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Donna G

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  1. Here is an article about my town working on a cancer awareness event in our Mall. I am on the committee. It is shaping up and I am getting excited. Connie and many from our Lung Cancer Support group are coming and manning a table with other support groups. We will have speakers on early detection, prevention, coping etc. http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincitie ... 158189.htm Cancer becomes her cause City's mayor, a two-time survivor, launches awareness campaign BY NANCY NGO Pioneer Press In the midst of a jam-packed schedule, Elizabeth Kautz used to sneak away from City Hall and work duties. Not many people would have guessed that the Burnsville mayor was seeking treatment for a life-threatening illness. Kautz, 58, is a two-time cancer survivor who kept her sickness under wraps, except with close family and friends — until now. After recovering, Kautz is more willing to tell her story as she prepares for a major cancer awareness campaign in the city. "I want to do this to bring awareness to our community — to bring services and support groups," Kautz said. "I want people to know that they're not alone in this and to let them know that it doesn't have to be so difficult." She has joined Fairview Ridges Hospital and Burnsville Center to hold the campaign. On Friday, the campaign kicked off with TV promotions on the city's community Channel 15. Informational segments in which the mayor and hospital and shopping center officials interview health professionals about cancer are scheduled for coming weeks. A day of panels, workshops and discussion groups for cancer patients, family members and others interested in the topic is set for Oct. 6 at Burnsville Center. Kautz was diagnosed with uterine cancer in 1992 and breast cancer in 2000. It was during the second episode that she came up with the idea to offer resources and support groups for the community. Kautz was in an Edina hospital waiting room and began comparing notes with other cancer patients. She found herself surrounded by five other Burnsville residents who complained about how far they had to travel to get radiation treatments, which sometimes required daily visits for several weeks to several months. She became outspoken about the lack of resources near Burnsville and worked to bring them closer to home. These days, she's happy to say oncology and radiation services are now available in the city. "She has been extremely instrumental in helping us bring services to the community by recognizing the issue that cancer patients face," said Sara Criger, president of Fairview Ridges Hospital and Clinics, which offers screening, prevention and radiation services. This is the second cancer awareness event Kautz has organized. In 2001, she hosted a more intimate gathering with participants hearing about the event by word of mouth. Featured speakers gave advice about cancer prevention and offered places to get help. Now, as Kautz prepares for this larger campaign, she is sharing her story with the public and trying to make sure her efforts are distinguished from other cancer campaigns. "It's not a fundraiser. This is giving service to the community," she said. "What this does is brings public service and awareness." Panels and workshops will bring in health experts to discuss cancer prevention as well as treatment. "For me, early detection was my saving grace in both occurrences," said Kautz, who also is the executive vice president of Hartford Group real estate company. Apple Valley resident Betty McNeill is a breast cancer survivor who was part of the first campaign. This week, she was reminded of how important the education and resources offered in the campaign can be after attending a funeral for a family member who died of stomach cancer. "For me, it was good to hear other stories from other people and what they've gone through," she said. "Family members are going through this, too, and they really don't know what to do. It is quite a journey … it just takes so much out of you physically and emotionally." Kautz, a former pastoral minister at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Savage, said the cancer episodes have altered her take on life. She cherishes time with her husband, David, who was her college sweetheart, and their two sons, Kyle, 30, and Kevin, 28. She also exercises every day and eats meals rich with dark-green vegetables and salads. And her outlook has changed. Every day Kautz wears two gold pins near her heart to remind her of why she forges ahead. One is of a dove, which stands for peace, and another is a gold starfish, the symbol for making a difference in a story by Loren Eisley. "I've always been a very spiritual person," she said. "Now there's always this sense of urgency. I'm always aware that each day is very precious, and I try every day to make a difference." We have already started some local TV programming about it. Donna G
  2. Wow! I am so excited. Thanks for giving us TV attention! Donna G Question, is it the morning or evening news, do you know for sure?
  3. Hi Kathy. Great news on that last test. Does the doctor think now that he could have surgery? Chemo has down staged others before, made them a candidate for OR. (Including me) Keep us posted. Donna G
  4. Hi Malou, welcome. Hope all goes well now with chemo. Sounds like no distant met, just one lymph node? Keep us posted. Donna G
  5. Happy Birthday Have some fun! Donna G
  6. I guess I had better call you Donna also. I hope we have more in common than our name. I had chemo and radiation first then after the tumor shrunk I was able to have surgery. Just for your knowledge I do want to say after surgery I asked the doctor about the tumor and he said all that was left was scar tissue! I pray your tumor responds to chemo just like that! Again welcome Donna G
  7. Fay, prayers going up. Donna G
  8. Hi Kristiloo, how do you do- Glad you found us. Hope we can be of help through this rough time. Donna G
  9. Stable! great news! Donna G
  10. Yippee! So happy for you. Party, Party, Party! Donna G
  11. Connie , we all love you and are so happy for you. See you Saturday at your Barbeque and let's party, party, party! Donna G
  12. Welcome. May I call you Tom for short? Boy the day I was told I had lung cancer my world fell apart, I cried all the was home and was barely able to call my husband at work to tell him. That day I did not even know much about it and I am a nurse! but not in Onocology. I am glad to tell you there are many chemo drugs, types of radiation, types of surgery,and also many types of diagnostic tests that we all go through . The doctor needs a biopsy to tell the type of lung cancer and many other tests, breathing, bone scans, CAT scans, etc to get enough knowledge to formulate a plan. Have you seen a specialist, a onocologist, or a pulmonologist, been refered to a thoracic surgeon, or a radiologist? Boy those first few weeks they really keep you busy, you get so much told to you it is great to have someone with you to take notes or at least a tape recorder so you can go over it again later. So much to take in all at once. Hope you can give us some detail of what has happened so far, and what they have told you. Waiting to hear. Donna G
  13. We have some in our group more than 5 years. As a matter of fact I am going out this evening with Janet, we are going to the wellness event in Minneapolis I posted about. Donna G
  14. Hi Frances, so glad you found us. Keep us posted how your Dad responds to chemo. Donna G
  15. Donna G

    Now I'm Ready

    Great News! I just love NED. Sorry I am late with the congrats but it is still given with great enthusiasm! Donna G
  16. http://www.strikeoutcancer.com/index.jsp Just got a call from Janet, of our live support group here in St. Paul, the speaker Paul Molitor,lost his father to lung cancer, main speaker Dr. PJ Flynn Free dinner, 6-9. Can anyone make it? Donna
  17. Hi Fred. Welcome. We are all so glad that Kasey is here with us. You should be so proud of her. Sharing her story, encouraging new members, she is a great asset to us and a wonderful friend. So glad you introduced yourself. Donna G
  18. Pam I am so sorry for your loss. I pray for your peace and comfort during this most difficult time. Donna G
  19. I can't help with the tarceva, but I do want to welcome you to our group. You know you soon have a one year survival party coming up! Keep us posted. Donna G
  20. Wow! Thats good news and a LOT of shrinkage! Donna G
  21. Just want to say welcome. Doctors never discussed Staging with me. My tumor was touching the lining of my lung so I had to have chemo and radiation before surgery ( and chemo after) I will be an eight year survivor this December! Please keep us posted on how all goes . Donna G
  22. My husband is in a study going on right now at the VA Hospital hear in Minnesota whether Selenium and Vit E help prevent prostrate cancer (It has been going on for a couple of years so far) . Donna G
  23. I know when I lived and worked in Mississippi I had to change the way I greated people. They did not hear what I was saying with my Boston accent. As " Hello, how are you today" They heard " Hello, How old are you today?" I was working at the health department . First they would give me a weird look and answer " Twenty two" or " Eighteen" . Donna G
  24. I am so sorry, prayers going up for your peace. Donna G
  25. Prayers going up. Hope to see you back here soon. Donna G
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