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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. I got neuropathy from Cisplatin. the doctor stopped giving to me. The first symptoms I had was falling down. I don't fall anymore but the sensation particularly my feet is distorted. Donna G
  2. What week was that magazine. I looked to get one and it is not this weeks cover. I did a google search and didn't come up with much on long term effects. eccept http://www.esmo.org/reference/abstracts/luns/428.htm O well. Donna G
  3. Hi Judy , welcome. Get some help, perhaps an antidepressant. Being told you have lung cancer is plenty of stress by itself and you tell us of several other huge stresses. Forgive yourself, get help, hope we also can help . Now keep us posted. Donna G
  4. LIving near oil refineries would be a bigger problem in Texas or Louisiana, air pollution. Up here in the midwest we have a huge radon problem especially in the winter when the house is shut up and no exchange of fresh air. Hope your move goes smoothly. Donna G
  5. Donna G


    Your doctor probably feels you under under a lot of stress so it would be difficult to quit. If you feel you can handle it ask for some help like wellbutrin or the patch. In just a few days your body will thank you. Donna G PS we have several extensive SCLC people in our local group that are doing just fine.
  6. Donna G

    Good Scan - Again

    Great news! David wouldn't it be grand to have NED at your golf tournament this summer? Prayers going up . Donna G
  7. Tonight 4/13/04 bothe NBC and CBS news talked about how Lung Cancer is the leading cancer killer of women and how we are more suseptable to it than men. They quoted Dr Patel http://www.forbes.com/lifestyle/health/ ... 18386.html
  8. Welcome Lea. Glad you found us. Sad to say DVT s are common with cancer. Is he on low molecular weight heparin? Works better than coumadin for clots from cancer. again welcome Donna G
  9. Donna G


    What a great story! Thanks soooooooooooooo much Donna G
  10. Boy I guess I'm first in line! I started Cisplatin in 12/97 with radiation ( and VP 16) then had more Cisplatin ( and VP 16) after I had a lobe of lung removed , finishing up in April 98 because of neuropathy ( missed the last doses) I'll have to check up on this. Of course I am a 6 + yr survivor enjoying the company of NED which is a whole lot better than the alternative.
  11. Great news . He is a cancer survivor! More than 4 months already. Next year this time he'll be over a yr. Wonderful Donna G
  12. Thats very nice. Are you going to add her to our wall of memory? Donna G
  13. Good news. There also is such a thing as a talking trach, perhaps that is in the future. Donna G
  14. Andrea, I am so sorry for your loss. May you and your family find peace. Donna G
  15. I have my tatoos that you keep forever but I never had any drawings done. They said they lined up on the tatoos to be sure they aimed at the correct spot. My tatoos look like blue freckles. Donna G
  16. Donna G


    Happy Easter Berissa and Dad. Donna G
  17. Welcome, may I call you Nana for short? Donna G
  18. Home for Easter holiday. Hope someone has dinner planned. Great news. Donna G
  19. Mo for some reason my computer is not "remembering" to automatically log me in today, even though I keep telling it to "automatically' log me in. Another small annoyance.
  20. Debbie, There are so many things available to help you. We have a new lift at our hospital that one person can stand some one up and move them to a chair , then later put them back to bed. You could stand him up and change his depends etc if they have side closures . the one we have our old folks really like! It makes them feel as if they were walking and none look nervous like some did when we used to old Hoyer swing like lift. Sure hope they get things fixed up for you. Just wanted to say my mother came from Medford. Your picture of Key West reminds me after we got married my husband was transfered from Boston to Key West, we lived there about 4 yrs. Again hope all gets cleared up . This site shows you something like I was talking about. Donna G http://www.patientsafetycenter.com/Tech ... /09-33.htm
  21. Donna G

    2 years!

    Tami sorry you were not logged in but we will except that wonderful news! Two years with NED! Yippee boy , I enjoy hearing that guys name. Donna G
  22. Donna G

    Taking a stand

    Thanks for complaining! I read here about people having to pass smokers on the way into hospitals . The hospital where I work has a policy that smoking is only allowed in your car or in a small "shed" in the back parking lot. However they have ash trays near the front and rear doors. I suppose in hopes that people will put out their cigarettes when they read the no smoking signs. But alas they figure its an invitation. Hank, the guy who works a lot at the front desk has been told not to hastle the visitors unless they get too close to the door. If people complained, who were non smokers, to administration I bet they would see it as a problem, but for now they are worrying about the smokers getting mad at us . Weird , Right? We are a hospital. Donna G
  23. Shelly, I am so sorry that it is so hard for you . He is still with you and if possible think of something you could do today to let him know you love him. Try not to spend too much time worrying what will happen and loosing today that he is with you. Prayers going up for you. Donna G
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