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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Rich, you have got to believe and know that you CAN live without cigarettes. Periodically , something will trigger your addiction, the smell, watching a commercial, "doing your taxes" but during those moments when you hear from inside your head that you must have a cigarette to get through the moment, you have to believe that it is a lie, it is the addiction, it is not real, it is not the truth, and try to just get busy doing something else. Gradually these "feelings" will get less and less often. They say the addiction to nicotine is stronger than cocaine but it is NOT stronger than your will to live. Donna G
  2. Keep us up dated Connie. By the way , I don't remember you talking about being able to sign so much. I go at a particular time on Sunday to church because it is signed. I love it. I can hear and see the words. Did you know that a baby can understand sign and "speak " it long before they are able to talk? Again we now all want to hear what happens thursday. Donna G
  3. Heard this on TV, found this article. It is long, and they are looking for volunteers to donate their expelled " breath" http://www.poodlehistory.org/PGUIDE4.HTM Donna G
  4. Donna G

    David P.

    Boy that race will be coming up pretty quick. Praying he does well and enjoys every minute of every mile. Donna G
  5. Different parts of your brain control just about everything, personality, memory, logic, how to move your leg, arm, reflexes, breathing, heartbeat. Where a tumor is in the brain will dictate the symptoms that are possible. So as you can imagine, the possiblilities are nearly endless. With treatment , and shrinkage however the symptoms should diminish also. Donna G
  6. Hi Tracy , welcome to the family. You say he was diagnosed in June and you are awaiting Pet scans, Has he had any treatment yet? Are they looking to see if it has shrunk or what? Keep us posted. Donna G
  7. First you need to find out what the results are. Probably NSCLC if cancer. (Non Small Cell Lung Cancer) There are other sub types also. The best thing to do is get a copy of every thing and start a home file. Bring a tape recorder with you or at least some one reliable to listen to what the doctor says for it is very difficult to remember all alone. Get a not book to write questions you want to ask and to keep notes in. Keep us posted how the test goes. Donna G
  8. Hello, David P could help you a lot. We recently had a teenager with lung cancer from Ireland , sorry to say he died. In our local support group here in Minnesota we had a never smoker, 26 yr old diagnosed with Mesothilioma, she had a lung , her diaphram , etc removed about 3 yrs ago and is Ned ( No evidence of disease) Sorry to say teens and other young people do get lung cancer , thank goodness they are in much smaller numbers. Please keep us posted. Donna G PS Look under MY STORY , David P has written his story there.
  9. You say you found out he has 4 spots on his lung? Was this by chest xray or by CT scan? Did he have them biopsied? Are they on one lobe of lung? or spred in different lobes? 43 years old is much too young to just give up without a fight. Perhaps you can work on this male pride part of him. If he has not had a pet scan or ct scan or biopsy at least get these scheduled to find out for sure what you are dealing with. Is it just a nodule or is it a cancerous tumor? Please let us know how you are doing getting him motivated to find out what is going on and what options for treatment are available. Donna G
  10. I just attended a lecture at a lung cancer consortium, a GI doctor explained how he could biopsy from the inside during endoscopy, using ultrasound ( like you see babies in utero) very accurate, might be less trauma to your Dad because they would not use his airway. He may not have good enough lung capacity to have surgery , has he had any pulmonary function tests? I would think he could have chemo and radiation. Keep us posted. Donna G Here is an article http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/ ... VXJL3SpIB4
  11. When it says US commercial, educational etc Does that mean someone is at work and with the community ? as opposed to someone at home being counted separetly? Donna g
  12. Welcome, what a beautiful family. Hope we can be of some help. My husband was in the Navy for yrs and this meant we were not able to be with family at times like this. It is hard. I just want to add that a CT generally is only the begining of all the tests that are done. They do bone scans, pulmonary function tests, biopsies, etc. You generally have to meet with not only a pulmonologist, but an onocologist, and a radiation doctor. perhaps a surgeon if you are operable. Lots of tests , then a plan is set. Keep us posted. Donna G
  13. I had chemo and radiation together before they did surgery. I really didn't have any problems with the radiation, did drop WBC's from chemo. Like you say we are not all the same. Donna G
  14. What I heard was about breast cancer. Something about , if they found 5 cells the cancer was increasing. Here is an article http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ ... /TPHealth/ Heres another one of disease stage and prognosis. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/20 ... 084536.htm Here is another interesting article on blood tests for lung cancer of disease stage and prognosis. Using Immunhistochemical ... www.oncodx.org/onco/onco_v/micro.htm - 20k It would be great if they could come up with a blood test. I know Dr Maddius at the U of Mm is also working on a blood test to rule out metastatisis.
  15. Does that explain my husband telling me this AM that I knew about him golfing this evening, that he told me several times, that I even marked it on the calender. I went to my calender in the kitchen today was blank. Donna G
  16. Paige, so sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family. Donna G
  17. So sorry Ginny. I pray for you and your family for comfort and peace. Donna G
  18. Donna G

    Asking for prayers

    Prayers going up. I see that it has only been a year since all this started. On TV yesterday they were saying that post traumatic stress in the people coping with hurricane Charlie could last even 2 yrs. I venture to say that post being told you have lung cancer lasts at least 2 yrs. Emotionally it is very draining. Most of us need antidepressents, and a good support group to "talk it out" is a big help. Keep us posted. Donna G
  19. Great update! Hope he is doing well with the chemo. Also , the dogs are so cute. Donna G
  20. Hi Mike, so happy to hear that you have met NED , he is a great friend to have around. We can all appreciate that. I had VP16 and Cistplatin, with radiation, then surgery. After surgery I asked about the tumor and the doctor said all that was left was scar tissue, Scar tissue only is good too. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  21. Today is the day for that radiosurgery. We are all praying it went well and awaiting your update. Donna G
  22. Ann, welcome aboard. Looks like you were not in the path of Charlie. Thanks goodness! Keep us posted on how you and Bill are coping and responding. Donna G
  23. By the way, having been raised in Boston , I love seeing your picture Rich! I do believe that is the Boston skyline, with the Prudential tower toward the right? Isn't it? Donna G
  24. Great work Bean_ si. by the way has your signiture always been in ? German. ? I never saw that before. Donna G
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