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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Shelly, you and your family are in my prayers. Donna G
  2. Wow, so proud of you! Let us know what happens at the meeting. Donna G
  3. Hi Wendy. Welcome. Wonder if you live close to the Twin Cities? We would love to meet you at our "face to face' support group at Regions Hospitial in St. Paul. THis is tough to go through, we all need support. Glad you found us. Donna G
  4. Donna G


    At the hospital we wait for people to "blow wind", "pass flatus", "expell gas". Just last week one of my patients told me on the school bus they called it "fluffing" I hope this problem will pass like blowing in the wind. Donna G
  5. Saw that on the news . Sounds very interesting as a screening tool. A lot easier than training poodles and having them in a clinic sniffing everyone up. Thanks , Donna G
  6. Dee, welcome. Perhaps your doctor figured that you would be one of the survivors , so why worry you with statistics. Believe me there are survivors, I am one of them . This month it is 7 yrs since I finished my therapy. So glad you joined us as a survivor. Those signing on new need to hear stories like yours. Again, welcome. Donna G
  7. Great job Gail! Thanks so much. Donna G
  8. I too had these drugs with radiation. My big problems were being tired and bald with hot flashes. On the flip side it killed the tumor so it was well worth it. Best wishes. Donna G
  9. Great news Cindy. Let's celebrate! Donna G
  10. Thinking postitive thoughts for you Kasey! Donna G
  11. It will be a couple more weeks before we see Connie. She has an appointment with the doctor the end of the month so I know she will be coming. Boy I bet she misses the grandkids. Donna G
  12. http://theoncologist.alphamedpress.org/ ... ll/4/5/398 Scroll down, they diagram ANTERIOR approaches. I thought this was interesting. How many of us have an incision other than the smiley down our back? Donna G
  13. Yesterday I went to the Mayors Cancer Awareness planning meeting. It will be in October at the Burnsville Mall , 4-8 in the evening. They want 3 Panels to discuss Cancer Prevention, Living with Cancer, Cancer Recovery. They hope to have this in a vacant store. We will have tables at the entrance for support group and they can give out literature. We will have "vendors" they will pay for tables near the food court. They are asking local businesses for cash, in return their name will be on flyers mailed out, in newspaper ads etc. It will also be advertised at the Relay for Life. I am to help by contacting support groups and getting them to participate. Much to do! I know that Lung Cancer will not be the "main event" but if we make our table interesting , and helpful we will have a voice with a huge audience! I sat beside the Mayor on my left. On my right was the president of the hospital that I work at and she said " Haven't I seen you before?" and I replied , I think so, I work at the hospital. I found on the web there are support group around here for caregivers too. I will ask them to come. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Donna G
  14. Donna G

    He's gone...

    Summer I pray for you , that you will have peace . I am so sorry for your loss. Donna G
  15. Welcome, Tell us more. Donna G
  16. I agree. Janet, one of our local survivors, goes once a week to the cancer center. She is more than 5 yrs NED of SCLC! I am sure just her presents is powerful to those going through their Chemo. Looking at a survivor , wow! It is documented also that the volunteer gets a lot from this experience also. Donna G
  17. Hi Dawn and welcome. For the 3rd opinion, why not click above on Ask the Experts, give them the diagnosis, stage, what each of the doctors recommended and see what they think. Keep us posted. Donna G
  18. Donna G

    update on Mom

    Shirley, you and your Mom continue to be in my prayers. Donna G
  19. Hi Shirley, why don't you try ASK the EXPERTS. I am sre they could tell you the info you need to know about colon testing and checking for mets. You are in my prayers , it is so difficult to be so far away from your Mom at this time. Donna G
  20. Too bad they do not have a link to this site in their list of resources. Donna G
  21. Baby coming. Happy news! Thanks for sharing. Donna G
  22. Donna G

    coffee beans

    Wow, I love it, thanks so much! Donna G
  23. Donna G

    Calf Pain?

    CAll his doctor and tell him what is going on. Could be dehydration, also risk of clots is high with cancer . Donna G
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