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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. That is wonderful! I hope he will have a co-facilitator, just in case he is not able to be there, it is best to have 2 people at least. THis will help so many people! Connie has started 2 support groups, wonder if she could give you some pointers. Donna G
  2. So sorry---hugs and prays for you and your family, Shellie. Donna G
  3. Agreed, never too many hugs (((((((((((((Randired)))))))))))))))Donna G
  4. Welcome,that was beatiful Stacey. So sorry this beast has hit your family so hard. Keep watch on the nodules, hope and pray you have good news in May, please let us know. Donna G
  5. We use them at the hospital. It is called TPN , total parenteral nutrition. The line is long so it is a "central" line. You can give a higher concentration in a central line. If you only had a needle in your arm we can only give up to 10% Dextrose. Donna G
  6. Hi Denise, welcome to the board. She is correct about Rich, and he lives in New England also. Your Mom is still young, a second opinion is a good idea. I hear though that Dana Farber is a good place. Is the cancer in bothe lungs? Why can't they operate. Donna G
  7. Thanks. Again you give us an interesting read. In the article it said "at Boston Medical Center" I was curious, being born , raised and educated in Boston. Did a search and found it, looked for directions to see where it was in the South End and low and behold! I graduated from nursing school at Boston City Hospital. It is Boston City Hospital, even the Dowling Building is still there. They must have renamed the place Boston Medical Center and it appears BU must be at least the primary teaching service. When I was there Harvard and Tufts had teaching services also. Thanks again for a walk in nostalgia also. Donna G
  8. Hi Connie, hope to see you soon. Donna G
  9. Donna G


    I have not heard what type of lung cancer he has either. Just wanted to mention I had NSCLC and I was rushed into chemo and radiation to shrink the tumor in hopes I would be able to have surgery (which I did). So it is hard telling what kind he has. Donna G
  10. O nuts! I like that show. I had to work evenings tuesday and missed it. Every week he diagnoses and treats people with the most uncommon diseases, other doctors fail to diagnose. He does not have a winning and charming personality but he is persistant and risks even his job to get to the bottom of what is going on. I think he would be a great guy to have on your team. Do you think that they were making a point that most doctors are really not looking for SCLC in a pregnant, young women , especially with blood clots. I hope I get to see it in reruns. Donna G
  11. I am glad to see Kasey post. I had not gotten a personal message since March 12th and was wondering how things were going. Donna G
  12. I am confused, you say they did a biopsy but there was no tumor. What did they biopsy? Was it from a fluid tap in the chest? Thoracentesis? Donna G
  13. I also know what post thorocotomy pain is without meds. My epidural fell out! Finally they got a PCA set up but said they would send to central supply for the cord and button for me to push, hours went by, I was in tears. Finally a nurse came by and she told me I did not need a button that I could "press here on the box" . No one had told me that and I was not familiar with this make and model. What a night! Thanks goodness no one hit me with electric shock on top of that! Donna G
  14. Interesting, it must be that Estrogen again. Donna G
  15. Yes, that is the info, thanks. I guess if you have to have surgery in the winter you should plan a trip post op to Florida or California or a sunny place. Get that Vitamin D from the sunshine!
  16. This am on the local news they are talking about a study that showed people who had their lung cancer surgery in the summer, when they were able to get out in the sun with its Vitamin D were more likely to survive more than 5 years than people who had surgery in the winter. So far I can not find it on the web, will continue looking. Donna G
  17. When I read this I really am thankful that my tumor did not return. I say this because, with chemo I went into instant menopause and was having tremendous hot flashes, sweats etc so the doctor put me on hormone replacement therapy, while on treatment. About a year later my sister told me she had breast cancer, bothe my grandmothers died of breast cancer. I knew this and the fact I had never been pregnant, never had missed a menstual cycle, never had breast fed a baby all added up to me being at high risk for breast cancer I quit taking the HRT. After lung cancer I certainly didn't want to increase my risk of getting another cancer. Little did I know at that time it could also increase my risk of the lung cancer. Donna G
  18. Yummy, you have given us a great reason to indulge! Donna G
  19. My hair started falling out in clumps while taking chemo, my husband wanted to "buzz" it all off to get it over with. I said no, wait. Glad I did. Not every hair fell out. My hair was very, very thin but I had a little. When it started coming back it gave the hair dresser something to work with. Just my preference. Donna G
  20. WONDERFUL ! Such great news. Love to hear it. You give such hope to all who follow you. Keep that NED around! Thanks for sharing. Donna G
  21. Welcome. Glad you found us. VAT is a great way to have a lobectomy, if you qualify! Very small incision, no broken ribs, quicker recovery. Hope all goes well. Chemo has been recommended by some even for Stage I because of micrometastasis, cells too small to be picked up now by pathology or xray. If no chemo, be sure you have Cat Scan follow up for a couple of years at least. Please keep us posted on how things are going. Donna G
  22. Donna G

    Still a NERD!

    Great news Fay! Donna G
  23. Hi Tammy , glad you found us. Welcome. All of us know how stressful it is to be told you have lung cancer and how hard it is on the family. To be in pain also really adds to this. Hope your Dad's pain level soon is "0". That will be a big help. Please keep us posted on how things are going. Donna G
  24. Anger is part of grief. You can have grief after loosing "what is normal", loosing the future you dreamed of, loosing your health, etc. Counseling, support, perhaps a happy pill can help with grief also. Donna G
  25. Donna G


    Shirley, I am so sorry. I want to give you a big hug. You and the family are in my prayers. Sincerely, Donna G
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