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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. When they did my surgery ( after chemo and radiation) they said all that was left was scar tissue, I don't know why that couldn't be true for you. So hurry, get ready to fly away , out of harms way of Frances. Donna G
  2. Praying for a safe flight to Georgia. I really know what you mean about the pouch. I never could leave my Sally or Rocky behind. Donna G
  3. Donna G


    Tammy I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I am glad for you that you had that special time before she left us. My prayers are for you and your family for peace. Donna G
  4. Well not every one around here is up to going to the fair. For sure coming are Connie B and grandaughter, Sandy , Jennifer , perhaps her Mother, and Me. Please come if you can . Again, 10 AM at KARE 11, 11 AM at KSTP, and 12 at WCCO. Sandy and I made "Signs on a Stick" to wave. Each side says " WE SURVIVED LUNG CANCER-THE LEADING CANCER KILLER" Sandy glued paint stiring sticks in the center for the "stick' People up here all know at the fair everything comes on a stick, pork chop on a stick, corn dog on a stick etc. We are all wearing the blue Lung Cancer Awareness tea shirt. Wish us well, hope we at least get noticed. Donna G
  5. Sounds like great news. Thanks for the update. Praying that she continues healing quickly every day better and better. Donna G
  6. Welcome Mona. Prayers going up for your husband. Is he working full time? Most of us get soooooooooo tired from treatment. Most of us need antidepressents also . Please keep us posted. Donna G
  7. > >Jeff Foxworthy on Minnesota > >If you consider it a sport to gather your food by drilling through 18 >inches of ice and sitting there all day hoping that the food will swim by, you >might live in Minnesota. > >If you're proud that your state makes the national news 96 nights each year >because International Falls is the coldest spot in the nation, you might >live in Minnesota. > >You know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter and road >construction. > >If you have ever refused to buy something because it's "too spendy", you >might live in Minnesota. > >If your local Dairy Queen is closed from November through March, you might >live in Minnesota. > >If someone in a store offers you assistance, and they don't work there, you might live in Minnesota. > >If your dad's suntan stops at a line curving around the middle of his >forehead, you might live in Minnesota. > >If you have worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you might live in >Minnesota. > >If your town has an equal number of bars and churches, you might live in >Minnesota. > >If you know how to say Wayzata, Mahtomedi, Edina and Shakopee, you might >live in Minnesota. > >If you think that ketchup is a little too spicy, you might live in >Minnesota. > >Vacation" means going up north past Brainerd for the weekend. > >You measure distance in hours. > >You know several people who have hit deer more than once. > >You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day and back again. > >You can drive 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, >without flinching. > >You see people wearing hunting clothes at social events. > >You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both >unlocked. > >You think of the major food groups as beer, fish, and venison. > >You carry jumper cables in your car and your girlfriend knows how to use >them. > >There are 7 empty cars running in the parking lot at Mill's Fleet Farm at >any given time. > >You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit. > >Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow. > >You can identify a southern or eastern accent. > >You consider Minneapolis exotic. > >Your idea of creative landscaping is a statue of a deer next to your blue >spruce. > > Down South to you means Iowa. > >A brat is something you eat. > >You go out to fish fry every Friday. > >You find 0 degrees "a little chilly." > >You actually understand these jokes, and you forward them to all your >Minnesota friends. >
  8. How close to the coast are you? How many feet above sea level? How strong is the structure that you live in? Do you like camping and roughing it? When we went through Hurricane Frederick, on the Gulf Coast we were in a house on a water in a marshy bay but 17 feet above sea level. No major damage thank goodness but even still, no water to drink or flush or wash for about 2 weeks. No air conditioning, no lights, no TV no electricity for about 2 weeks. Plenty of barbequeing, eating food as it defrosted, lots of yard work, washing off in the Gulf water carefully watching for snapping turtles. We were at friends house in Mobile during the storm, fearing being so close to the Gulf. Praying for your safety. Donna G
  9. Never took Iressa, but like the rest was on Cisplatin ( or any Platin) which can cause neuropathy . Again like others it improved after finishing chemo, but never has completely gone away. I don't fall anymore but sensations are out of whack with my feet and very exagerated. I try to ignore them and keep them happy as best I can. Donna G
  10. Thanks for sharing. Sorry to hear he has joined our club. I liked his characters he played. Hope the decision not to do chemo isn't because of the new series. Many of us have read about micrometastasis , undetectable at surgery but show up even before the first year of survival is over. Donna G
  11. Prayers going up . Please let us know what is going on and how he is doing. Donna G
  12. Listen , I was thinking about the Minnesota State Fair. The news channels are all there. Kare 11, WCCO, KSTP. If a crowd of us sat there this wednesday September 1st and we have blue lung cancer awareness shirts, If I made a poster to attract attention, perhaps we could get air time to bring attention to those of us affected by lung cancer, how we need research funding, how we are real people, mothers, nurses, teachers , neighbors, will you come? Let me know and what size you take if you need a shirt. Connie says she has more. After who knows we could have a dog on a stick together and meet and chat. The Kare 11 news I believe starts at 10 am, then KSTP at 11 , and WCCO at noon. Let me know. Donna G
  13. Renee, prayers going up for Scott , for you , and for the whole family that this time together will be special and all will find peace. Donna G
  14. Hi, I had pancoast tumor, Took Cisplatin, and VP16, and daily radiation. I took Cisplatin only once a week on Mondays but VP16 5 times a week. It was a while ago. I did this for part of December and January. Then mid Feb I did have my right upper lobe removed, they said there was no tumor left , only scar tissue. In March I resumed the Cisplatin and VP16 until in April because of the development of neuropathy I missed the last sheduled week. I did not have face problems, only pain in chest and shoulder . Mary Ann , I believe ended up having to have several ribs removed also . I don't remember her having face pain. That tumor does press on blood vessels and nerves though. Hope you start getting into a schedule that gives you a better sleeping pattern. Is there any chance that someone else could drive him? People from my church were great for me On Cisplatin day they did drive, in the evening my husband came after work and picked me up. Keep us posted Donna G
  15. Prayers for you and your family for peace, so sorry to hear you have lost your father. Donna G
  16. Was glad to hear you were busy preparing for a race but it is still great that you took time to check in with us. Best of luck. Sitting on the edge of my chair cheering you on! Donna G
  17. Connie just called and asked me to tell you that she won't be on line til either Monday or Tuesday. Her computer is sick with a virus and had to go in to get a "patch" , some kind of a back door virus. So she has a good excuse not to have asked for a hall pass from Ry. She will up date you then I hope on her grandson and his implant for hearing. Donna G
  18. depending on where the tumor is and how big, she may qualify for surgery by VATS . It is done with a minimally invasive surgery, ( no broken ribs etc) Small incision, and the tumor is removed by scope, home in a few days, much easier recoup. Why not ask. Donna G
  19. Yes, CLEAN , that is very nice to hear. congrats Donna G
  20. Cindy, what do you sing when you are having a colonoscopy? Did you get the name of the tune? Just wondering. Donna G
  21. Donna G

    lung nodules

    Well tomorrow I have a follow up CT scheduled for 10 am CST. You know the drill, nothing by mouth for 3 hrs ahead, take a deep breath, hold it, etc then go home and wait for the results. Last one they said I had 2 nodules in my left lower lung. Originally I had a "golf" ball in the apex of my right upper lung. That was nearly 7 years ago. Well I just searched to read about nodules, you know to find the odds etc and found this long but informative article. I get from it there is a 60 % chance it is benign. http://www.postgradmed.com/issues/1997/ ... illing.htm Hope you find it interesting. Donna G
  22. It is common to have mets to the adrenal glands, they sit on the kidneys. I guess if it can get to them , I don't know why it couldn't get to the kidneys. Wish I could help more. Donna G
  23. Mandy, I am sad to say that blood clots are all too common when you have cancer. Some people find out they have cancer because they have clots. You say your Mom has an umbrella to catch clots, how long ago did she get it, or when was it that she found she needed it? It is said that if clots are caused by cancer that the best treatment is heparin, not coumadin. Please keep us posted. Donna G John gave us this address and info http://www.thedoctorwillseeyounow.com/a ... cer/hep_4/
  24. Thanks. So often we ask for things or help, but so seldom we express the gratitude that we should. Thanks for reminding me how much I have to be thankful for. Donna G
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