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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Prayers going up, wishing you the best results. Donna G
  2. This morning the Minnesota legislature is suppose to vote weather to pass this bill. If passed it will be illegal to light up in ANY public building in Minnesota. ( meaning open to the public). The news this am is interviewing people as worker in a diner, etc . Mixed reviews. Already some cities have passed a smoking ban in public building witch will become active soon. Many are worried about their job security, if business goes somewhere else etc. I would think if it is state wide, it would be more fair. Not many are going to drive to Wisconsin or Iowa, or the Dakota's just to have a cigarette. What do you think? Donna G
  3. Did we all greet Calintay, who's mom has a superior sulcus tumor? We have not gathered in so long! Please update us on how things have been going. Kasey, Rita, Laurene Relyag, Tracy, Rocco, Kelly for her dad, Keith, Rita Bubb, Grammy bear ,Gary, mhutch1366 Please tell us how we are doing? Pancoast tumors are squamous or adenocarcinoma tumors located in the superior sulcus or apex or the lung cause symptom of shoulder pain, weakness and other problems because they press on nerves , blood vessels, and the pleura.
  4. Donna G

    My mom is at peace...

    I am so sorry, I pray for you and your family for peace and comfort. Donna G
  5. I Janet. Welcome. Pray all continues to go well. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  6. Donna G

    A poem by me

    Good message! Donna G
  7. Peggy, I did what you said about minimizing and clicking with the arrow to get rid of the white. Now I could look at my screen saver instead ( it is the same with as the white down the edges)! This does not help with the scrolling either. I did learn something though. Donna G
  8. I like the trim colors, red white and blue. I think however it has a lot of wasted space, 1 and 1/2 inches of white on each side and also the blue 1 and 5/8ths inches . This makes for a lot of scrolling especially for those who have long signatures. Donna G
  9. Welcome. Boy it must be very difficult to be so far away from your Mom now. Glad to hear that your sister is with her and obviously you have internet access. Please keep us posted Donna G
  10. Hi Barb, welcome. Are you in the USA? Am I understanding your first follow up after surgery will be an xray in March? Do you know what stage or type of Cancer you have? Please keep us informed on how you are doing. Donna G
  11. I also want to welcome you. I am so sorry that your wife has passed. It is so hard on those of us who are left behind. Donna G
  12. Welcome Valerie, glad you found us. Those first few months are very hard, it is wonderful that your Mom has you . Donna G
  13. I am with the rest of the crowd, Welcome aboard. Prayers going up for your wife. Donna G
  14. Earlier today I posted how important it is to do range of motion after surgery. I just read this on how important it is to exercise period if you have cancer. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5159332/ Donna G
  15. Great article , sad topic. Donna G
  16. I don't know if you can do anything ahead of time that would make the pain any less when the time comes. My Dad died suddenly one night of a heart attack , my Mom found him on the bathroom floor. My Mom died after a long time dealing with COPD, after months on a respirator she was weak like a rag, could not care for herself etc. Both of their deaths were very , very , painful. You want the funeral arrangement to be perfect, the coffin, the flowers, the readings, the music, the grave site etc. I want to tell you in the middle of the pain felt by our loss , you have a terrilble time making any kind of these decisions. It would have been so much better to have made these decisions earlier. Now I could think back and remember more than just the pain. Perhaps your parent have ideas on what is important at their funeral, also. Just a thought. Donna G
  17. Donna G


    O how we love NED! Wonderful news , keep it coming. Donna G
  18. Sean, I also am so sorry you have lost your Dad. May you and your family find peace. Donna G
  19. Our thoracic surgeon insists on range of motion immediately post op, out of bed to eat or no eating, etc. I really respect him for this. I had lots of problems in the months after surgery from "guarding" that shoulder and side. First my skin healed to the muscle! I had to have the scar tissue broken up by physical therapy, then I lost some range of motion in that shoulder, therefore more exercises, then developed "trigger" points in the muscle of my back and went to a back pain specialist to have them busted up , or if unable injected to pop them . They did 4-6 of them each week for several weeks. Much of this could have been avoided with just range of motion after surgery. Be patient, this to will pass. Donna G
  20. I also had hyperthyroid at the time of diagnosis. So those thyroid scans etc were in the mix with the PFT's , CT with needle biopsy etc. They gave me a radioactive pill to "wipe out" the thyroid problem. Now I have to take Synthroid to get my blood work in normal range. At that time I had lost weight and had a high pulse rate. Donna G
  21. I just mentioned this yesterday on the ribbon about how cold it has been here in Minnesota . I am 7 years out! The cold air makes it "painful" to breath in. Of course it was pretty cold here- like -10 to -15 degrees for a couple of days. Donna G
  22. Yes, it has been a little cold here in Minnesota the past few days but today as Connie says we will have a heat wave! They also predict snow by rush hour this evening! My plan is to get Rocky and Sally to the dog park to play for at least an hour early this afternoon before the snow starts. They are bothe part border collie , young and full of energy they need to get rid of. It has been so cold they have only been able to go out for short periods of time. That's the same with me too for different reasons. Usually I have no problems with breathing but when it is this cold it hurts to breath in really cold air. It has been cold and dry here. We have not even lit off the snow blower yet! Not so sure I want to go the our lung meeting in St. Paul this evening in a snow storm. Donna
  23. Thanks for the update , sure hope the scans on the 28th show good results. Donna G
  24. Will be looking for your update, meanwhile prayers going up that those you see will have true wisdom and wonderful news for you. Donna G
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