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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Donna G


    I am sorry if I offend any one but my roots are in Boston! Yippee! I know my Dad who is in heaven is watching and cheering! A Boston Red Sox fan is ever faithful, but boy it paid off last night. I hope they go all the way! Go Red Sox! Donna G
  2. OK, we probably will be there again soon , Donna
  3. Sorry, I never heard of sun soup, I just want to say welcome. I see John came up with something. Donna G
  4. With Irene's membership to the board we went to 1500. So many of us. Praying for a cure. Donna G
  5. So sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers are for you and your family , that they find peace. Donna G
  6. Welcome. Sounds like you are a strong fighter! Keep us posted. Donna G
  7. Welcome. Sorry to hear you have lost your Mom, she was much too young. What are you studying in school? Remember one person can make a difference. Donna G
  8. Prayers going up. I agree funky is normal. Most of us need antidepressents for a while. Donna G
  9. Great news. Does Ashley try to talk to him a lot? She is so cute. I bet she is a great big sister. Donna G
  10. Did any of you contact your State Attorney General. I hear in Minnesota on the news all the time how ours is "investigating" business practices. Donna G
  11. Hi Katie, welcome. Many of us start this ride by seeing lots of doctors, and having lots of tests, PFTs, bone scans, radialogists, pulmonologists, onocologists etc. Depending on where the tumor or tumors are, how good your PFTs are, etc a plan is put in place. For me the best plan was chemo and radiation to shrink the tumor then surgery , and more chemo. That was 7 yrs ago, and I continue to keep my companion NED ( No evidence of disease) . Keep us posted what the plan is for your Dad. Donna G
  12. Prayers going up. Donna G
  13. Donna G

    Great test results

    Love to hear that good news! Thanks for sharing. Donna G
  14. David , glad to see you back! Did they have to give you a chest tube? or was is "small" enough that they just were going to watch. Back to work , wow, hope that is not too soon. Take Care . Donna G
  15. Angie , I am so sorry for your loss. I pray that you and your family find peace. Donna G
  16. Pumpkin head, ummmmmmmmmmmm, I bet I know why you call yourself justakid! Fun is good for us, it had to be fun to wear a pumkin barret. Donna G
  17. Donna G

    goods news

    in 6 weeks - 50 % reduction. Boy that sounds like good news! second opinions never are wasted. Either you get more knowledge, or even just confirmation . Keep us posted. Donna G
  18. I have been through several but only one at a time with years of rest in between. I can not immagine going through this year in Florida. Wow.
  19. Donna G

    October 13th 2003

    JC , I am so sorry. Praying for you and the family for peace. Donna G
  20. Prayers going up. The low molecular weight heparin is good medicine! Hope he starts getting some strength back soon. Donna G
  21. Donna G

    Mom is with Jesus

    Kim this is such a hard time for you and the family. I am so sorry for your loss. I pray that you and the family are gifted with peace. Donna G
  22. Hi Patrice, welcome to the family. I am looking forward to hearing how your followup CT comes out. I would love for you to meet our friend and companion NED. Keep us posted. Donna G
  23. It is one day at a time! I have had dreams about smoking! My mother said the same thing. The addiction hangs on so long. Must just remember You Can live without them. Donna G
  24. Hi Bailey. So sorry to hear your Mom is having such a rough time. She is too young to give up without a fight. I can tell you from experience just being told you have lung cancer is devastating. Perhaps with some time she can pull herself together. Please let us know. Donna G
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