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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. O! I'm late! sure hope you had a Happy Birthday Joanie. But alas, "today is another great day to be alive" ( quoted) Donna G
  2. That was a little depressing. I still wonder if that Dr. in Michigan is guessing that he has NSCLC and what stage ,if no one is talking, how does he know? Also saying long distance his prognosis and all by guessing that he has lost weight and his voice is hoarse? I for one had lost weight ,started with chemo and radiation and I am NED now! I pray that is the case with Peter also. Donna G.
  3. Great news. Glad all is well. Rest, relax, life is too short to not enjoy all you can. Donna G
  4. Anemia, boy never would have thought that was "good " news but after reading your post it sure sounds like good news to me now. Donna G
  5. Well this is one time when fat sounds good! So happy for you. Donna G
  6. Wow, what a wonderful idea and how kind of you to share it with others so they could wish their Mom "Happy Mothers Day". Donna G
  7. Welcome Michael. Sure glad you found us. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Donna G
  8. Welcome! Boy your new Onc appointment is this week. Please let us know what he says. I am so glad you found us. Donna G
  9. It was this season ( Easter Season) that I came "back" to church and Mass. They sang this song and I really felt that He was speaking to me, from Hosea. [“HOSEAâ€
  10. Welcome Lars. So sorry to hear you have lung cancer too. I remember in nursing school the doctors smoked at the nurses station! As students we were told we could not smoke in uniform because the odor might make our patients get upset stomachs. That was in the late 60's. Boy have things changed since then! I hope we can be of help. Keep us posted. Donna G
  11. So sorry, prayers going up for a speedy recovery. Donna G
  12. Donna G

    Crash & Burn

    Sandy, I am so sorry for the "crash". Perhaps an angel wispered in the surgeons ear and he couldn't ignore what he heard. My prayers that all decisions are the right ones. Donna G
  13. Donna G

    My Mom is gone

    I am so sorry for your loss of your Mom. I offer my prayers for your peace and that of the family. Donna G
  14. Donna G

    My good news

    Wonderful! Thanks so much for the update and the "uplifting" note. It resounds of "giving hope" to all of us. Donna G
  15. I am so sorry for your loss. I pray for your peace. Please hang around here and grieve, tell your story. We have at least one member who did survive after a heroic fight with Mesothelioma. She was only 26 yrs old when diagnosed. She is not on this board too often but she is very active with the cause for Mesothelioma awareness. Do a search for "jodi page". She lives here in Minnesota. Welcome Lenda. Donna G
  16. Donna G

    Hot Diggity!

    Happy News! Don't we just hate that panic stage! We can't seem to help it when we hear those words, growth, nodules, change. Thank Goodness when investigated most are "nothing to worry about" Donna G
  17. Donna G

    The Mountain Song

    You have asked where and who was listening. The continuing education program for Onocology Nurses "Lung Cancer: Exploring the Continuum of Care" was held in the International Room at Fairview Southdale Hospital here in the Twin Cities. There were over 100 nurses there who care for us in hospitals, clinics, assist at radiation sites. The Program included - Dr Rousey....Overview of Lung Cancer Dr. Jacque.....Diagnosing, Staging, Treatment of Lung Cancer:The role of the Thoracic Surgeon. Dr Andrade....Minimally Invasive Surgery in Lung Cancer. Dr. Kratzke...Treatment for Locally Advanced Lung Cancer Dr Diaz....Radiation Therapy for Brain Metastases: Whole Brain RT&/or Radiosurgery. Also these RNs spoke Teri Kast..Management of Obstructive Endobronchial Lesions Michele O'Brien....Malignant Pleural Effusions and Dr Fu spoke of Smoking Cessation. Last 2:45 there was the Survivor presentation myself, a neat guy W. Bill who was 77, Stage IV and a 27 month survivor who never smoked and is in the Guenise Book of Records for running a marathon on all continents including Antartica! He says he was exposed to diesel fumes for over 40 years, and a women who quit smoking 20 yrs ago, and after an open and close surgery and being told by the surgeon to get her affairs in order for she was going to be dead , went for a 2nd opinion, 7 yrs ago , had chemo, surgery and now is friends with NED! After we summarized our stories they asked questions, then W. Bill sang " Leroy Brown"! Bet that was more than you wanted to know, o well, it was great. Donna G
  18. I did a google search and there's a lot of hits about it. Laura Bush Smokes She's so busted-- USA Today article, noting her past smoking until 'about 8 years ago'--the article is from 2000, so the quitting nicely coincides with her husbands gubernatorial run. http://smartypants.typepad.com/ I am in some ways surprised, but Connie don't we know the nicest grammer school teacher we lost last year to lung cancer? We all know many very nice , good people, even nurses ( huh, huh,) who were addicted to cigarettes. Donna G
  19. Donna G

    The Mountain Song

    Yesterday was such a GREAT DAY . I was on the panel of lung cancer survivors! We had brkfast, several doctors speaking on lung cancer , lunch, several nurses speaking on lung cancer, vendors with lots of free give away stuff, then I and two other survivors got to share our story and answer question. I brought home a vcr tape on survivorship. At the end was this song, so hopeful and inspiring. Hope you enjoy. Love to find it for you with the peppy music http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/vertical ... nsong.html Donna G another site: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/v/vertical-h ... 44026.html
  20. Can't draw blood work from a PICC, can from an accessed port.
  21. Best wishes, prayers going up for a speedy recovery. Donna G
  22. Donna G

    Good news

    "Showing nothing" Boy that is like music! Happy news! Thanks for sharing. Donna G
  23. Deb , just want to join with all the others and welcome you to our community. Keep us posted. Donna G
  24. First want to say welcome. I had NSCLC and had chemo and radiation before surgery (and after). When they did surgery I asked about the tumor and they said all that was left was scar tissue. Now they even have more choices for chemo then 7 yrs ago. Wishing and praying all goes well. It is a good thing to have chemo after surgery those old stats say, increasing survival by killing any little stray cells that are too small to find on xray before they grow. I would advise your Mom to go for it! Keep us posted . Donna G
  25. Heather, it continues ! Just this weekend on a local station,the guy was reviewing new movies. He said he had to give a low rating to a movie that he liked because the leading character played by Amanda Peet smoked all through the movie, he thought it was not necesary for the character, it was a star that young girls look up too , and she was setting such a bad example. The movie was "A Lot Like Love". I have not seen it, but the tobacco industry was undoubtedly sponsoring its production, that's how they get to the kids since they can't "advertise" to them. Donna G
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