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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Donna G

    Good news

    Yipppeeee You say "O" on a scale of 1-10? Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! We like "0".Great news, hope it stays under control and goes away, keep us posted. Donna G
  2. You are correct. Jodi had Mesothelioma. Originally she was told to get her affairs in order but her family took her to Mayo and she is keeping company with NED . She had quite extensive surgery, they even removed her diaphram. Since it takes this disease about 20 or 25 yrs to develop, she says they think she must have been exposed to aspestos as a very little girl. Jodi has helped us quite a lot in our local Lung Cancer awareness events, She spoke at the Mn state capital, telling her story, a couple of years ago. Donna G
  3. Shirley please do use the picture. It is fine with me. Donna G
  4. Welcome Jamie. I see you are in Sweden and this reminds me that people all over the world are being stricken with lung cancer. There are lots of people here with lots of good information. I did not have small cell lung cancer but in our support group we have members with extensive SCLC and they have been doing well for several years. Keep us posted. Donna G
  5. We love you Connie. Keep bringing us good news, your hugs, and friendly smile. Your friend , Donna G
  6. By the way Mary Ann , did I tell you my phone buddy and life line 6 yrs ago had a Pancoast tumor? He is now a 17 yr survivor!!!!!!!!!!!. He said he went to a chiropractor for months for the pain he had in his shoulder and chest. Of course he finally decided that was not the answer, went to the Dr. and found out about the Pancoast tumor. It had grown into several ribs. He had chemo, radiation surgery , removal of lobe of lung, the ribs etc. He never mentioned a gortex graft, but he did say it slowed his back swing and improved his golf game. May we all meet on a golf course in 17 yrs. Donna G
  7. Pancoast tumors are named after Dr. Pancoast. He decribed the "syndrome" or problems that occur when a tumor is in the apex of the lung. This tumor accounts for less than 5 % of lung cancer tumors ( not common place to have a tumor) I have read that minimum stageing is IIB if you have a tumor in this area. Stats are depressing as usual. 5 yr survival of IIB is 47%, IIIA 14%, IIIB 16%. THE GREAT NEWS IS I passed 6 yrs since diagnosis last December. I vote all club members do the same! Donna G PS Fay if you would like to join the club , I for one would be honored. We need a good fighter like you.
  8. We have not gathered in so long! Please update us on how things have been going. We all miss Judy B. Rita, Laurene Relyag, Tracy, Rocco, Kelly for her dad, Keith, Rita Bubb, Grammy bear ,Gary, mhutch1366 Please tell us how we are doing? Pancoast tumors are squamous or adenocarcinoma tumors located in the superior sulcus or apex or the lung cause symptom of shoulder pain, weakness and other problems because they press on nerves , blood vessels, and the pleura.
  9. Donna G

    Terrible way to go :(

    So sad. I am sorry you lost your Mom. It just may be that the lung cancer caused the stroke. Tumors cause changes in the clotting mechanism which lead to blood clots. If they travel,they go to the lungs or brain. Many people find out they have lung cancer because they have had clots. It seems that you are saying that her clots or stroke was never treated? So sad. Donna G
  10. Donna G

    Happy Day

    Have a wonderful day and delicious dinner. You have wonderful reasons to celebrate! Donna G
  11. With all us us pushing Zoloft, Prozac , Ativan, etc , I don't see why a drug company would hesitate to support this site. We are giving them free advertisement. Granted we know that dealing with this dreaded disease can sure throw off the brain chemistry and with these drugs available , why suffer but I still think if approached they would and should kick in some for this site. Donna G
  12. Donna G


    Joanie great news! We all love NED . Donna G
  13. Donna G

    My Beloved

    Peg , I am so sorry. May our Lord comfort you and bring you peace. Donna G
  14. Great idea- a potato chip , french fries tax, and deserts. All vegetables and fruits tax free. Believe me not only does obeisity cause more illness and death but they need extra large beds, wheelchairs, chairs, gowns, and special equipment for the nurses to be able to move them with out throwing our backs out. I confess I am 30 pounds over myself. Donna G
  15. Good luck with your new job, we understand. Most of all prayers for great scan. Donna G
  16. Hi Glenda . Again welcome. Lots of good info here and good advice. Wayne is in my prayers, please keep us posted on his progress. Donna G
  17. How beautiful , thanks so much. Donna G
  18. Donna G


    Boy today this post sure got a lot of attention. The ribbon is so long I have to admit I have not read every line. I agree, do what is comfortable. I did walk and wear a LUNG CANCER SURVIVOR shirt and I enjoyed those cheers at the Relay for Life. Lung cancer was the hardest thing I have ever gone through in my life. I think we survivors are really gutsy, and if we can come out the other side of this , we can do most anything!. I don't hide my disease , I guess I talk about it nearly every day. Before this happened to me I know even though I was a nurse I really was ignorant about it, about what people went through when told they had cancer, how screening is needed etc. I have at least 3 shirts they say I am a lung cancer survivor. I talked about cancer, lung cancer today with some nurses, we were working on maternity, post partem. But thats me, Donna G
  19. That women had lung cancer? boy I must have been dozing off. I know she was a "nurse' and she had cancer. I think people who push their "agenda' in TV shows are so bad. People can get pain relief etc. ?We take an oath to do no harm, killing someone is definitely right up their with doing harm. Thanks for commenting. She at least was in kidney failure , not committing suicide as it turned out. Donna G
  20. You are in my prayers. I know Randy will be listening for the song. Donna G
  21. Welcome. Daily fear, pain after surgery , worry , these all sound pretty normal in these circumstances. Believe me it does get better. If you are planned to have no chemo please be sure and have a pet scan or CT every 3 months. Please keep us posted . Donna G
  22. Great News! Keep it coming. Donna G
  23. Just went to an inservice of a device called On-Q post op pain relief. It is new here. They used it on one of our thorocotomy patients already, others also as C sections. Here is a web site http://www.iflo.com http://www.AskYourSurgeon.com Sounded like a good idea to me. Donna G
  24. Welcome Charolette. Prayers that the best plan is put in place and your hubby responds really well. Keep us posted. Donna G
  25. Andrea, thanks ! That was very interesting. Donna G
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