bra" under search and you'll find 18 hits where we have discussed this problem.
  5. Rikki you said your Dad was in remission, I also have to assume having had PCI that he had small cell lung cancer. Did you know that blood clots are a frequent problem with lung cancer? Has your Dad had a CT to check if he threw a clot and had a stroke? after these symptoms began? Many times people have to be on Levonox shots twice a day if they have problems throwing blood clots ( for some reason coumadin does not help) Many people find out they have lung cancer because they have had a stroke. Donna G
  6. Great news David. Keep it coming. Donna G
  7. Welcome Carla. Those first weeks are a whirlwind for most all of us , then ad spinal surgery on top of that! Keep us posted on your Dad. Donna G
  8. Mary again wrote a column in our local hospital sheet in her "Cancer Corner" I will paraphrase for some is good info for us. We have seen an increased number of patients with Brain Metastases in the last 2 months, so I thought this would be a good topic for the month. Brain metastases occur in 20-40 % of individuals with cancer. The incidence is increasing as patients are living longer with their primary disease and our advances in neuroimaging are made. Brain mets generallly occurs in individuals with systemic disease , although as the primary cancer are better controlled, brain mets may be the only symptomatic site of the cancer. The majority of brain mets occur at 3 sites: The brain parenchyma itself, the skull and dura and the leptomeninges ( a term describing a diffuse seeding of cancer cells thoughout the meninges and CSF) The majority of brain metastastes are a result of hematogenous spread from the primary tumor. The cancer that most commonly spread to the brain are : melanoma, lung, breast , kidney, colon and thryoid. The lung is the most common site of origin. Brain metastasis is characterixed by peritumoral edema, which contributes to the neurological symptoms. The presenting signs and symptoms are dependent upon the location of the lesion. Most brain metastases occur in the cerebral hemisphere. Symptoms include: signs of Increased Intracranial Pressure ( headache, nausea, and vomiting) , change in level of consciousness and diminished cognitive function, personality changes, hemiparesis, language problems, and seizures. Thus if a cancer patients presents with any of these symptoms think possible new brain mets and if this is confirmed by MRI , steroids should be started immediately to help decrease the swelling. Usually decadron is given every 6-8 hours around the clock. The next step is a Radiation Therapy consult. With early diagnosis and management, brain metastases often responds to therapy and an increasing number of patients are experiencing a prolonged remission. The main side effect of brain radiation is fatigue. It will improve once radiation is completed. Assess for any changes as memory , gait, nausea vomiting and/or progression of symptoms. Often just with the initiation of decadron the patient will see some improvement in symptoms.
  9. He has been missing since September.
  10. Donna G


    Wow!!! Enjoy Donna G
  11. Norme I am so sorry. May peace begin to fill that big hole. Remember he is watching over you and his love can never die. Donna G
  12. Zoom , zoom, zoom. Let er rip. Go man Go. Have fun. Enjoy. Donna G
  13. Donna G

    new job

    Great news Shirley, hope you enjoy your new job and it is rewarding for you. Waiting to hear more . Donna G
  14. HAPPY FEBRUARY 10 !!!!!!!! and many more. Donna G
  15. Donna G

    Hair Loss

    Sally if your brothers INR is bouncing around it may be due to what he is eating. Foods high in Vitamin K affect the INR because Vitamin K is the " antidote for coumadin" it reverses the coumadin affect. As - say one day he eats a big serving of spinach which has lots of vitamin K that neutralizes the coumadin and his INR will be low. If you eat foods with Vitamin K you have to eat the same amount every day so the doctor can balance it with a higher dose of coumadin. Donna G
  16. I was at church Sunday morning and felt a tap on my shoulder. A couple I have known a long time told me he had lung cancer. He had several tumors and they were in bothe lungs. 10 days ago he had a wedge resection on the left. After he heals they were going to do a CT and decide if they would do one the right tumors. ( another wedge resection) . This was done at Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnnesota. I thought it was weird. Donna G
  17. Glad you arrived safe and sound. Donna G
  18. The vomiting and dehydration, electrolyte imbalance should be a concern. Is she taking Zophran or any nausea meds? Does the doctor know? Can she have IV fluids? Donna G
  19. Hi Shirley. We are all so sorry to have lost Sam. He was so kind and good to us, so helpful. Thanks for coming and joining us. I hope we can help you with your grief also, this is a time of grief, you are in my prayers that you find peace. Donna G
  20. David P likes to ride bikes for Cancer. Any one ride bikes? He swears by it.
  21. Donna G

    keeping you posted

    Prayers going up for success and no need for any more Percocet. Donna G
  22. Welcome belladonna from Boston. My name is also Donna ( minus the beautiful part) and was born and raised in Boston. Sorry to hear you share our diagnosis but glad you found us. Many young people with lung cancer have found this board I am sorry to say. I hope David P answers your post. He was about 20 when he had a lung removed and I believe that was 25 yrs ago. We have a sister of a young lad from Ireland who has lung cancer. I never had collorbone pain, but I found out I had lung cancer because of shoulder and chest pain. The tumor was on the edge of my lung way up in the apex pressing on a nerve. Since treatment I have had problems with my back where they broke ribs and spread muscles to do the surgery but not my collarbone. Also several on the board have had total pneumonectomies on one side and they seem to have their own unique post-op problems , Connie B may be able to help you there. Keep us posted now that you have introduced yourself. Take care Donna G
  23. The same thing happened to me. I remember well the day that they did a needle biopsy under CT on my tumor. Being that it was way up in the apex of my lung, they would not go through the front chest wall, ( too many blood vessels, nerves etc) they went through the back but as you all know not only do we have ribs in the back but also scapulas. They would move the needle , run out , run back in, move the needle etc. They told me they felt for sure it was NSCLC but was not good enough sample to give me any more. Next I had Chemo and radiation, then finally surgery. After surgery I asked what kind of cells they found in the tumor and they said " only scar tissue" so who knows. It is gone and that is all that counts. Donna G
  24. Kim, Welcome. I assume you have NSCLC since you said it was "removed" . They don't so surgery on SCLC. 2 years, you 've got some fight in you. The chemo for the adrenal generally does not help that in the brain, are they planning radiation or RFA? Will try to find your web site, meanwhile welcome and keep us posted. Donna G
  25. Welcome Stacy Lyn. I hope you find all the support you need here. This disease is not easy but I hope we can make your walk a little easier, we all need to support each other. Again welcome Donna G
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