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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Ry, I have been a nurse for nearly 40 years and truthfully I don't ever remember anyone being initially diagnosed with lung cancer by a sputum. I am sure somebody has. In my mind I reason the sputum would have to have been bathed by tumor cells, come from that area of the lung to have anything in it for cytology studies to see. I am really thinking that if we could make a machine that is at least as sensitive as a dog and we could breath into it perhaps that would be one screening tool that might be cost affective to screen all. Air mixes with itself and more likely to have been exposed to the tumor. EVeryone knows cancer has a smell to it.
  2. I want to give you a big hug, you will really miss him. (((((((((Denise)))))))))))) It is so wonderful to have so many happy times to remember. If you come to Burnsville Center this thursday ( 4-9) I promise I will give you a real hug! Donna G
  3. Moving this here to see if you can help. I have been working with Connie for several years now trying to get the word out about lung cancer, that it should not be just shoved aside as a smokers disease. That just saying DON'T SMOKE on TV ads is not enough , WE ARE LOOSING GOOD PEOPLE EVERY DAY, teachers, Mothers, Dads, etc. For the Cancer Awareness Event this thursday Oct. 6 my husband is helping making things to put on posters that we will display at the Mall. My husband asked me point blank, "what is it exactly that you want" "I will make it up for the poster" Here are some of my ideas: 1. Funding for Research to develop a reliable, reasonable cost, screening tool that can be available to everyone. 2. Funding for Research to develop chemotherapy sensitivity testing so the best chemo is used to treat the disease. 3. Funding for Research to develop less toxic Chemotherapy. 4. Funding to research less invasive types of biopsies, and surgery and the training of Doctors to perform these procedures. This would make rehabilitation easier, decrease chronic pain. 5. Public education about Lung Cancer 6. Activism , people to Raise Funds for research by organizing Walks, Runs, Golf Tournaments. 7. Large Corportations to join the fight, by donating a percentage of their profits to Lung Cancer Research. 8. At least a percentage of the Tobacco Settlements to be used for Lung Cancer Research. On the activism ribbon others said: people to know November is Lung cancer Awareness Month, We need a catchy slogan We need lung cancer to be as important in the public eye as Breast Cancer PLEASE HELP ME BY ADDING YOUR IDEAS. _________________
  4. Welcome Nikki. Wow he has mets ! I am glad you found us. What took him to the doctor? Was he having symtoms? Pain? Sometimes treatment can help make a person more comfortable even if it may not cure them. Sometimes chemo, sometimes just radiation to the mets. What ever I know when you hear the diagnosis it really puts you in shock. Your Dad is so fortunate to have you near to lend support. Please let us know how things are going. Donna G
  5. I have been working with Connie for several years now trying to get the word out about lung cancer, that it should not be just shoved aside as a smokers disease. That just saying DON'T SMOKE on TV ads is not enough , WE ARE LOOSING GOOD PEOPLE EVERY DAY, teachers, Mothers, Dads, etc. For the Cancer Awareness Event this thursday Oct. 6 my husband is helping making things to put on posters that we will display at the Mall. My husband asked me point blank, "what is it exactly that you want" "I will make it up for the poster" Here are some of my ideas: 1. Funding for Research to develop a reliable, reasonable cost, screening tool that can be available to everyone. 2. Funding for Research to develop chemotherapy sensitivity testing so the best chemo is used to treat the disease. 3. Funding for Research to develop less toxic Chemotherapy. 4. Funding to research less invasive types of biopsies, and surgery and the training of Doctors to perform these procedures. This would make rehabilitation easier, decrease chronic pain. 5. Public education about Lung Cancer 6. Activism , people to Raise Funds for research by organizing Walks, Runs, Golf Tournaments. 7. Large Corportations to join the fight, by donating a percentage of their profits to Lung Cancer Research. 8. At least a percentage of the Tobacco Settlements to be used for Lung Cancer Research. PLEASE HELP ME BY ADDING YOUR IDEAS.
  6. Just got home from work and pulled it out of the mail box. Thanks for the preview Connie, looking forward to reading it. The rest of my mail was all junk, went into the recycle bin. Donna G
  7. Donna G

    Ghost Whisperer

    Saw that show last night also. I also believe that statement. We here on earth are generally limited by time, space, our body but in the life to come----------. When I met my husband I was 20, in school etc in Boston. He wanted me to come to Minnesota with him to meet his Dad ( who had lung cancer that was discovered after a car accident). Single, in school, going to Minnesota with a guy on a trip was definitely not in the cards for me! Jay did tell his Dad about me and his Dad was happy that Jay wanted to marry me. A couple of months later in January he died. We married in September when I finished school. The strange thing is I feel in a special way that he has always been with us. You may think I am nuts but I often have "talked" to him. Believe me he was with me when years later I was diagnosed with lung cancer. Perhaps I had a special advocate on the other side, I survived.
  8. In our hospital we are required already to offer smoking cessation info to patients, we ask every patient their smoking history ( also alcohol, street drugs etc) I thought it came down from Medicare.
  9. We have a law here that stores can not sell to minors. The police have volunteer minors that go into stores and ask for cigarettes, if they sell them they are to loose there license to sell cigarettes, one year for first offense etc. Well the local Supra America Gas station ( which has a small convienence store) sold cigarettes to a minor and was caught and their license was suspended . They appealed this stating if they could not sell cigarettes they would go out of business! They got their license back! Donna G
  10. prayers going up! Donna G
  11. Thanks for the good news. Glad she is responding. Donna G
  12. The above "fee" is in addition to the $.48 per pack "tax" which raises about $171,132,000 per year. and this is a summary of the money they get from the tobacco settlement. HOUSE RESEARCH Short Subjects Elisabeth Loehrke October 2002 Minnesota’s Tobacco Settlement What is Minnesota’s tobacco settlement? In 1998 the state of Minnesota and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota settled their lawsuit against several tobacco companies and related organizations. According to the settlement, the state receives payments from tobacco companies that began in 1998 and will continue into perpetuity. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota has a separate settlement agreement. The settlement establishes three types of settlement payments. • Annual payments are deposited in the state’s general fund and are used for the general operation of state government. • One-time payments are deposited in endowments and are used for tobacco use prevention, other public health, and medical education activities, and for cash flow. • Court-administered payments are used to fund the activities of the Minnesota Partnership for Action Against Tobacco (MPAAT). The annual and one-time payments receive annual inflation adjustments and volume adjustments (based on changes in the volume of tobacco products sold in the United States, and changes in tobacco company profitability). The court-administered payments do not receive inflation or volume adjustments. The settlement also restricts tobacco companies and related organizations from engaging in certain marketing and advertising activities, requires dissolution of the Council for Tobacco Research, ensures public access to court documents and files, and requires disclosure of certain payments to lobbyists. How much are the annual payments, and how are they used? On December 31, 1999, and each year thereafter into perpetuity, the tobacco companies must make annual payments to the state. These annual payments are deposited in the state’s general fund and are used for the general operation of state government. There are no restrictions on how these payments may be used. The following table specifies the payment amounts received to date and projected payment amounts for future fiscal years. Fiscal Year Payment Amount 2000 $110.7 million 2001 $124.4 2002 $155.9 2003 $151.5 2004 $188.7 2005 $190.8
  13. Here in Minnesota we have a strong organization called MPAAT, Minnesota Partnership against Tobacco, that are organized to stop smoking in this state. They put ads on TV , dramas, that picture the a father's smoke going down the hall and strangeling his baby in the crib etc. We also have a governor who promised not to raise taxes. So he put a "fee" of $.75 per pack on cigarettes. We also won a huge suit against the tobacco companies (which they use to build state highways and the rest goes into the general fund). I hear part of that suit said Minnesota could not collect more at the expense of the tobacco companies. Well they are taking the state to court because of this "fee". The cry this morning on the TV was "We will loose $401 Billion dollars in revenue and will not be able to balance the budget!" To me that means they are counting on selling at least 534,666,666 packs of cigarettes. If they smoke a pack of cigarettes a day , 1,464,821 people , smokers in Minnesota are responsible to light up and balance our state Budget!
  14. I am so sorry for your loss. You are correct your Mom is still with you and always will be, love survives. My prayers are offered for your peace. Donna G
  15. Welcome Vicky. Is there a chance if that node was zapped that they might reconsider surgery? So far you have been so busy going to doctors, treatments, etc now after all that it does seem like you are doing nothing but-------You are really building yourself up again so you'll be in good shape. Let's face it, with 2 little kids you really need to be in good shape! Please keep us posted. Donna G
  16. I have found many many hits on the web where you have posted your information. These state you have done lots of research. I can see that your loss of your wife who originally had Ovarian cancer was very difficult for you. http://www.cancerlynx.com/pawelski.html This post goes back to 2002 What is your profession? Concerning oral chemo better than IV, you are the only one that comes up doing a google search, who makes these blanket statements. I respect the fact that you have been motivated by your loss but I still would want to read that others, as Onocologists in the teaching centers are researching and finding the results you speak of. Again, I am sorry for your loss. Donna G
  17. PS Betty there's lots of people from the Netherlands here in Minnesota. Donna
  18. Welcome Betty, already a one year plus survivor! Donna G
  19. Pancoast, yes that's right up my alley, Kasey and mhutch1366 ( MaryAnn) also had pancoast tumors. Usually they start treatment with chemo therapy and radiation, that shrinks the tumor so they can do surgery. How are Henk's PFS's ( pulmonary funtion studies) , does he have severe COPD or Emphysema. If he PFStudies are decent perhaps a second opinion is in order. Welcome to our family, please keep us posted on how Henk is doing. Donna G
  20. Donna G

    Pure Magic

    Happy, happy news. Donna G
  21. Thanks for sharing the article. At the end there seems to be some hope, and where there is HOPE -- http://i.euniverse.com/funpages/cms_con ... andles.swf great things follow. Donna G
  22. The neurontin medicine sounds like a better idea. I would be afraid of damaging the skin and breaking it down and running into new and different problems. Donna G
  23. Believe me many prayers are going up for all the victims of Katrina and Rita, mine included. Donna G
  24. Looking at the table of contents for this book I gather the author thinks that cancer is caused by parasites and metal fillings in your teeth. Well 25 yrs ago many would have laughed at stomach ulcer being caused by a germ ( H. pylori ) and cured with antibiotics. Somehow with all the modern tests we have today it seems all too simple to me. Donna G
  25. Now that is so sad. Breast feeding is so good for babies. I guess if their Mom smokes the bottle could be better.
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