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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Chucks, our meeting is in St. Paul on tuesday afternoon the 1st or Tues. eve the 15th. Connie what do you think? Are we going to let Mo get in and out of town without seeing us? I am going up to the Lake the 2nd to the 6th ( any one in Minnesota knows in the land of 10,000 lakes they are all the lake) Mo are you going anywhere near Big Sandy? Donna G
  2. Hebbie in our local group we have a women like yourself that has had a baby boy since her diagnosis, he's adorable . Now his big sister has a sibbling. I bet if a young person like yourself goes on with her life , that is something a radiation doctor would want to follow, that would make his work even more worthwhile. There are many sad stories so the successful ones are something to cherish. Donna G
  3. Have fun! Will be waiting to hear of all your adventures. Donna G
  4. Believe me your reaction to all this is really normal. I was told I had a tumor in my right uppper lobe of lung when I went to the clinic for shoulder pain. I though I had pulled a muscle , never dreamt of being told I had cancer! I cried all the way home, called my husband and could barely tell him what happened because of my weaping. I had lost weight recently at the time also. Try to at least drink some boost or carnation instant breakfast. Great that you have a church community. Mine helped me out so much with emotional support, rides to chemo, and lots of prayers ( It has been scientifally proven that people do better when prayed for , even if they don't know it is being done) I was so upset I even was annointed , which I believe helped also. Most of us during treatment are helped by antidepressants. From your post your journey is just beginning, lots of tests, appointments, setting up a plan. This can be beaten. Please keep us posted on your progress. Donna G
  5. Have a great day and congratulations to your son. Donna G
  6. Hi ewnray, I only had my right upper lobe removed but I still want to welcome you. I know several that have had total pneumonectomies of one side and are doing fine. Again welcome and keep us posted. Donna G
  7. Connie I just noticed that Dee Heeschen is right here in St Paul Minnesota. Perhaps Dee, you could tell us in person about your journey! We meet twice a month on the first and third tuesdays at Regions Hospital in St Paul ! Donna G
  8. TGSMOM, he may do just fine as the surgeon said. I am not a lung specialist but I remember in Louisiana about 10 yrs ago they were actually doing wedge resections on Emphysema patients to improve their breathing. I don't know if that ever caught on or if it is widely done but those people seemed to do OK. The theory being that those lungs wanted to expand more , the wedge giving them the room to do so. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  9. I got "trigger points" in the muscles of my back, finally I say a doctor that treated that sort of thing and got some relief. Still hate to wear the femine "support". The ribs never healed so once in a while they pop and pinch. The weird "nerve" feelings ( numbness along ribs under breasts to armpit) I understand can be helped by meds as neurontin, that never bothered me so much that I felt I needed them. Donna G
  10. Wonderful news that Chick is in remission. Thanks so much for sharing that GREAT news with us. I pray that he has many , many more check ups like that. Donna G
  11. I sent an email with our web address to her, she could join us under another name if she wants to be anonymous Donna G
  12. Shirley , pray that you heal quickly. Donna G
  13. You can request a copy of your results from your Doctor. It is your record! Some clinics charge you for this "service". I even got a copy of my initial xray. I used it at an event we had a couple of years ago at our state capital. Others in our group also got a copy of theirs. I used it again at some tables I was allowed to put up for the month of November in the hospital I work at for Lung Cancer Awareness Month. I keep a folder of results and lab also for future reference. Donna G
  14. Andrea that looks like a great site. Who are they? It does not say who sponsors the site. Connie, Rick, Katie you all ought to be there You are Lung Cancer Champions. Donna G
  15. Wish I knew a quick fix for your hubby's hiccups. Usually it is an upset stomach that irritates the diaphram causing the hiccups. Nausea medicine as compazine or antacid usually help. Keep us posted Donna G
  16. Welcome Steph. I just love your picture! So sorry you are going through this. We have all been discussing the latest topic that females are at greater risk for lung cancer. It sounds like you are doing well so far. I pray that you have a long lasting friendship with NED ( No Evidence of Disease) How is your energy level? It is so tiring to be up with a baby for any young Mom but to have chemo on top of that. How is your husband coping? Have you got lots of support? Please keep us posted. Donna G
  17. Hi DonnaB from Donna G. Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us. I think it is so great that your hubby is keeping company with NED . Now please keep us posted on the scans.
  18. I agree with Elaine. No side effects , this is a good thing. Hope and pray this continues and it knocks the "H_" out of that tumor. Donna G
  19. Donna G

    St. Peregrine

    I have been friends with this saint since we were introduced over 6 yrs ago. I keep copies of his prayer to give away in my purse. It is always good to have someone praying for us. Donna G
  20. Emurphy, welcome. First, what is the plan? What are they doing about the brain tumor? Is chemo coming now for the lung, liver. Is your mother having any symptoms? Are they treating those. Please keep us posted. All of this is very stressful, believe me we know. I pray for your peace and Mom and your family. Donna G
  21. I was diagnosed with NSCLC in Dec. 97, I was first treated with VP 16, Cisplatin and daily radiation. When I had surgery in Feb 98 they said all that was left was scar tissue. I guess that means it worked for me, hope the same for your husband. Is your husband going to have surgery? or was it in bothe lungs? Keep us posted Donna G
  22. I don't live in Chicago, and some how I missed ever living there but you can use this site to find a thoracic surgeon www.physicianreports.com Hope that helps Donna G
  23. Hi Pam. Boy all I can say is wow. What a horrific 4 months you have had. Sounds like he is doing better now. Is he still on the vent? Please keep us posted. Donna G
  24. Yes Yes Heal and go away. Boy that sounds great. Thanks for sharing. Donna G
  25. Your friends need you now. One thing they need is a good listener. Be willing to listen. They may also need physical help. Hopefully he will get chemo which makes you tired. Perhaps the lawn mowed, a ride to the doctor, With a small child a few hours of child care. If people at the office are willing you could organize this help. Please don't desert them. They really need caring friends. You must be one to hunt for this site. Donna G
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