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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. My husband was in the military for years (Navy). I know when his Dad was critically sick they brought him home from out to sea. After we were married and were stationed in Charleston, SC, I slipped a disk in my back and they flew him home for my surgery, the Red Cross arranged it. I don't think I ever heard of them doing that for dependents . as flying a wife home, or bringing home a serviceman for an "in-law" being ill. Have you notified or talked to anyone on base? Do you have a wives club? Donna G
  2. Wow, TB and lung cancer! Please keep us posted. Donna G
  3. 'Give Thanks ...' Take time to have no other occupation than to give thanks. To You, who bring humor, like a corner of a rainbow into blocked conversations and the confrontation born of hatred, to you: Thank You! To You, who lead us into dialogue and who use any means to point us towards openness of spirit; To You, who make us understand that the truth is not a possession, that it is always something ahead of us, and something we should seek together; To You, who teach us that listening to each other in mutual respect is the starting point for any meeting, to you: Thank You! To You, who ask for our solidarity, who disturb the ordered comfort of our existence; To You, who, tirelessly, appeal to our human brotherhood and prevent us from becoming bogged down in the selfishness which denotes return to brute nature; to you who give us our daily share of tenderness without which it is impossible to keep going, to you who offer us your daily presence without which the day would be dark indeed, to you: Thank You! To You, who heal the sadness which often overtakes us when we suffer failure yet again, to you who back us in our desire to create, with others, pathways for the future, despite the weariness and discouragement which undermine our hope, to you: Thank You! To You, who watch over the integrity of our earth and the purity of its springs, to you who invent images full of beauty, to you who play music capable of lifting us up, to you who write words inspired by the Spirit, to you: Thank You! To you, who care for the body and therefore the spirit as well, to you who use the resources of your intelligence to invent ways of keeping at bay the suffering which wears us down; to you who give relief to the inner fears that weigh us down, to you whose compassionate attention is a more powerful remedy than any medicine, to you: Thank You! To You, who show us the Gospel as News to make us glad, like a word that sets us back on the road, like a stream which, each day, affords new opportunity to drink, to you: Thank You! To You, who, in one way or another, help us to stand upright with dignity, to you who help us to live; To You, from our entire being: Thank You! Free time. Holidays. Time Off. Leisure. More than other times these free us from everyday constraints: exhausting schedules, the rhythm of work and family, deadlines to be met ... We then see what remained hidden under the thick layers of worry. An absolute necessity is revealed - to find again the attitudes and behavior which enable existence to keep its meaning and its wonder.
  4. Welcome, I had non small cell but I have friends that had Small Cell Lung Cancer that are 4-5 yrs out from treatment with no evedence of disease (NED) . Keep us posted. Donna G
  5. Welcome, I had non small cell but I have friends that are 4-5 yrs out from treatment with no evedence of disease (NED) . Keep us posted. Donna G
  6. Just wanted to say Hi Liz. Welcome. Donna G
  7. Paula, it sounds like you have lots to celebrate on Thanksgiving! As I was reading your post, my mind went just like your surgeon, what a wonderful thing that blockage did not complain under the stress of your lung surgery, how polite to wait til it was all over! Thanks for sharing. Donna G
  8. Congradulations , We are so blessed because of your decision 25 yrs ago. Donna G
  9. Donna G

    Thank You!!

    Shrinkage! Another great word! Have a happy Thanksgiving. Donna G
  10. Welcome treebywater. We will try to help you. Lots of info on this site. keep us posted about the Onc appointment. Donna G
  11. Since there are 3 lobes on the right, wonder if there's a chance he will leave the middle one? Best wishes, please keep us posted. Donna G
  12. Great news! Yes NED is a wonderful friend. Donna G
  13. Donna G


    Some how I don't think you would be starting symtoms now from chemo that you had 2 yrs ago. I got neuropathy when I had chemo , they stopped it, and I was told as time went on it would get better , not worse. I would investigate another possible cause.
  14. Thanks for the update . Happy Turkey Day! Donna G
  15. Stable, another wonderful sounding word! Great news. Keep it up! Donna G
  16. I also am so sorry for your loss. I pray for you and the family for peace. Donna G
  17. It is also known that women who have abortions tend to later have fertility problems. It is also known that women who get pregnant and have a good sized family and breast feed their children tend to have less risk of breast cancer. I think people who really want "womens right to choose" do suppress this info. Generally the blame game is heaviest for lung cancer because , I believe, smoking is not good for you, there are people fighting for a smoke free environment, and cancer scares people! These people who want a smoke free environment are also fight the tobacco companies who have a huge amount of power, and influenced with the government too. They suppressed really bad info about cigarettes for many years . The state and federal government make a lot of money on its sales tax and really don't want to loose that money. I really don't think that argument that a cure for cancer is being suppressed just to keep everyone sick! If someone had a cure for cancer , they would get a patent and rake in zillions of dollars! Believe me it would be done. Donna G www.cancernews.com/data/Article/192.asp - 35k -
  18. You know that does work. I once worked at Mount Sinai Hospital ( it has since closed) It was a "Jewish" hospital. We had a special kitchen, Hanukkah candles etc. Christians worked those holidays, the Jewish worked Christian holidays, it worked well. Donna G PS We all agreed on the 10 commandments.
  19. Donna G

    pancoast update

    Kasey, why don't you post these questions under "Ask the expert" . We have an Onocologist on line who has volunteered to answer questions like this. Oncodoc will answer you I am sure. Donna G
  20. You definitely have a point. Donna G
  21. First, hello to a Bostonian. I was born and raised there. Your theory for developing lung cancer from second hand smoke would be a stretch I think. Did you know just living in a major city for 10 yrs or more puts you at risk for lung cancer? Living near an oil field puts you at risk? Working at a truck stop ( diesel fuel is 300 times more poluting than gas fumes) puts you at risk for lung cancer. See this article I posted a while back. I wanted to say that the oil fields in Lousiana put people at risk for lung cancer I read. If you search for info re the death of Kim Perrot, a young basketball player, an athlete, they discuss how growing up there exposed her to carcinogens. I was interested because I have lived in Slidell and Abita Springs. I knew there was a high risk for kidney cancer in New Orleans because of the exposure to the waters of the Mississipppi River but while there I didn't hear about the higher than average risk of lung cancer til I read these articles. We all need to band together for more research , prevention and early detection. We would be very interested in how your study is coming. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  22. I had chemo and radiation before surgery to shrink the tumor away from nerves and blood vessels. Donna G
  23. As scripture says "This is your mother". What mother wouldn't help out one of her children? Thanks for sharing. Donna G
  24. Donna G


    Francine, prayers going up for you. Donna G
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