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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. I wonder what they mean by "solid fuels". Do they mean cooking in a fireplace with wood? Would that include burning wood in a fireplace? Do they mean an oil stove? or coal? Donna G
  2. Interesting. For myself I blab about my lung cancer to anyone. I talked about it this morning at the dog park. I refused to be "ashamed". I am an RN and I even tell my patients that I had lung cancer if it comes up, as they have been diagnosed with cancer. I believe I am a better person now after surviving lung cancer, I have been through "fire" and survived. I was just about to start working a new job when I was diagnosed, I called my new supervisor and told her what was going on. She used to call and ask how I was doing. When I finished treatment and had the OK from the doctor she scheduled my orientation- in May ( I had been scheduled for December) I imagine however that many have most or many of the above concerns. Donna G
  3. Just found this site that those who have heard from relatives what is going on have posted . http://www.weather.com/blog/weather/8_7308.html scroll down and read. Donna G
  4. Lillian, Gautier is between Pascagoula and Ocean Springs , just east of Biloxi. It does run from the Gulf inland for about 7-8 miles and Vancleave is on the north. In 79' during Frederick I lived in a subdivion on a bayou that opened into the Gulf. The house ( or now may be a plot of land with debree on it) that we have now is just north of I-10 about 5-6 miles north of the Gulf. I pray that my tenants, neighbors and many friends there are OK. Donna G
  5. Just called my insurance agent to see if he had an "IN" and had heard anything about Gautier , Ms. He had heard nothing but said he would call me if the company started sending him info, emails etc. That was nice. Then I counted our membership list. I figure we have at least 30 in those 3 states (La.,Ms. Ala. ). One that I am concerned about is rhebeka who says she lives in Gulfport! We also had 3 register that they lived in New Orleans ! Several on the Gulf Coast. I imagine that some of the 1132 that do not claim a location must be from that area also. Hope all check in with us when they get electricity back. Donna G
  6. Prayers going up. Donna G
  7. The more TV that I watch , the longer I think it will be before the coast is back to "normal" . We have tried to call friends and the Perry's ( our renters) but even the cell phone numbers don't work. We have heard a lot about the destruction in Biloxi, which is only 2 towns away ( only Ocean Springs is between). We are hoping being on the north side of town as far as floods from surge -we are OK. Floods from rain is another thing and of course the wind could have taken the roof or downed one of the pines out front and hit the roof. I am most concerned now about all the people I know down there, in Slidell, Abita Springs, Louisiana and of course in and around Gautier, Ms . I have Monica Blilies mothers number in St. Paul, I wonder if she has heard how they are ( we have known the Blilies for many years, over 20) and they live in Gautier a little south of our house. The news is unbelievable. We were in Gautier in 79' when Hurricane Frederick hit the Gulf Coast, it was horrible, all the damage, trees down, no water or electricity for over 2 weeks, hot , sweaty, no air conditioning the first week of September ( same time of year) This sounds worse! We went to the Gulf to "wash " off in the water after working in the yard all day, now the highway is out you can't even do that! The pictures of the houses leveled to the ground ! If you have extra prayers , please remember the Gulf Coast. I went to morning Mass for this purpose . . Donna
  8. Wow, you found it! Thanks so much. A great story about a wonderful person, a positive story about a lung cancer survivor! Donna G
  9. In our Sunday St. Paul Pioneer Press there was an article about a women in Wisconsin who dresses up as Luci Lou the clown. "Underneath that big red wig, the spongy red nose, the polka dot outfit and the floppy shoes w3as Luci Faytle, a 57 year old lung cancer patient at the clinic for her daily radiation treatment. Wish I could find the whole article for you. Clown helps others fight cancerPioneer Press, MN - Aug 28, 2005 like children, giggling with laughter and glowing with smiles, as “Luci Lou” the clown appeared at the doors of the Vince Lombardi Cancer Clinic at Kenosha’s Clown helps others fight cancer Pioneer Press, MN - Aug 28, 2005 like children, giggling with laughter and glowing with smiles, as “Luci Lou” the clown appeared at the doors of the Vince Lombardi Cancer Clinic at Kenosha’s Donna G
  10. Just after thorocotomy surgery, if you have an epidural for the post op pain and the chest tubes, it keeps you comfortable. It feeds meds that "numb" the area continuously. When they pull the chest tubes usually a pill is enough. VAT surgery is less painful. ( Video assisted thoracotomy) because they only make little holes and don't have to break ribs. Donna G
  11. Donna G

    Back to say HI

    Hi Ray, thanks so much for checking in. Sounds like you have some great Docs and a great plan in place. For now it seems you are hanging around with NED! Donna G
  12. Hi Lynn, many lurk in the shadows. Thanks for coming out and introducing yourself. Welcome. Now we that we have met, please keep us posted on how your Dad is doing. Donna G
  13. Prayers going up! Keep yourself safe also! Donna G
  14. Welcome Libby! Glad you found us. Humor is good for us. Love yours! Please keep us posted on how your Mom is doing. Donna G
  15. Hi Vicky. Welcome to our family. I am so happy for you that you have a group of wonderful friends and prayer partners. He does listen to our prayers! Hope we can be of help also. Donna G
  16. Donna G


    My internest made lots of appointments for me, Pulmonologist, Radiologist, Onocologist, etc. The last person I saw was a surgeon. Donna G
  17. I don't know if it was from radiation or surgery or the combo but I had back pain for a long time finally they sent me to a back pain specialist and he found lots and lots of "trigger points" He said he could feel them in the muscle and would put his finger here and say this spot hurt? and I would say YESSSSSSSSSSSS! I guess they are like knots or lumps in the muscles. If they can't just "pop" them they inject them. Donna G
  18. There are many links , here is one. http://my.webmd.com/content/article/85/98631.htm Women are different from men in many respects. Donna G
  19. Sometimes you just touch your mouse to click and other things happen instead! Waiting to hear. Donna G
  20. You need it to fight micrometastasis. Drs are working on ways of finding these but for now chemo that will just kill off those cells before a tumor grows is the safe way to go. The following is some research that is going on now. Dr. Michael Maddaus lectured on the "Current Status of the Molecular Substaging of NSCLC." The search for a more accurate means of staging is entering a new and exciting phase ushered in by advances in molecular approaches that have increased the capacity to detect metastatic disease through the use of oncogenes and other oncogenic factors. These molecular tools, which include immunohistochenical (IHC) and nucleic acid-based approaches, have strongly impacted our sensitivity of detection of micrometastatic. Small numbers of micrometastatic cells not previouly appreciated by routime pathological analysis can now routimely be identified in the lymph nodes, blood and bone marrow of surgically resected patients. When I asked him if these tests could some day be used as a screening tool , the cost etc he said perhaps , they are relatively inexpensive . The research right now is aimed at making more accurate staging because many are told they have neg. lymph nodes etc then 6 months down the road find out there was metastasis that could not be seen by the pathologist at the time they had surgery. With more accuracy they would know who needs chemo etc. _________________
  21. Thanks, that was great! Donna G
  22. Me too, thanks for giving me the oportunity to do that! Donna G
  23. Donna G


    Great! THanks so much for sharing your wonderful Anniversary of survival! Donna G
  24. I just read an editorial in the St. Paul Pioneer Press about how this state has put the money that was aimed at preventing our youth from smoking -into the major budget instead, as did Wisconsin. We also raised the cigarette tax $.75 to raise more money. As a consequence the tobacco companys have spent millions of dollars here at all types of youth events, concerts etc giving away coupons and promos to our young. As a consequence of this our 18-24 year olds smoke more than any other age group! They are all hooked! Tried to do a google search to show you the article not on the web yet. Sad news, Donna G
  25. Donna G

    Good/Bad News

    I agree, computer bad news isn't so bad. Sounds like you had a great time, so happy for you. Donna G
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