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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Mo does that mean that all the dates change , in other words you will be here later. Let Connie and I know, there may be hope yet that we all can get together while you are here Meanwhile get better quick Donna G
  2. What are the rules for obtaining a hall pass? Just asking ahead for in the morning we are going to the lake til next Sunday. I don't want to ask too late and not get to go. Donna G
  3. Hi, can I add, You also have to believe that you can quit, believe that you can go through life without a cigarette, believe that you will actually feel better ( in a few days) without smoking. It has been 6.5 yrs since I had a cigarette and I will testify, to all of the above. Plus think of all the money I have saved ! besides my life. Donna G
  4. Welcome home! Donna G
  5. Donna G

    Trip to Biloxi

    Well you must have driven through Gautier on the way to Biloxi! I have lived twice in Gautier The first time we entertained Hurricane Frederick. The last time was calm but we still own the house down there , hoping to spend the winters golfing when we retire. Hope you had fun . Donna G
  6. I only got tired. I never got nausea or anything like that. I did loose my hair but its back. I had a couple of rounds of chemo again after surgery til my feet got numb and they stopped. Donna G
  7. You have asked a long question, yes in some cases to all of the above. My tumor was touching nerves and blood vessels so I had chemo and radiation to shrink it away from them before surgery, some tumors are in places that cannot have surgery, sometimes they treat a met like a brain tumor then decide to go back and do surgery on the lung. Some people can't have surgery because they have such poor lung capacity but they can have chemo or radiation. Sometimes it is the type of cancer as they never do surgery on Small Cell Lung Cancer because it would spread, it is however very well treated with chemo. So your question is not easy to answer, it takes good judgement by the doctors. DonnaG
  8. I am so sorry Ginny. Donna G
  9. Shirley when I was small I remember women who wore black every day for one year after loosing a loved one. It was a sign to all that they were in mourning. People don't wear black for that reason now but it doesnt change what we go through. I saw what a special couple you and Randy were. I know you miss him. It is good to look for the bright good things in life , I know Randy did, but also as he would say , be kind to yourself and give yourself permission to mourn your loss , little by little it will get better. Donna G
  10. Get an epidural. That numbs you to make you more comfortable. Welcome and keep us posted on how it goes. Donna G
  11. DonnaE, Wow You sure got a double wammy! Diagnosed with 2 different cancers in 1 month! I suppose now you have twice as much "studying" and research to do too! Stage IV means they found mets, you did not mention where they found it or is it in bothe lungs? What is the plan now? Let us know when do you get the results of the CT. I also am a health care worker but never worked in onocology so I had a huge learning curve. Please keep us posted on your progress and Welcome! Donna G
  12. I have no idea if anything will change the outcome of your Mom , but I do know that if she had more tests to know for sure what is going on you would feel better about the decision. I really believe that you and your Mom need to know the results of these tests like a brain scan before you accept his "Plan" Perhaps chemo or radiation could be an option age makes no difference. As above I agree weight loss does make a difference, so get some Boost or Resource or even Carnation lnstant breakfast and be sure she is taking something frequently during the day. Keep us posted Donna G
  13. Katester, glad you found us! Welcome. We all know this first few weeks are very stressful. I was lucky , was one of the few that had pain and the tumor was touching nerves, if that is lucky! You are correct most early diagnosis is done by chance because by the time symptoms appear you have had lung cancer a long time. I was 50 when diagnosed , you are still young in my opinion at 53. It is great that you quit smoking because already your lungs are in better shape than a few months ago. I hope that your nodule is benign. If not I hope it is reasuring to know that I had to have chemo and radiation before they could do surgery ( to shrink it away from the nerve) When they did surgery they said that all that was left was dead scar tissue. I am still glad they removed it! Please keep us posted on how the test goes. If possitive most of us had a slew more tests as pulmonary function, bone scans, brain scans etc then a plan is put in place. Again welcome Donna G
  14. Thanks , great news. People are having a hard enough time with their diagnosis, it is great that they have a support group like this listed for them. There is so much good support here and lots of info. I have noticed that we are also getting such good ideas for activism! Great things going on. Donna G
  15. Donna G

    CT results :)

    Mary that sounds like GREAT NEWS . Thanks for sharing. Donna G
  16. Shelly , your Dad is in my prayers. So sorry Donna G
  17. I am not anywhere near you but that event sounds great! Donna G
  18. Something to think about. Are diesel trucks and buses in your neighborhood? http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg286.htm http://www.applesforhealth.com/traffumes1.html Donna G
  19. Andrea have you ever taken one of those tests that show your interests and talents and what career they fit? You were recently married? Dreaming of a famiily? Do you want flexible hours? Just a few things to ponder Donna G
  20. Cheryl I am so glad you were able to go and what a great idea to pass out flyers about our community here . The last couple of years I have attended The meetings of the Twin Cities Lung Cancer Consortium. I think they have me spoiled. This all day meeting is only about lung cancer. They have speakers from all over come and discuss new research, new trials, new tests for micrometastasis etc. Now I wonder if I shouldnt bring flyers to it! I do believe I am probably the only lung cancer survivor there, but they all take care of lung cancer patients. So glad you shared with us for I had hoped to get some from up here to go but it didn't work out. Donna G
  21. Can she get to the library? Most libraries I know have computers and internet access. Donna G
  22. Yes, by McGregor!!!!!! Years ago we camped at the army corp of engineers campground. But in recent years we stay at a friends cabins across the lake at Indian Point , right next to the Catholic Youth Camp. We are coming back to the cities on Sunday because I have to work on Monday the 7th!!!!!!!!!!!! 3-11:30. My husband was raised on Big Lake in Cloquet. Donna G
  23. I am impressed with the web site. Looks like you are doing a great job. Donna G
  24. Hello and welcome. Your story has a familiar ring. Breast cancer runs in my family so I am glad they are making great strides there BUT I really know that people do not realize that lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death, and the leading cause of cancer death for women. I know they do not realize how many young people who never smoked are getting lung cancer, especially women. I also know that lung cancer research is way under funded compared to other cancers. I see you picked up on that rather quickly. I hope that we can help you and support you and your Mom with this journey. Please keep us posted on how things are going. Donna G
  25. I know you are real busy but just a thought, if you can squeeze in a dental check up that would be good. After you start chemo it is not a good time to have someone in your mouth. Having nice clean gums, teeth, no cavities, etc helps . It would be nice. Donna G
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