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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Good Morning Bev. Welcome. I just finished my coffee. Glad you decided to share your story with us. Sure hope for great results in (?)May with you repeat scan. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  2. We have a dog park here. My Rocky and Sally love to go. Rocky squeaks in the back of the car all the way there he is so excited to go. Dogs are good "medicine". They make me laugh and show so much love. Donna G
  3. Hi Pat, welcome. Has your husband seen an Onocologist yet? Has a plan been set up? Some of us have chemo, some have surgery, others like myself are blessed to have had everything including radiation. We all know these first few months are very hard, so much to digest, cope with, "worry" about. I hope we can be of help to you and your hubby. Donna G
  4. Donna G


    Benign, yes that word has a wonderful sound to it. I like it! Enjoy. Donna G
  5. Lori, I am so sorry your Dad left us. He is at peace now. I pray that you and your family find comfort at this time of sorrow. Donna G
  6. Welcome . I am so sorry that your husband has lung cancer. There is hope! Please read http://lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=8356 David 's story of survival is a real inspiration. I also was Stage III and am now over 7 yrs with no evidence of disease. PLease keep us posted on how you guys are doing. Donna G
  7. I found it under health http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/news/health ... ening.html
  8. I talked with her on the phone the other day. We missed her at our "live" meeting yesterday in St. Paul, Mn. She met our David P. s Mom and Dad and told me she just loved them! They had come down from Canada. They really hope to have them as house guests next winter. She is walking her dog every day. She has not got a computer with her so we will have to wait til she gets home next month. I plan to talk with her this week , I will tell her you were asking for her. Donna G
  9. Cindy, keeping in mind recent posts, did you consider going as a Cat Scan , wearing sun glasses and carrying catnip?
  10. Wow! I went to the site. Looks like they are doing a great job. I sent a message to the local support group. Is it too late to send them a message to come here to Minnesota? Are they all done filming? How great that they are doing a film on lung cancer. Thanks for the info. Donna G http://www.cancervive.org/sfcc.html
  11. Heidi, great news! Now the job of rehabilitating after surgery begins, on the road to recovery! Be sure she does range of motion of that shoulder and lots of good deep breathing. Keep us posted. Donna G
  12. Wendy, sorry you were not feeling well this afternoon, hope you are better this evening. Donna G
  13. Wonderful news Wendy! What a great cheerful sunny day we are having for you to celebrate! Donna G
  14. Iiris, welcome. SCLC is either limited or extensive (spread outside the lung) In our local group we have several who are 4-5 yrs out and doing well. Bothe had chemo, and preventative brain radiation. SCLC is not treated by surgery but it is very suceptable to chemo! Please keep us posted. Donna G
  15. Heidi, prayers going up. I also was diagnosed with superior sulcus tumor, On Dec. 3, 1997, I had surgery after chemo in Feb. 98. I will say some prayers for your Mom and she will be on my mind tomorrow. I am looking forward to hearing great news , like they got it all and it was all dead ! Please post when you are able. Donna G
  16. Donna G


    This is from chemocare.com http://www.chemocare.com/bio/bio.sps?iBiographyID=9174
  17. Welcome Carrie. I am so glad they you found us. I agree with all the above info, and just want to add just being told you have CANCER and you will not survive is a huge stresser. It is also a cause for people to go into "mourning". The stages of grief include anger. She may well be greiving the loss of health, the loss of plans, the loss of future, etc. Please keep us posted on how you and she are doing. Donna G
  18. Yes, very nice. Donna G
  19. Donna G

    2 weeks today

    Great news, as I said I was diagnosed with Graves Disease at the time I was diagnosed with cancer and was treated. I was so skinny! Now however after being tired with treatment etc I put on a lot of weight and can't get rid of it! But I am alive so who should complain. Your question re shortness of breath- He really needs to exercise and build up his tolerance. Around here there are place for "Pulmonary Rehabilitation" like Cardiac Rehab, they exercise you and watch your O2 sats etc as walking on a treadmil or riding a stationary bike. If it is OK with the Dr. perhaps he could give a referal. If not available ask the Dr if he could go to the YMCA and take water aerobics. Anyone else have any ideas? Even just walking is great. Donna G
  20. Donna G


    Yippee! Great news. So happpy for bothe of you. Donna G
  21. Welcome. I hope as most nodules that yours is not cancer. If it is OK to ask, what made you get a CT? As a smoker or anyone with lung cancer in the family I think it would be great if there was a screening test for lung cancer because in the majority of people there are no early symptoms of having it. Many more would survive if it were diagnosed in the early stages. PLease let us know how your test results come out. Donna G
  22. For those who care, and those following Minnesota news. ST. PAUL (AP) - A House committee has signed off on legislation that would increase Minnesota's cigarette tax 99 cents a pack.The bill also would cut three health-care taxes for small businesses. The House Health Policy and Finance Committee sent the bill on to another committee. Supporters say the proposal would deter 60,000 youth from smoking and more fairly spread the costs of insuring high-risk patients. The bill would increase the cigarette tax from 48 cents to a $1.47 per pack. The money would be used to eliminate an assessment for the Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association (MCHA) and two health care premium taxes. MCHA insures patients who have been turned down by other insurers because of pre-existing conditions. Blue Cross Blue Shield has been promoting the proposal since December, and held a news conference Monday which was meant as a broad-based show of force. The Minnesota chapter of the National Federation of Independent Businesses, which takes a dim view of tax increases, also supports the cigarette tax increase. Minnesota's current cigarette tax is 37th in the country and lower than most surrounding states. The 99 cent increase would make Minnesota the ninth-highest. Governor Pawlenty has said he's open to raising the cigarette tax as long as it's "revenue neutral," meaning another tax is cut or eliminated at the same time.
  23. Nell , I am sorry you have lost your friend. I pray for you and his family for peace. Donna 'G
  24. We never had much luck with the ACS in Minnesota either. Connie our fierless leader organized a lung cancer awareness event we put on at our capital in November a couple of yrs in a row, got Drs to speak etc. One year in my city hall we had a table at a cancer awareness event. I put up an information table for the month of November at the hospital I work at. This year my city is putting on a cancer awareness event in our local mall. We hope to have a table there also. Some others on this site have had really nice events. Best Wishes . Donna G
  25. Hi Carol, welcome. Generally lung cancer has no early symptoms so many people find out during xrays for another problem . I hope we can help you during this difficult time. Donna G
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