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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. I am confused also. You say you had Small Cell but say you were Stage 1A. Small cell is either limited or extensive. I have never heard it "stage" the way NSCLC is staged. With either I believe the latest studies recommend Chemo. Donna G
  2. I am so sorry that you have lost your life partner, your husband. I pray that you and your family find peace. Donna G
  3. Agreed, theres a big difference between taking some deep breaths, which you would do if you walked up a flight of stairs, ran a block, etc and hyperventilating, in which you deep breath repeatedly for emotional reasons not physical need. Donna G
  4. May you and your family find peace. So sorry about your loss. Donna G
  5. Welcome home Cheryl . Glad you have a couple of good memorries from the stay , as Lobster and facial , and dog visits. Best of all your on the mend. Donna G
  6. Mgee, I couldn't "turn" a few weeks after surgery. It turned out my skin had stuck to my muscle and was healing that way. I had to go to a physical therapist and have the scar tissue broken up , then exercises. Range of motion as above Nushca said of the affected shoulder and turning at the waist is real important. The pain is slow leaving. Keep us posted. Donna G
  7. Have fun before you have to "go back to work" Breaks are nice. Donna G
  8. Hope you feel better soon. Donna G
  9. Donna G

    Nerve Damage

    Very interesting. I thought that it was only peripheral neuropathy of hands and feet etc . I found an article re. May pertain http://www.emedicine.com/neuro/topic298.htm Let us know how it goes. Donna G
  10. yes. It is routine to check lab work because of it's affect on blood,the white cell, the red cells and the platelets. Sometimes they give a couple of units of platelets, or blood or shots to boost wbc's. Donna G
  11. Hello, If you look at my signature you will see I had surgery plus. It will be 7 yrs soon for me since diagnosis. Yes, we are surviving and enjoying our friend NED ( no evidence of disease.) I also vote surgery and whatever else you need. IN some cases they can do the surgery through a scope, and with this the recovery and discomfort is much less . Not all Doctors are trained and able to do it this way . We do have one here in Minneapolis at the University Hospital. It is also now recommended, even if you are Stage I, that you have chemo to cover you for micrometastasis that may show up later. Keep in touch. Donna G
  12. Welcome Sherri, hope we can help. Donna G
  13. FA LA LA LA LA - LA LA LA LA , I'm still singing Connie! Forward , 2, 3, Left 2,3 Back 2,3, Forward 2,3. and dancing Too! Great news Donna G
  14. That was beautiful Connie. Has it been 4 years since Kyle passed? It doesn't seem that long. Big hug to you my dearest friend. Donna G
  15. Another nurse, welcome. Sorry we also share the big C. Don't forget to keep us posted for you have joined our family. Donna G
  16. Doesn't anyone know someone who is breast feeding! Ask them to give you some milk! Rub it on for a while . Kiss the warts goodbye. Donna G
  17. Sounds like good news to me. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy! Donna G
  18. I think this was posted before. I have never heard that warts cause lung cancer. The only connection I know is since breast milk cures warts, this may give us new treatments for cancer. Donna G http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medical ... ewsid=9880
  19. How wonderful, she's coming home! Thanks for the update. Great news. Donna G
  20. Donna G

    One Year on Monday!

    Great news, and a very Happy Be-lated Birthday. Donna G
  21. I also am so sorry for your loss. May you and your family find peace. Donna G
  22. The only house I ever lived in that had an alarm system was in the woods. Donna G
  23. Thanks for the update. I hope you will let us know when you will be in the hospital ( before) . Donna G
  24. Donna G


    Thanks for sharing , I do pray the CT results show how well it is working. Donna G
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