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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Just went to a program the Wellness Community gave here in Minneapolis with my friends Janet and Sandy (Bothe lung cancer survivors) It was very nice. Donna G
  2. Donna G

    People Magazine

    Lisa, did they call you because of the TV (ABC News) or did you call them? Wow you are a busy girl! Wonderful Work! Donna G
  3. Happy Birthday Shirley and Connie. Donna G
  4. Our local news at noon just mentioned her, said she never smoked but she worked in smoke filled places. Donna G
  5. Good job! Hope they hear how important what you say is to so many. Donna G
  6. Wow, not only is she young with a child , but alone, and probably still moarning the loss of her husband. She needs a lot of support. That is sad news. Donna G
  7. Donna G

    peter jennings

    Sure enough. That's the first I have seen that was specific for his diagnosis. Thanks. Donna
  8. Welcome, this is a good place to learn, talk, express what is going on. Donna G
  9. Rich I am so happy for you. STABLE. NO PROBLEMS. Sounds like great news! Donna G
  10. Hi, Jamie. Welcome. Donna G
  11. More food for thought. The chemicals that tobacco companies put into tobacco, as to make it more addicting, were proven to be carcinogenic. Why does the government continue to allow them to use these chemicals? Tobacco settlements are not used to help victims of the tobacco companies cover up on the effects of smoking. The money is generally in the general funds building roads etc. Have you ever thought about how much money the state and federal government collect on tobacco taxes, or "sin taxes". How do you think they spend this money? I'll give you a clue, it is not on tobacco smokers or health care. Donna G
  12. I also woke up, flipped on the TV and was shocked. I have been watching the ABC morning show for the last 2 hours. So sad. He was a good person. We loose so many really good people to this disease. I pray that something happens, some discovery, some exceptable devise that will diagnose this disease early and make a difference. Donna G
  13. I missed it! Just got home from church and read this ribbon! Found this at ABC web site http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/Health/story? ... 929&page=1 Great job. Donna G
  14. I am so sorry, I pray for you and your family for peace. Donna G
  15. Donna G

    Two years today

    Shirley, I am so proud of you for this wonderful post. Randy really liked to joke and would want you to be happy. I am sure he is watching and is smiling down with a twinkle in his eye. Love Donna
  16. Donna G

    Mum has died

    I am so sorry for your loss. Donna G
  17. Inspiring! Well said! Donna G
  18. Hello and welcome. Yes those first weeks are very tough. being told you have cancer is like being hit by a frieght train. Sounds like you are as shocked as your Dad is. I suggest you use a tape recorder at Doctor appointments so you don't miss what is being said. Have they discussed a plan of care yet? Donna G
  19. Below,the last we heard posted in January, thanks so much for the message of what happened to our Francine. Donna G PS Her last words for us " God Bless us All" bluebayou Joined: 22 Aug 2003 Posts: 354 Location: Ottawa, Ontario Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:39 pm Post subject: Rick and Katie: No apologies needed. Glad to see you back God Bless us All Francine _________________ Dx NSCLC Stage IIA Feb 03. Lobectomy upper right lung. No chemo or radiation. Observation only. Mets to the bone (spine) Sept 03 Mets to adrenal gland Oct 03 5 days of radiation finished Oct 03 New CT scans and MRI show mets to gland, bone and to brain Whole Brain Radiation: 4-17 Dec 03 Chemo (Cisplatin/Taxotere) Jan 04 Stereotactic radiosurgery Jan 04 CT Scans Brain/Chest/Abd (Mets to brain & glands gone) Loss of hearing Apr 04 - restored June 04 after surgery MRI upper spine May 04 results inconclusive MRI/CT scans indicate mets to spine (C6/C7) Jul 04 Surgery to upper spine Jul 04 Chemo trmts Carboplatin/Taxotere begin Sep 04 CT Scans brain/neck/chest/abd Nov 04 results indicate no mets to brain/chest or abd/neck stable and tumour on adrenal gland slightly reduced Back to top
  20. Donna G

    Hugs for All

    OK everyone. Big Group Hug for (((((Kasey!)))))We love ya!
  21. Another day to celebrate! I had just turned 50 , we had moved back to Minnesota, I didn't feel good, had pain in my shoulder, in December I was 50 and 4 months when I was told I had lung cancer, I thought I was dead for sure. Yippee, Here I am 2005, and I just turned 58 and still am NED! What a day to celebrate!
  22. Ask if a VAT type of surgery can be done. That is Video Assisted thoracotomy. With this they make 3 small incisions rather than one big smiley. Easier to tolerate and quicker recovery. An epidural is nice for post op pain control, and a PCA ( personal controlled analgesia) in case narcotics are needed. I would bring a tape recorder so you can go over what the doctor said later again. Best wishes. Donna G
  23. Great news Barb. congratulations! Donna G
  24. I am so sorry to read you have developed this complication of lung cancer. This cancer can change you clotting mechanism and make you more prone to develop clots. I am so glad to read that they have put you on Levenox, a low molecular weight Heparin, this is the drug of choice for this problem. Donna G
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