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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. I like your plan Fay! Donna G
  2. Welcome . I am sorry your Mom has lung cancer. I am a nurse and believe me it is not easy to hear from the patients side either. When I was told I "knew" I was going to die. Here it is going on 7 yrs later and I am so blessed to have no evidence of disease. Now however I have knowledge and understanding from having gone through all this, and believe me now I am very aware of those coming in the hospital for a thoracentesis. I know the stress they are under and their families. I hope we can help you and your family deal with this dreadful illness. Donna G PS Keep up the good work, I also have a friend with Polycystic Kidney Disease , who needs a transplant donor.
  3. O yes brocoli is good for you . This is an old post Hello. Yesterday I attended this all day conference. Happy to say it was emphasized over and over EARLY DETECTION I HOPE these Drs. will order tests particularly Ct or Pet scans esp. those in high risk. Also it is proven that cruciferous vegetables contain Isothiocyanates for the prevention of lung cancer if taken in adequate doses. These would be RAW watercress, chinese cabbage, garden cress, brocoli, certain fruits and grains and nuts So every body lets eat a bowl of raw brocoli or such every day !! or at least until it comes in pill form. Conference was very good since it was from 8 am to 4:30 too much for this small space. go to http://www.cancerproject.org/medicine/i ... nates.html for more info and recipes
  4. Beth thanks for the great news and update. Glad all is getting better. Donna G
  5. Again, welcome . Donna G
  6. David , thanks for sharing. 2 yrs this is good news. Stable . More good news. Praying for continued good news. Now what are you going to do to celebrate this mothers day with your wife and Mom? Donna G
  7. I also went to the doctor in December 1997 for shoulder pain. I had a " pancoast" tumor , named after a doctor who decribed the symptoms and problems of tumors that grow in the upper apex of the lung. Is that where her tumor is? All those are Staged at least II or higher. I am typing this and it is 6 yrs since I finished all my treatments, Chemotherapy and daily radiation for a couple of months, upper lobectomy, followed by a couple more months of chemo. I have been disease free since then . Keep us posted about your Mom, she is in my prayers now. Donna G Woops, just noticed you said the shoulder pain was arthritis.
  8. CTs are better but I have never heard of any one getting a CT every month. The other question is stable good or no change good, YES . I was told , I had NSCLC, that my tumor without treatment typically doubled every 3 months. No growth, stable , no change all sound better than that! Best wishes . Donna G
  9. That was beautiful! Could you feel how much you are loved? By the way your wife must be quite the prayer warrior. Thanks so much. You have made my day. Donna G
  10. Donna G


    Thanks for the info, went to the web and they are really talking about this. http://www.genta.com/Genta/Products/pro ... sense.html http://www.genta.com/Genta/InvestorRela ... 30408.html Again thanks Donna G
  11. So far great news. Praying that the eye problem is chemo, and temporary but am glad to hear that they are checking it out. Keep us posted. Donna G
  12. Donna G

    Our battle is over

    'Debbie , I am so sorry you have lost Chris. I pray that you and your family have peace. Donna G
  13. Donna G


    It brought me to a site that said I needed to register. Donna G
  14. Beth Ann l, I am so sorry. I pray you will find peace. Donna G
  15. Hi Mary. We all know what pain, and stress being told you have lung cancer is! We have several long term SCLC survivors in our local support group keeping company with NED ( No evidence of disease) I think learning to live with just being told about it is harder than all the treatments . Many of us also learn that living each day, loving our friends and family, feeling their love is really what life is about. Glad you found us. Go ahead and vent your fears, challenges , questions, etc with us, we want to help. Donna G
  16. Welcome Margaret. I am sorry my chemo drugs were different so I am not much help there. Have you been to http://www.chemocare.com They give a lot of info on chemo. Meanwhile, since you joined us please keep us posted on how she is doing. Donna G
  17. Well doing a search I see we have only posted 566 times re Iressa! I likes your article ,then tonight I watched the CBS evening news and they had a spot on Iressa saying when it worked it worked well particularly on women and non smokers. Now they have to figure who are those that will benefit and why. Love to see them making progress. Donna G
  18. Keep that good news coming! Music to the ears. Keep us posted on the surgery. Donna G
  19. Donna G

    Air Pollution

    It doesn't supprise me that California air is so polluted. When I lived in San Diego years ago, the smog was so bad that you never saw the sun til afternoon, never a pretty sunny morning. Donna G
  20. Donna G


    Great news! I am so happy for you , your Dad and the whole family. Good nutrition is important, and "0" pain is a lot more fun than any of the other numbers. Donna G
  21. Donna G


    This is a similiar site that gives stats in Minnesota. The leading cancer here is prostrate cancer but the leading cancer deaths are lung cancer by a mile. Not too suprising the counties with dense population ,Anoka, Dakota, Hennipin, and Ramsey lead with most of the cases of lung cancer of the state. http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/hpcd/cdee/mcss/ Donna G
  22. Donna G

    In a peace now

    Berisa, I am so sorry for your loss. May our Lord continue to comfort you and surround you with peace. Donna G
  23. Quite a few have not checked in for the meeting. Tracy , we have not heard from you since 2/6 , Keith not since 9/14, Grammy Bear/Gary since 9/22, Rita Bubb, Rocco, where are you all, how are you doing, I am beginning to get worried. Donna G
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