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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. I am so sorry. His fight is over and he is at peace. I pray that you and your family. Donna G
  2. Glad it went well and you are home safe and sound. Thanks for the update. Donna G
  3. In recent times chemo for Stage I is recommended because of "micrometastasis" they are unable to see on pathology at surgery. I think you made a wise decision. Keep us posted. Donna G
  4. Hi, welcome. Sounds like you are giving great care. Laughter, diversion therapy are also needed and lots of prayers. Many times after chemo treatments people are down staged because they have a great response. Keep us posted. Donna G
  5. Donna G

    Oddly Happy Day

    Happy you had a good day! I do believe however that you sent those storms north, they arrived after dinner with some hail! and lightning. The dogs and I were safe and sound in the house. My husband called from Reno, he's on a business trip , and said no rain there , he got in 18 holes of golf! Donna G
  6. Prayers of thanksgiving going up! Wonderful news. Donna G
  7. Hello, I love your handle! Hope and Strength! I also am an RN. All I knew really about lung cancer was it was pretty scarry. Believe me the past 7 yrs I have learned a lot! I was wiped out with chemo and radiation but even just the emotions of it all could have done that also. The meds they gave me ( Zophran, decadron, reglan etc) really kept me out of big trouble. I was just exausted, ready for a nap 2-3 times a day that is if I had time with all the travel, and treatments , tests, and doctor appointments. Now it seems every week at the hospital I run into someone with lung cancer. I pray I can help them as I was helped. Please keep us posted and perhaps when you get the details correct you can post a bio at the end of your signature. Again welcome. Donna G
  8. Donna G

    My dad

    Nicky , I am so sorry for your loss, I offer my prayers that you and your family find peace. Donna G
  9. Bunny, welcome, I am so glad you found us. This is a tough disease, tough on everyone, the patient the family , the friends. Please read , let us know what is going on, keep us posted. Soon you will be able to put a little note at the end of your profile with your Moms history so we have that to refer to to make an informed reply. Also , whatever religion, God will listen to your prayers. Pray for your Mom. Donna G
  10. I noticed that your history says you had Cisplatin and VP16. So did I. After surgery I had a second go round with them and developed neuropathy from "toxicity" so he did not give me the last week of chemo. I have also decreased reflexes in my feet as well as changes in my ablilty to sense (touch etc) with my feet. It just makes me wonder if it is the irradiation or the chemo. Donna G
  11. Wow! Sounds great. I have heard of people who had surgery sort of by mistake . After pathology came back that it was small cell. Love to hear more. Donna G
  12. This pill is suppose to help you quit smoking painlessly in 6 weeks. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/03/ ... 8598.shtml Donna G
  13. http://www.lung-cancer.uk.com/david-piercy.htm Connie , is that the same? Donna G
  14. Connie! This is my weekend to work! Yuck. Wish I could come , Donna
  15. Last night my husband and myself went to the annual fundraiser for Spike who races cars. It is a great dinner,music and they sell chances etc. Spike announced that he and his car sponsor were donating some of the money to Ovarian cancer research. Two women there jumped up in joy! They knew someone with Ovarian Cancer. Now 25,000 women a year are diagnosed with this cancer and it is very sneaky so generally like lung cancer it is in late stages when it is diagnosed so 16,000 die a year. It seemed the group at this party were all heavy smokers many were women. I was so tempted to tell someone this group should sponsor lung cancer research for this will affect more of them. Donna G
  16. http://www.oncolink.com/conferences/art ... 84&id=1210 http://www.sciencedaily.com/upi/index.p ... tatins.xml Donna G
  17. Donna G

    Do you know Him?

    I agree! Donna G
  18. 81 new members this month as of today. Welcome to all. I hope we get to hear what brought you here and if we can help. Donna G
  19. Hi Daffodils. Your post was beautiful. I am so sorry that you have lost him but we know he is in a better place. It is still so hard for those left behind. He was so lucky to have such a wonderful gathering of his loved ones as a send off. Thanks for sharing it with us. Donna G
  20. Donna G

    Memorial Day

    As you see I grew up on the east coast, Boston. At nearly every intersection a sign was put up that looked like a street sign but would say " John Wade Square" or " Michael O'Brian Square". On the corner across from my house the sign had the name of a boy who had grown up on my street who had died in the military during the Korean war. All the signs were servicemen who had died in service of their country. On Memorial Day all the signs had fresh flower wreaths put on them by the Veterans of Foreign Wars organization. Donna G
  21. I just want to say welcome. Please keep us posted on how things are going. Donna G
  22. Bill, welcome. I hope that your spot is just a "nodule" which I hear are faily common but if it is cancer sounds like it might be early. Early is a good thing. Please let us know how your tests come out. Donna G
  23. You have made a wonderful website and it sounds like you will really honor your Mother's memory with all your hard work. It is great. Donna G
  24. Hello fellow New Englander! Welcome. Remember it is another great day to be alive! Glad you found us. Donna G
  25. Wow! I sure didn't know we had an advocate representative! I pray that they get it ALL with this surgery. Perhaps he should have chemo. Whatever! I sure hope he does well. Donna G
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