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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Heard this am that a trial starts now against the 5 major tobacco companies, they have been planning it for 5 yrs. http://www.turkishpress.com/turkishpres ... p?ID=27595 Wonder what they'll use the money for? Donna G
  2. Renee , I am so sorry. I pray for you and your family in this most difficult time of loss. May you have peace. Donna G
  3. Bruce , thanks for letting us know. Donna G
  4. Wow, that is a loaded question. We sure have thrown that around here, should we be told statistics, if 160,000 die but 20,000 live which should be emphasized. However I remember when I was in Nursing School, a young kid who asked if he was going to die from this cancer, his parents did not want him to know, but I think he did know. I began to think he did not trust anyone , he new we were "lying" to him. He did die. For myself, being an RN, going to a clinic for shoulder and chest pain, thinking I needed a muscle relaxer, but being told I lung lung cancer- wow! I knew that Pain is NOT an early sign of lung cancer. I was devasted. My next appointment was with an internist, who set up appointment with Pulmonary, CT biopsy, Onocology, etc. Finally when I saw Dr Duane and he told me he felt I could be cured it was "hope" that I felt, still a lot of fear but some hope. I had a Pancoast Tumor, larger than a golf ball up under my right clavicle, boy was that hard to biopsy! I know I was not Stage I. Here I am nearly 7 yrs later, celebrating many Christmas Holidays more, many more Birthdays, more Anniversaries etc that I never thought I would see. Keeping NED close by. My point --Stats only mean a lot in hind site, Honesty is necessary . Hope goes a long way. I think listening is most important , finding out what goals the patient has, as "to live til" or " to be comfortable" " not to be a burden" etc are also very important . You say your group works as a team, the team can help find solutions to these worries. Donna G
  5. Donna G


    Wonderful news! Thanks so much. Have a safe trip. We'll be here waiting for your return. Donna G
  6. welcome Kim. Your Mom is nearly a one year survivor! Keep us posted how this treatment for the reoccurance is doing. Donna G
  7. So sorry to read of this turn. Hospice is a good program, pray they comfort and keep him comfortable. Donna G
  8. We have a young Mesothilioma survivor here in the Twin Cities. For a while she was posting at this site-----Jodi. She is doing fine and living with NED Donna G PS this was her last post http://lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.p ... ght=#55219
  9. On line support group? Yes we are where you need to be. I don't know about lung cancer support groups in Chicago. We have just a couple here in the twin cities. Welcome to our community, please let us know what we can help you with. This is a hard disease. Donna G PS we have several here in our group that have through treatment for SCLC and are in remission and doing fine 4 and 6 yrs out.
  10. He's cute and as a poodle, good news- no shedding! Have fun. Donna G
  11. Keep up the great work! At first when I started reading I thought some singer had wanted lung cancer month declared, and I wonder who that singer was, woops, then I caught on that it was a senator Singer. Again we all need to keep trying and your efforts are reallly appreciated. Donna G
  12. Theresag, congradultions! Boy was that a lot of work! Now shall we call you Doctor? Donna G
  13. Oncodoc, welcome. We had a big hole after loosing Dr Sam. We would love you to join us . As you will see we are young, old, American, English, Asian, Australian, we are parents, children, teacher, nurses, all trying to survive this frightening, vicious decease. We are sharing with each other our worries, our coping mechanisms, our hopes, our knowledge, our experiences. Many of us who are survivors or best friends with "NED" are trying to muster up public concern for support, finances for research, and early detection, and prevention. We all welcome your precious input, and care and concern for us. We offer a big cyber"""""""""HHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGG""""""""""" and say thanks for coming and welcome. Donna G
  14. I am so sorry to read your post. This is a great loss to you and your family. I pray that you find comfort and peace. Donna G
  15. I worked in Canada health care about 10+ yrs ago. It was really different from the U.S. Some things they do up there are great. As because so many people get allergies to certain weeds ( as ragweed), they have made a law against letting them grow on your property. It is excellent for free annual physicals and prevention. Here in the states if you are in the ER for 5 or 6 hours, people are up in arms. While I was there they passed a law you could not be in the ER for more than a week, they had to find a bed, or send you home. People in the US are rarely in the hospital for a week, there people stayed months. I must say that the people I worked with were very caring. Donna G
  16. Looks like New Orleans dodged the bullet. The map of the storm rainfall I saw this am showed NewOrleans with only a few inches of rain, while just east they had huge rainfall. If that had fallen on New Orleans , the city would all be flooded. Now that day light is up perhaps we will see more of what happened on the Gulf Coast. Prayers continueing. Donna G
  17. What a great letter! Thanks so much. Donna G
  18. I am so sorry for your loss of Kirby. I pray for you and your family for comfort and peace. Donna G
  19. Thanks for the update and WHAT GREAT NEWS . Love it. Donna G
  20. O how we like NED! Sounds like real good news to me. Donna G
  21. You know now that I think about it, it was my husband who went to the internet first. He wanted to get info on all of what the doctors were saying. As he was worried that I had to have chemo and radiation before surgery, but he found on the internet the exact same protocol and that helped put him at ease. That first year I don't remember even thinking of going here myself, I think I had so much to cope with already. The doctors all gave me lots of info to read, there were cancer groups to go to , as coping with being bald etc. I was so tired, then recovering from surgery, then tired again from chemo. Never mind all the time I spent with treatment and doctor appointments. I guess my plate was full. Donna G
  22. Praying for all those that will be affected by Ivan. I lived in that area 3 times and we still own a house on the Gulf Coast. I spoke to some of my friends and tenant yesterday , they are all leaving! Evacuation is called for all living south of I-10. I was there for Frederick, they say that was 25 yrs ago, they were refering to it this AM. Boy I remember what it was like as if it was yesterday! I especially pray for those in New Orleans, Slidell, La, Abita Springs La. and Gautier, Biloxi Ms. Donna G
  23. Good job!. SCLC is very sensitive to chemo, glad to hear her plan is in place. Donna G
  24. Paddy , prayers going up. Please let us know when you can, how things are going. Donna G
  25. Carleen, so sad to read your post. This has to be such a difficult time for you. Very scary. Please keep us posted on the plan for him and how he is responding. Meanwhile you bothe are in my prayers. Donna G
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