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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. If you made it through the surgery and radiation that is great. You are very young. If the doctor recommends chemo, I think you should go for it. You may tolerate the chemo just fine. Many people go through it without any major problems. After all 10 or 20 yrs from now this will be ancient history. Donna G
  2. Yes. May he be kind and wise. Donna G
  3. Prayer going up that he responds well to antibiotics and re hydration. Donna G
  4. Welcome Deb. See if you can find out biopsy results. If it is small cell the best treatment is chemo, not surgery. Waiting to hear more. Donna G
  5. Not much else I can add to all the good comments above, just my sincere welcome to our group. Donna G
  6. Hi Shirl. Reading your post reminded me of the song they sing at one of the rides at Disney World----"It's a small world" You may be over the great pond, but right now you are inside my computer in Minnesota. Welcome to our family. Hope you continue your rehab , don't forget to do range of motion on the affected arm, and some good deep breaths intermittently through the day. Donna G
  7. Praying for your sister in this difficult time. Donna G
  8. Donna G

    Up On Bruce

    HKope Bruce is feeling MUCH BETTER this morning and goes home soon. Donna G
  9. What are you doing to rehab? They say swimming is very good to get back in shape. Donna G PS, don't forget David P-- how with one lung he won the race. It takes work to increase your lung capacity.
  10. Donna G

    Time line

    As above. You have to heal from the surgery before they start chemo. With yourself, since you had pneumonia, I would think that should be cleared up good also. With non small cell I was told it doubled in 3 months, if not caught by your pathologist ( lymph nodes etc) I would think you are still on track for catching any micrometastasis with chemo. Donna G
  11. Happy dance! Good news. Keep it coming . Donna G
  12. Donna G

    Tobacco Files

    What Minnesota’s Tobacco Settlement Achieved Ø $6.1 billion settlement – four and one-half times the $1.7 billion the state had sought for extra costs state programs had paid to treat sick smokers. Most of the settlement money is a sanction against the tobacco industry for what it did to addict kids and mislead the public. Ø Permanent ban on tobacco marketing that targets children, enforceable with money penalties, injunctions and fines. Ø $202 million fund (3 percent of settlement) to help adults quit smoking and conduct research (called the Minnesota Partnership for Action Against Tobacco). Ø Over 33 million pages of secret industry documents opened to the public, including the industry-funded Minnesota Document Depository for public use. Ø The settlement proposed a permanent endowment to reduce youth smoking through counter-advertising, classroom education, community partnerships, advocacy, research and evaluation in a comprehensive program to reduce tobacco use in Minnesota. State Legislators fulfilled that promise in 1999 when they established the Tobacco Prevention Endowment with 8 percent of the state’s $6.1 billion settlement. Sadly, during the 2003 legislative session Governor Pawlenty and lawmakers chose to completely eliminated the tobacco endowments to fix the budget deficit. As a result, not one penny of Minnesota’s historic tobacco settlement is being used to prevent kids from smoking.
  13. I was thinking the same thing. Seeing that the tumor is a Pancoast tumor it is extremely likely that the symptoms are due to the tumor. I pray that they are able to shrink the tumor - that will relieve symptoms. Donna G http://www.emedicine.com/radio/topic515.htm Above site has lots of Pancoast info.
  14. Donna G

    Tobacco Files

    I was to court here in Minnesota re tobacco money. Even the money allocated is questionable what good it did. MPPAT the organization who was given the money spent the money on themselves, Some one in the room would step out and they would vote him money, then another. So far I believe they have made smoke free restaurants in a couple of towns with there efforts. Because of our court efforts they were forced to spend some of the money on smoking cessation also. I see on those sites some sad statistics for Minnesota 2003 2300 of the 9100 Cancer deaths in the state were lung cancer. 2000 1518 men got lung cancer and 1175 women T=2693 2194 died. If you look closer you see more died in 2003 than 2000 Donna G
  15. Boy she was so young. Wish she could meet David ( our bicycle racer) he was very young also, even younger. Thanks for the story with the happy ending. Donna G
  16. Another September bride and groom! Have a Happy, Happy day and celebrate. Donna G
  17. I had chemo and radiation together to shrink the tumor , then surgery. Mine was upstaged because of touching pleura, nerves and blood vessels. Surgery went fine. I think it depends on where and why it was Stage 3 Donna G Golly nearly forgot to tell you- WELCOME
  18. Clinton had supported the bill and encouraged it. When it came down to the vote you would think he could influence his party and staff. Things Fall Apart Everyone believed the bill was now on its way to becoming law. But that is not what happened. Koop and Kessler were still critical. "If you told me that this segment had been written by a representative of the tobacco industry, I would fully believe you," Koop said at the time. Kessler said, "No bill is better than a watered-down bill." As a result we have no bill. Tobacco companies are not regulated. The companies continue to rake in the profits, the government continues to rake in the taxes, and collect and spend the tobacco settlement money, and lung cancer will continue to be a deadly illness . PS thanks for posting that article! Donna .
  19. Canned , yes. AT first when I was reading your post I thought it was the letter that you sent him, but then I realized it was "his " response to you. It looks like he got ( or someone in his office) this off a web site then added a little, and signed it. Did you see that show last night. Looks like Senator McCain was real interested in 97' when he wrote that bill that President Clinton killed on how to use the tobacco money and put tobacco under federal regulations. Donna G
  20. David , How wonderful! Great job! Love the picture and I see your yellow band on your wrist. Wish all with lung cancer victums could meet you like we have . Enjoy your triumph. Donna G
  21. Got my notice of the upcoming Thoracic Onocology conference on October 8 . This course is designed to update the primary care physician in the prevention, screening , diagnosis, and management of lung cancer . Topics Examine issues faced in the prevention of lung cancer and smoking cessation. Define the role of screening for lung cancer with spriral CT Outline the diagnostic workup of solitary pumonary nodule Describe multimodality management of early lung cancer Discuss the role of novel agents for the therapy of metastatic lung cancer Perhaps I will learn more about the nodules!!!!!!!! Donna G
  22. I think the problem is more if you are in the middle of treatment. I love a massage, sure hope theres no problem. Donna G
  23. Ann, glad to hear you are OK. Donna G
  24. Peggy , we have the same Anniversary! We were married on Sept. 8, 1968 however, a long time after you! ( one year) Happy day to you l Donna G
  25. O I forgot, another day to Party! This is our 36th Wedding Anniversary, the 7th one since I was diagnosed with lung cancer. Remember , I was only a child when we got married. Hee Hee. So another good day for a Happy Dance. Donna G PS My husband just called from work , my present is at the Toyota dealer- A fence for inside the car to keep my 2 mix border collies from jumping over the seats when we go to the dog park. How romantic.
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