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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Donna G

    DNA Question

    Perhaps the DNA has changed! Had not thought about it in that way. I had thought perhaps some people have it in their genes that they would be more suseptable to getting a cancer. See this artilce. http://www.genomenewsnetwork.org/articl ... erdrug.php Donna G
  2. Is this what you are talking about. I used to live in Virginia Beach, many moons ago. http://home.hamptonroads.com/calendar/d ... ntID=46811
  3. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I pray for your peace and your family. Donna G
  4. Congradulations on your new baby! I float to OB every once in a while. Just having a baby can affect your emotions with all the changes in your hormones. Most all my new Moms have what I call "Tender Heart Syndrome" , they can cry at the smallest thing plus they are so tired! Some Moms have real bad sadness and don't feel as if they can do anything and really nead help. I am so sorry that you not only have the hormones, sleeplessness but also real grief to deal with. Have you talked with your primary doctor about all this. My prayers go out for you. Please take care. Please know your Mother's love is always with you. Donna G
  5. http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/ ... ekey=53012 http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/200 ... over_x.htm http://www.epa.gov/radon/ http://www.health-physics.com/pt/re/hea ... 45!9001!-1 http://www.lungcancerfrontiers.org/nwsl ... _T_18.html http://www.cancer.org/docroot/NWS/conte ... Cancer.asp Most say that non smokers got lung cancer by breathing second hand smoke. Good luck. Donna G
  6. Welcome. I hope we can be of help to you and your cousin. Near windpipe, stints in the esophagus all sounds very scary. Thank goodness the round of chemo and radiation took care of the cancer that had returned. Donna G
  7. Is there a VA center- Hospital in New Orleans? or near? It could well be he copes with the post traumatic stress with the alcohol. Also, the military at that time even encouraged smoking, gave away cigarettes, sold them tax free at $.10 a pack! Cigarettes are very addicting. They say more so then Cocaine. It would be easier to quit drinking than the cigarettes. I just think that the VA knows what they did to those guys that served in Vietnam, perhaps they could treat all of him rather than just the cancer. Prayers going up for you for help and wisdom. Prayers for your husband that his body and mind can be healed. Donna G
  8. Prayers going up for good tests, clear results, quick cure, and home soon. Donna G
  9. That article is great , IT SPEAKS THE TRUTH! Boy isn't that refreshing. Yes, pink shirts at Target ( money going to breast cancer research) Pink at the Mall, pink at the grocery store, pink pink pink. I have said before that the Federal Gov't and states depend on smokers to balance the budgets. It also seems to me that every month is breast cancer month, May for mothers day, October , etc etc. Donna G
  10. Hello Mark! Jay is in Atlanta for business, but is golfing today. So glad to hear how you are doing. I had those same chemo drugs Cisplatin caused me to get Neuropathy in my feet especially. Of course that was 7 plus years ago and it is no big problem now. Sounds like a good idea that you have magic mouthwash available. I agree you can get some skin irritation were they are aiming but that does not last forever either. Hope that radiation really shrinks it up. Prayers going up for great results. Donna G
  11. I would agree, follow up and rule out. The doctors do that to let the radiologist know in particular what the CT is being done for, what he wants particular attention to. Donna G
  12. Here's who's in the pictures under "Scapbook" 1st........Katie, Mayor Elizabeth Kautz, Donna G 2nd........jdjenkins (Denise), Katie 3rd........shirleyb( Randy's greatest fan), Katie 4th........Connie, Sandy(from our local group)Donna G 5th........Connie, Katie
  13. Happy belated day! Hope you had a party! Donna G
  14. http://www.theinterviewwithgod.com/popup-frame.html
  15. Wow, Connie you already have pictures up from the event last evening! Way to go girl! I bet you didn't even get home til nearly 10:30! We look pretty darn good! Donna G
  16. Prayers going up. Hope is a good thing! Waiting to hear. Donna G
  17. Donna G

    Can You Stand It???

    Yippee, Yippee, NED! GREAT NEWS. LOVE IT. Keep it coming! Donna G
  18. Great news Leslie. I am so happy for you. Donna G
  19. Welcome, let us know how things are going. Donna G
  20. Donna G

    Prayer Request

    Prayer going up. Donna G
  21. Yes, this could be the reliable, cost affective, universally available screening for lung cancer! Thanks for the post. Donna G
  22. Donna G

    Katie B 5000

    I had noticed the other day that Katie was fast approaching 5000! THANKS SO MUCH for all your support , this board, everything! I am so excited you are coming to Minnesota! See you soon! Donna G
  23. Donna G

    My boy came home!!

    So happy for you. I bet your dog is very happy to be home also! Donna G
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