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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. In our local lung cancer support group we have several 4 and 5 yr survivors of SCLC that had preventative brain radiation and they are still close buddies with NED. Wishing you the best also. Donna G
  2. Donna G

    my birthday

    I am sure Becky was with you and was pleased. Donna G
  3. My understanding is that with a Pancoast Tumor you start with chemo. I had this with radiation starting in Dec of 97'. In Feb of 98' I had my right upper lobe removed . Then in March I began Chemo again. THis was the plan from the beginning. I guess I was very fortunate. I was diagnosed, had every test known to man ( CT biopsy, Pulmonary Function, Bone Scan, Brain Scan, Even Thyroid scan and treatment, etc) and was in chemo and radiation by 2 weeks. I finished the 2nd round of chemo in April 98' and so far entertained my friend NED ( no evidence of disease) Kate, this disease is very hard emotionally. Most of us have needed help and antidepressents. Keep us posted. Your SO is more than welcome to join our Pancoast Tumor Survivor Club . Donna G
  4. Minnie this is sad news, but the up side is a plan is in place for treatment. Let us know how it is going. Donna G
  5. The day that my doctor let me cry and sob for over an hour while he patiently listened , I bet someone was in the waiting room , like you , counting the minutes he was late. I was so lucky to have a listening, caring dedicated doctor. Donna G
  6. Welcome, looking forward to when you have more time. 9 weeks and no final diagnosis? Wow. Within a few weeks I was already deep in chemo and radiation., Keep us posted. Donna G
  7. Larry , don't give him so much credit. 395 The power of Satan is, nonetheless, not infinite. He is only a creature, powerful from the fact that he is pure spirit, but still a creature. He cannot prevent the building up of God's reign. Although Satan may act in the world out of hatred for God and his kingdom in Christ Jesus, and although his action may cause grave injuries - of a spiritual nature and, indirectly, even of a physical nature- to each man and to society, the action is permitted by divine providence which with strength and gentleness guides human and cosmic history. It is a great mystery that providence should permit diabolical activity, but "we know that in everything God works for good with those who love him."275
  8. Welcome to our family Dianne. Donna G
  9. For those that are looking for an easy link http://www.cincinnati.com/text/local/20 ... 5main.html Donna G
  10. Very interesting. Now if we could find someone who could figure out how to prevent them from "melting away" or encourage them to grow and protect us wouldn't that be great! Donna G
  11. Donna G

    God's purpose???

    After going through a valley , it sure helps you appreciate the mountain tops. Perhaps the contrast is necesary in order to appreciate perfection. Donna G
  12. This weekend we sang this hymn and I kept thinking of all of us. When you think of all those who got to eat and be together in Michigan , it seems to fit even more. Donna G Refrain We come to share our story, we come to break the bread, We come to know our rising from the dead. We come as your people, we come as your own, united with each other, love finds a home. We are called to heal the broken, to be hope for the poor, we are called to feed the hungry at our door. Bread of life and cup of promise, in this meal we all are one. In our dying and our rising , may your kingdom come. You will lead and we shall follow, you will be the breath of life , living water , we are thirsting for your light. We will live and sing: " Aloha" " Aleluia" is our song. May we live in love and peace our whole life long.
  13. You have my prayers , I am so sad to read your post. May Terry have comfort from pain. I know this time is so difficult for the whole family. Please let us know how things are going. Donna G
  14. WOW! Looks like you had such fun! . Next one I am going! Even if I have to call in sick because it's my weekend to work. ( Please don't tell) I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the pictures and hearing more stories. Thanks so much for sharing. Donna G
  15. Chemo care has this info http://www.chemocare.com/bio/bio.sps?iBiographyID=9221 Donna G
  16. Hi Jay , hope we can be of some help to you and your family. Donna G
  17. Dave I just went and signed your petition. Today by the way I heard your Doctor Joan H. Shiller of University of Wisconsin , Madison, speak of promising Phase 1 Agents for lung cancer treatment , here in the twin cities. Donna G
  18. I have a friend who is taking Iressa and say her diarrhea is controlled by Immodium and is not a problem Donna G
  19. Just got home from the Twin Cities thoracic Onocology Consortium Conference and this subject was brought up.. Dr Katherine Pisters of MD Anderson in Houston said that it was unethical. General concensiss was if patient was "stable" could be taken off a drug as Irressa but put back on if tumor began to grow. Donna G
  20. My problem just started last pm. Thanks for the email otherwise I never would have gotten here this am. I had www in my favorites, won't work. I use DSL so that should not be the problem . I will save the address without the www now. Again thanks. Donna G
  21. I got peripheral neuopathy after taking my second round of Cisplatin after surgery. I started falling down for no real reason. As I would step from the paved walk onto grass and fall on my butt. Told the Dr and he said right off it was the Cisplatin and I did not get the last dose. I don't fall any more but my feet particularly are still weird, they wigggle as if searching for info, if I walk barefoot on the carpet, they complain about how it feels etc. They like me to stick to the same style shoe instead of having to learn all over "what this shoe feels like". If I obey their rules it is not a problem. Donna G
  22. Donna G

    Post Surgery

    So glad all went well and you are home. Home is the best place to get some rest. Donna G
  23. Great! A plan is in place. Pray all goes well now. Donna G
  24. John I am going to the Twin Cities Thoracic Onocology Consortium Meeting tomorrow . We have a Doctor that attends doing research on developing a blood test for detecting micrometastasis. I asked him last year if eventurally it could be used as one screening tool where it is low cost. Of course if it is in your blood that does not sound early. I will show him this report and see what he says. Donna G
  25. More food for thought http://www.psychologytoday.com/htdocs/p ... 000010.asp http://www.thisismidsussex.co.uk/mid_su ... GHT81.html I agree, your brain also needs "exercise" . Donna G
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