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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. I am so sorry. I pray for you and your family for peace in this time of great loss. Donna G
  2. Welcome. I hope we can be of help. This is a hard road. I hope she has someone to go to appointments with her and take notes. It is all new and so emotional it is hard to "hear" all that is going on. She was diagnosed 2 days ago and is already starting chemo, wow are her doctors on the ball!. Keep us posted. Donna G
  3. Burnsville Center ( Mall) is on County Rd 42, just west of 35W ( which runs north and south. ) http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?co ... chtab=home From this you can zoom in or out and see we are just south of the Minnesota River, Bloomington, Minneapolis and St. Paul--- we are the suburbs. Donna G
  4. Donna G

    House , on Fox

    The up side was it never did mention smoking. They showed the xray,( tumors in bothe lungs). They also portrayed the young women as a normal likable person and the women doctor really wanted so badly for it not to be cancer, she just hated to tell her what they had found. Everyone knows Dr.House is quite a character!
  5. Donna G

    House , on Fox

    Just watched House on the Fox channel. It was not the main story but they had a young women who came to the clinic with anemia and a cough. They did an xray and House said she had terminal Squamous Cell Lung cancer. The young women doctor did not want to believe it. She put her through the bronchial washing and couldn't find that an infection could have caused the white outs on the xray. They did a lung biopsy which came back postive and showed House was correct. The last seen she had to break the news to this young women.
  6. I also remember her first post just a few weeks ago. When I saw this ribbon I clicked on her web page and read the sad news. I guess God wanted to heal her perfectly in Heaven. I pray for her family all so young for their comfort and peace. Donna G
  7. This thought is worth thinking about: Thousands are diagnosed with lung cancer ever year and wage a huge battle that saps their strength, a small number survive. The survivors are small in number to make a big noise. I pray that our families can continue the battle for us. Donna G
  8. Got this email from a friend, Question - Have any of you ever gotten an email for raising funds for lungs cancer? Ever bought food, clothing, etc and this act causes a corportate donation for lung cancer? We really need to get organized. If everyone quit smoking today, we would still see thousands and thousands of people suffering with lung cancer. - Read this email I got- We don't even have an exceptable screaning test, never mind getting one for free. Favor to Ask > It only takes a minute... > * Y * 6 * Y > Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "donating a mammogram" for free (pink window in the middle). > This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising. > Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know. > http://www.thebreastcancersite.com/ > AGAIN , PLEASE TELL 10 FRIENDS TO TELL 10 TODAY > >
  9. I have lived in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, California, Minnesota, New York in the U.S.A and the province of Quebec in Canada. Not in that order and several I have lived in more than once. As you can guess I have driven through many of the others just trying to get from one to the next one or back to our home states to visit. I will tell you it is a long drive through Texas and on to California!
  10. Hoped you would get back to us yesterday after your Doctor appointment re the results of your CT. Hope you post soon and hope they are great results. Donna G
  11. This is so hard to read about, to think about. She is only 38. She just posted on 8/25 that she hoped to get her strength back soon. I prayer for her and her family during this most difficult time. Donna G
  12. I remember I had it. They had to give me shots to boost the count so I could go in the hospital and get the Pneumonectomy. Believe me I was not going in a hospital for "elective" type of surgery without WBC's, too many germs there. Donna G
  13. Let's hear it for RAY! Great article! Thanks so much for sharing. Donna G
  14. Prayers going up for a speedy recovery. Donna G
  15. It is so sad for us to have lost Dean Carl. My prayers go up for Gay and the family for their loss, may they find peace. Donna G
  16. We members of our local Lung Cancer Support Group are coming and will have a table for this event! Even if you don't live in Minnesota you are still invited! Thursday, October 6 4:00-9:00pm Burnsville Center JOIN BURNSVILLE MAYOR ELIZABETH KAUTZ, FAIRVIEW RIDGES HOSPITAL and BURNSVILLE CENTER at an important community service event. As a cancer survivor, Mayor Kautz is passionate about providing cancer education to the citizens of Burnsville and the Minnesota Valley. This comprehensive event will provide information for individuals living with cancer, their caregivers, families and those who are working to prevent cancer. The cancer campaign will focus on panel sessions featuring leading medical experts, cancer survivors and exhibit cancer-related vendors selling quality of life products. Tentative panel topics include: • “During & After Cancer Treatment: Guidelines for Patients & Family Members” • “Wellness Prevention” • “Healthcare Directives” ENTER AT ANY MALL ENTRANCE ON OCTOBER 6TH BETWEEN 4:00-9:00PM. We will have directional signage at each entrance noting the In-Mall event locations. Burnsville Center is located at the intersection of 35-W & 35-E at County Road 42. Help us build knowledge of support and services for people living with cancer. If you are interested in being an event sponsor or vendor, please contact Katie Deutsch at Burnsville Center (952) 435.8182 or katie_deutsch@cblproperties.com. MAJOR’S CAMPAIGN FOR CANCER AWARENESS I moved this here for those who don't look at the activism ribbon. Donna G
  17. Here's the weather for Burnsville. May be a little cooler next month and of course the leaves will be turning color. http://www.weather.com/weather/local/55 ... Undeclared If you come, look for Connie , the rest of us will be with her! Donna
  18. We members of our local Lung Cancer Support Group are coming and will have a table for this event! Even if you don't live in Minnesota you are still invited! Thursday, October 6 4:00-9:00pm Burnsville Center JOIN BURNSVILLE MAYOR ELIZABETH KAUTZ, FAIRVIEW RIDGES HOSPITAL and BURNSVILLE CENTER at an important community service event. As a cancer survivor, Mayor Kautz is passionate about providing cancer education to the citizens of Burnsville and the Minnesota Valley. This comprehensive event will provide information for individuals living with cancer, their caregivers, families and those who are working to prevent cancer. The cancer campaign will focus on panel sessions featuring leading medical experts, cancer survivors and exhibit cancer-related vendors selling quality of life products. Tentative panel topics include: • “During & After Cancer Treatment: Guidelines for Patients & Family Members” • “Wellness Prevention” • “Healthcare Directives” ENTER AT ANY MALL ENTRANCE ON OCTOBER 6TH BETWEEN 4:00-9:00PM. We will have directional signage at each entrance noting the In-Mall event locations. Burnsville Center is located at the intersection of 35-W & 35-E at County Road 42. Help us build knowledge of support and services for people living with cancer. If you are interested in being an event sponsor or vendor, please contact Katie Deutsch at Burnsville Center (952) 435.8182 or katie_deutsch@cblproperties.com. MAJOR’S CAMPAIGN FOR CANCER AWARENESS
  19. That was my protocol. I had Cisplatin and VP16 with daily radiation from December til the first of February . Mid February I had my right upper lobe removed. After a couple of weeks of recovery from surgery chemo was resumed again til the first of April. After surgery I asked about the tumor and they said all of it was dead, scar tissue. The chemo after was to be sure to kill any posible mets. In other words it has been done for thousands of people. Best news I started this journey in December of 97 and this is September of 2005. Best wishes for your treatment. Donna G
  20. I got neuropathy in my hands and feet from Cisplatin. When I suddenly started falling down be my feet couldn't decide what was going on, the doctor stopped it. So I missed the last dose. This is 7 yrs + later. I don't fall down anymore. I don't notice any real problem with my hands now. My feet still are fussy. They don't like new or a change of shoes! They don't like to be barefooted! They wiggle a lot "searching for information" They "feel" a little "numb" still. The good news is the chemo worked. I am still NED. I am alive and living! The doctor told me peripheral nerves can regenerate, takes time. I never was told there was a quick cure medicine. Donna G
  21. Throwing prayers, Donna G
  22. Mary , I assume that you are out of the motel you were in after moving from California. Glad you came back and updated us. Hope your CT on the 19th shows great improvement. Waiting to hear. Donna G
  23. Mark , praying for great news this Wednesday! I did the VP16 and Cisplatin for mine. It was tough but it worked. I will let my husband know that you posted. Glad to hear that those around you at work say you look great. Jay leaves Wed eve. for business on the other side of the world hope you post early. Donna G
  24. I missed a picture of Gautier. I am not able yet to reach anyone by phone. I did see a picture of Pascagoula today. Trent Lott comes from there, lost his 150+ yr old house. They were at the Jackson County Fair grounds where the National Guard Armory is. They said a few had electricity. I believe that is behind Singing River Hospital. They did not show any other part of town. Northrop Grumman ship yard has a web site telling it's employees how to get and cash their paychecks. Of course that is saying their employees can get to the web site or to the ship yard. Still waiting to hear. Donna G
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