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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. I hope the insurance company OKs the Levenox, lung cancer is prone to cause blot clots and the low molecular weight Heparin in Levenox hits the clotting cycle disruption from cancer better than Coumadin. Hope all goes well. Keep us posted. Donna G
  2. Prayers going up for a speedy and complete recovery. Donna G
  3. So far this month 63 new members have come on board looking for support, information, a place to share their journey. To all and especially those I have missed to welcome, Please know that we are here for you and welcome you to our special on line family. Donna G Update, the June total was 67 new members, welcome all.
  4. Renee, I am so sorry that you have lost your Dad. I pray for your peace. He, like you say is in a better place now but it is so hard for us that are left behind. Donna G
  5. Yes, that is good news! Thanks for sharing. Remember , same time same place next year! Donna G
  6. Donna G

    My mom died

    Minnie I am so sorry. I pray for peace for you and your family. Donna G
  7. Donna G

    New here

    Hi Brandy. Welcome. So sorry to hear about your Dad. As you say you are 22 , he must be fairly "young" also. You say lung cancer runs in your family. Do you live at home or out of state etc. Is your Dad going through therapy? Keep us posted. Donna G
  8. Tonight on 60 Minutes they were talking about how our dogs know more about us than we think because of their nose! They mentioned those poodles able to detect lung cancer, many studies in England where dogs detected bladder cancer from urine samples. They also had testimonies of owners who's dogs detected breast cancer, skin melanoma etc. Donna G http://www.cbsnews.com/sections/60minut ... 3415.shtml
  9. Mine was tucked up under my collar bone way up in the apex of my right upper lung. Donna G
  10. Donna G

    Hope Lodge

    Looks like there are at least 16 of them, one is in Minnesota. Donna G
  11. Thanks for the update. I am not suprised to read that you have a clot in your arm. We have discussed that here before. Having lung cancer puts you at risk for developing clots. prayers for a dead tumor soon. Donna G
  12. I just read this morning a brief exerp of that article in the St. Paul Pioneer press. It made the second page. Thanks for posting the total scoop. Donna G
  13. This morning they had this on the news. Looked up the station and they don't have the story yet on their web site. Did any one else hear that on the news? Donna G
  14. Donna G


    Welcome. I am glad to read your Mom will have another biopsy. The word "possible" kind of threw me. I would want to know for sure which kind of lung cancer for sure she has. It can make a big difference in treatment and she is young ( at least to me she is). Keep us posted. Donna G
  15. Donna G

    mike died

    Nancy , I am very sorry for your loss. I pray for your peace. Donna G
  16. Hi Becky, just got to read your post. Wow. I was and may again some day nearly be your neighbor. I lived in Gautier twice and still have a house there. ( also lived in Slidell on your west and in St. Tammany Parish ) Hope you keep us posted. Let me asume you are all over the infection and recovered from the surgery. Donna G
  17. Welcome! Compazine may be what is making him sleepy, good drug however. A new one that is very good is Zophran, does not make you sleepy but costs more. Does come in a pill form. Donna G
  18. Thanks for going and coming back to share. We all felt close to Dave and Karen and their little girl. Donna G
  19. It is June 16th and this month already we have 40 more new members. So glad they were able to find us, so sad they needed to. Donna G
  20. Donna G

    5 years

    5 years , that is really wonderful. I hope your sister gives chemo a chance so that she also can celebrate survival. I hope today is a better day for you. Donna G
  21. Hi Mark. I wonder if the dose is different for SCLC. I got all my chemo out patient (along with daily radiation for 6 weeks) and I had the same drugs. I will let Jay know how you are doing when he gets home from Reno. He is working hard you know, gave a presentation yesterday. Of course he also got a round of golf in while he's out there. Hope those little drops of chemo are firing big guns at every renegade cell and shooting them dead. Donna G
  22. Wow. He had been in a lot of pain recently, I am shocked that he passed. So sad. Donna G
  23. Hi Teddie, welcome. Shock, yes most all of us have been there. Glad to hear the doctor is not waisting any time and got treatment started quickly. Waiting to hear your update. Donna G
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