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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. I wonder what kind of work you are in, that your employer did that. This is info re: http://www.nlhep.org/resources/erly-rec ... ons-2.html Have you ever had any lung problems? Asthma, Allergies, infections? Donna G
  2. Your Mom is in my prayers. Hope all goes well. Donna G
  3. Sounds like your Mom has an airway problem to boot, besides needing O2 supplements, even more exertion of any kind may decrease her O2 saturation. Tell her to take some deep breaths of that O2. Donna G
  4. On one of my appointments to the Onocologist I cried and sobbed and talked for an hour , he referred me to a counsellor at the cancer center and also ordered an antidepressent. Now I don't think I should not have let it go so far, I would advise just asking for bothe. Donna G
  5. For me it was a pulmonary doctor who did the biopsy under CT. All appointments were set up ( doctors, CT, bone scans etc) I just kept going each day to one or another. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  6. Donna G


    Reading that article it also should encourage us to eat red grapes, and EAT FISH ( those of us in treatment and those entertaining NED) Donna G
  7. Donna G

    New here

    Hi Donna, welcome. I am so sorry that your husband and yourself are on this difficult journey. Was your husband diagnosed last month or last year? Is he in any pain? Is he taking supplements for the weight problem like Ensure or Boost? I joined the lung cancer " group of survivors" 6 years ago last December and in that time I have become so aware of this disease and how it affects people and that there are many too many of us on this road. Please let us know how we can help and keep us posted on how your husband and yourself are doing. Donna G
  8. Kathi thanks so much for posting! Once someone "joins" we all want to try to keep up how things are going. Your news is great news! I sure bet your Dad is so happy to see his girl graduate especially where he can go to the graduation with NED. Congratulations for finishing up. Now the learning begins. Donna G
  9. Donna G

    MO's Obituary

    Went to work early today, didn't read the paper, thanks for the post. Really , she told us she was coming to Mn to visit friends and family but I guess I never thought it would be in our paper. I really wish she had been able to come. Donna G
  10. I had my chemo and radiation at the same time. I first went to radiation them went over to another room for chemo. They told me the chemo make the radiation more potent. When I had surgery later all they found was scar tissue, no live tumor. Wishing you the best Donna G
  11. Pat , welcome. Jan 03, well that is still over one year. That is great. We all dread the Ct tests. Please now that you have joined keep us posted. Donna G PS I over 6 yrs and still dread the tests, the wait for the results.
  12. Thanks Ry. I was hoping that I would see an update on Mo. I am sad. I hope and pray that they can talc her and she is able to go home. Donna G
  13. I recently heard and I quote Stress isn't something that just happens to us, It's created by our own thinking. I have often thought that if I could go through lung cancer treatment without a cigarette , that I can now go through any stress without one. Does that mean that perhaps there never was a reason to smoke , I just made one up.? Is it that we believe something is frightening so it is? Do you think we could not have stress? Would that make us healthy? What do you think? Is having a positive attitude the opposite of stress? Donna G
  14. Donna G


    Kelly I am so sorry. May you and your family find peace. Know your father watches over you and loves you. Donna G
  15. Prayers going up for Amy and ginny's husband. Donna G
  16. Pasties. I hate the appliance and only where when necessary. It has been 6 yrs plus. Donna G
  17. Why doesnt your Mom take chemo? Is she afraid of side effects? Why not radiation? Ablation? She still has alternatives . Welcome to our family. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  18. Sorry to hear about your friend Bill. He is at peace now. Donna G
  19. Hi Arlene. Love to here such great news. I am also an RN and a survivor. I belong to the "Pancoast Tumor Club" here at this site. Perhaps we should have a medical professional club also. Are you still working? It seems that now that I am a survivor God keeps sending me people at the hospital or at church who are beginnning this journey. I hope you will visit with us often , for those just beginnning, I know it means a lot. Welcome Donna G
  20. Shelly I know this is a very difficult time for you. I pray that you find peace , I know your Mom and Dad are in peace now. Shelly the next few days will be so hard. Please as soon as you are able spend some time on Shelly and your family . I know your parents are so greatful to have you as their daughter so loving and caring. I know they want you now to find time to rest and recouperate for all of your giving. Donna G
  21. Sometimes swelling can be caused by "low serum protein" or also "anemia". How has he been eating? What is his hemaglobin? These normal parts of the blood hold fluid in the blood vessels. If they are in low supply the fluid leaks out of the blood vessels into the tissues or causing swelling. That is a possibility but I am glad the doctors are checking all possible causes. Donna G
  22. Donna G

    Some News on Mo

    Hope Mo gets well quick. I think she would have had more fun in Minnesota than in ICU. Prayers going up. Donna G
  23. Hi Tina , so sorry to hear about your husbands diagnosis. I am glad to hear his tumor shrunk 50%! Lung tumors cause a change in the clotting mechanism so many find out they have lung cancer when being treated for clots. Please let us know how this months CT comes out. Pray that the healing from treatment continues. Donna G
  24. Hooray We are so happy that you are with us. Praying for NERD Donna G
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